PAF Future Acquisition Plans

China’s J-31 stealth fighter may fly in Pakistan, replacing the F-16

By Boyko Nikolov
On Jan 3, 2024

Pakistan continues to modernize its air force. Following the acquisition of 20 J-10C Vigorous Dragon and 149 JF-17 Thunder, Islamabad intends to start negotiations with Beijing for the acquisition of J-31 stealth fighters.

The acquisition plans were confirmed by Pakistan Air Chief Marshal Zahir Ahmed Babar. He said, “The groundwork has already been laid for the acquisition of the J-31 Stealth Fighter aircraft, which is all set to become part of the PAF fleet shortly.” Indian and Pakistani media have also written about Pakistan’s plans for the country to acquire a stealth fighter.

According to Indian analysts, Islamabad wants Chinese stealth fighters to replace the Pakistan Air Force’s [PAF] aging fleet of F-16s. Currently, 75 F-16 units in various modifications [F-16A, F-16B, F-16C, and F-16D] are in service with the PAF.

US F-16 pilot: Su-35 looks good at air shows, but it's junk

Photo credit: Wikipedia

Together with them, another 87 Dassault Mirage 3 and 92 Dassault Mirage 5 fighters are the core of the “older” Pakistani combat aviation. Some of these aircraft have been refurbished and are still flying. However, all of them are scheduled to be replaced by newer combat aircraft.

Such a replacement has already begun as the JF-17s are already flying as Pakistan’s plans were. As India acquired the French Dassault Rafale, Pakistan responded by acquiring 20 Chinese J-10s. Thus, to replace the aging fleet of American F-16 fighter jets, Pakistan is apparently planning for this replacement to be again a Chinese aircraft – the J-31.

Game-changer for the PAF​

China's J-31 stealth fighter may fly in Pakistan, replacing the F-16

Photo by Hunter Chen

The J-31, with its impressive stealth features and extensive striking range, has the potential to dramatically alter the role of the Pakistan Air Force [PAF] in regional power dynamics. It would significantly increase the PAF’s tactical flexibility and enable it to infiltrate deeper into enemy territory.

In sync with the planned retirement of the aging American F-16s from the Cold War epoch, the proposed deployment of the J-31 clearly signals Pakistan’s dedication to keeping its air defenses abreast with the latest technology. The shift from older aircraft to this modern, stealth-platform displays the country’s progressiveness in terms of defense technology.

However, no concrete details on the procurement timeline for the J-31s are divulged by Munir. This reticence could be attributed to ongoing dialogues with China, monetary considerations, or even the prospect of global scrutiny associated with such prominent arms purchases.

China's J-31 stealth fighter may fly in Pakistan, replacing the F-16

Photo credit: Chinese Internet

Even in the absence of a definite schedule for the acquisition, the mere mention of the J-31 sheds light on Pakistan’s strategic intentions. The country is visibly concentrated on affording its airspace with cutting-edge security technology, reinforcing its intent to remain a dominant actor in the region.

The speculation of the J-31 making its way to Pakistan has managed to attract substantial attention within the defense circles. It stirs conjecture about its repercussions on regional stability and the India-Pakistan arms competition. Still, the actual prospect of this acquisition remains shrouded in uncertainty.

The J-31​

China is not quick to speculate on such claims, although it has apparently held talks with Pakistan about such an acquisition. However, uncertainty surrounding the J-31 continues to linger in the public eye, especially as China provides little information about the aircraft’s characteristics.

There are some well-known, albeit questionable, facts about the Shenyang J-31. For instance, the maximum take-off weight of the J-31 has reportedly increased from 25,000 kg to 28,000 kg. The Shenyang Aircraft Corporation has verified that the J-31 engine has been upgraded to the WS-19, offering a more significant thrust of 12 tons, compared to the previous WS-13 engine with a 9-ton thrust.

Despite being smaller, the J-31 is often compared to the Chengdu J-20. The adoption of twin-wheel nose landing gear sparked conjecture that the J-31 was designed to be a carrier-based fighter. Bill Sweetman points to various improvements mirrored from the F-35C design files, suggesting that the Chinese may have gleaned inspiration from the same. However, analyst David Bignell makes a case for the J-31 being more akin to the F-22, noting the likenesses in platform, form, aerodynamics, and airframe configuration.

The J-31 boasts two internal weapons bays, each capable of securing two medium-range missiles. Each wing carries two heavy hardpoints and one light hardpoint, with an additional light hardpoint fitted over the F-35’s capacity. However, it falls short of the F-35’s ability to equip a centerline gunnery or jamming pod.

Despite these specifications, AVIC officials noted significant usage of additive manufacturing on the aircraft, which resulted in a 50% decrease in components compared to similar aircraft. One noteworthy consequence of this manufacturing process is that the resultant airframe can’t be disassembled, meaning the static test frame needs to be transported in its entirety.

Pakistan is also looking at the KAAN​

In August of 2023, Yasar Güler, the Defense Minister of Turkey, made an exciting announcement. According to Güler, Pakistan is potentially on the verge of participating in the KAAN national combat aircraft program, as an agreement is close to being inked.

Intriguingly, Güler highlighted the silver lining that emerged from the refusal of the US to supply Turkey with the F-35. He stressed that this apparent roadblock stimulated Turkey to develop its own aircraft, resulting in the birth of the KAAN project. This particular aircraft not only testifies to Turkey’s remarkable skills but is also drawing the attention of nations friendly to Turkey who express avid interest in the project. Güler went on to add, “We have a signed agreement with Azerbaijan, and several other nations, including Pakistan, are expressing significant interest.”

i think induction is still 5-7 years away although PAF would be primary customer.
Depends on what you mean by induction. IOC will be two, three years IMO, if the Chiefs statements are taken at face value.
FOC, yes 2030 or there abouts.
we dont get in bed or sell owr soul as a nation for weapons SIR .... we get them buy paying HARD CASH and dont indulge in REVERSE ENINEERING thats why be it USA-UK-FRANCE-SWEDEN-ISAREL or RUSSIA all sell there latest stuff to us while none sells the same to china nor do they donate it to pakistan

secondly we are already in process of proptotype fabrication state for the homegrown AMCA and been working with russian for more than a decade for its T50/FGFA and americans are pressuring us to buy there F35 L II so dont worry for us we will get it as and when we need it .. right now we are in no hurry ...cheers mate
No one is denying India's efforts, but will it be able to put up a decent frontline 5th Gen airplane in numbers in the next 20 years? Unlikely, even the Europeans do not have such an ambitious timeframe, basically only 2 countries on earth that can do this, China and US. Does J-31 use stoeln tech in order to leapfrog time and development budgets? Yes, Chinese were very good at this, and no one but US really cares, what matters is a front line 5th Gen jet in the hands of a country's pilots.

I am not your mate

Pakistan is also looking at the KAAN​

In August of 2023, Yasar Güler, the Defense Minister of Turkey, made an exciting announcement. According to Güler, Pakistan is potentially on the verge of participating in the KAAN national combat aircraft program, as an agreement is close to being inked.

Intriguingly, Güler highlighted the silver lining that emerged from the refusal of the US to supply Turkey with the F-35. He stressed that this apparent roadblock stimulated Turkey to develop its own aircraft, resulting in the birth of the KAAN project. This particular aircraft not only testifies to Turkey’s remarkable skills but is also drawing the attention of nations friendly to Turkey who express avid interest in the project. Güler went on to add, “We have a signed agreement with Azerbaijan, and several other nations, including Pakistan, are expressing significant interest.”

Pakistan is still weighing their choices.
No one is denying India's efforts, but will it be able to put up a decent frontline 5th Gen airplane in numbers in the next 20 years? Unlikely, even the Europeans do not have such an ambitious timeframe, basically only 2 countries on earth that can do this, China and US. Does J-31 use stoeln tech in order to leapfrog time and development budgets? Yes, Chinese were very good at this, and no one but US really cares, what matters is a front line 5th Gen jet in the hands of a country's pilots.

I am not your mate
im not your mate either just wrote it


point is India dose not makes its decission just cause china is doing this and pakistan is doing thaat

So what happened to project "Azm" and its super duper lazers going "pew pew pew"?! :ROFLMAO:
So what happened to project "Azm" and its super duper lazers going "pew pew pew"?! :ROFLMAO:

As we had predicted, project Azm was always a tall order. It is a good thing they have realised this and stopped wasting time/resources.
Unless you work in CATIC or PAC or PAF, you have no special knowledge and if you did you wouldn't be able to share it.
Well, it seems i'm 2 for 2 for info I gathered up. Not bad for someone who doesn't work for either the Organizations you mentioned above. And I ended up sharing it on [PDF 1.0]..., twice - for all to read.
Great. I know several aviation journalists who broke one story and had no idea of an other.
Well, i'm no Journalist, but judging by the ones you know couldn't hit water if they fell off a boat.
I wouldn't be surprised if PAF went for both the Turkish and Chinese option.
KAAN will replace our F-16s whereas a Chinese 5th gen fighter will replace our JF-17s and J-10s.
KAAN will replace our F-16s whereas a Chinese 5th gen fighter will replace our JF-17s and J-10s.

KAAN will have very little to no chance till Turkish Engine is in serial production, and this is a decade away to happen.

Secondly, neither of our JF17s or F16s/J10Cs will be going anywhere until at least 2040-50....
KAAN will replace our F-16s whereas a Chinese 5th gen fighter will replace our JF-17s and J-10s.

We've just inducted the J-10s, they'll be around for a considerable time.

Begs the question, how will Pakistan afford both platforms? And given the PAF's apparent dissatisfaction with the ZDK-03, what's to say the J-31 won't end up being the same? But then again, the same risk applies to the KAAN, it's not as if Turkey has a long distinguished history of developing fighters, let alone fifth gen.
KAAN will replace our F-16s whereas a Chinese 5th gen fighter will replace our JF-17s and J-10s.

J10C will eventually replace the F7PG in the AD role. JF17 Blk I might also supplement it.
And given the PAF's apparent dissatisfaction with the ZDK-03, what's to say the J-31 won't end up being the same?
Lets not look at ZDK-03 in 2024. Look at it in 2008/9. When we had zero, count it, zero AEW. Despite its many problems, it gave us an AEW which is infinitely better than not having it. Just because we are glad to see the back of it, doesn't mean the induction was a mistake.
In the same vein, we have no other prospect for a fifth gen fighter any reasonable timeframe.

Look at what we did with the Z10, going after the vapourware of AH-1Z and T-129, rather than the flawed but available platform.
Lets not look at ZDK-03 in 2024. Look at it in 2008/9. When we had zero, count it, zero AEW. Despite its many problems, it gave us an AEW which is infinitely better than not having it. Just because we are glad to see the back of it, doesn't mean the induction was a mistake.
In the same vein, we have no other prospect for a fifth gen fighter any reasonable timeframe.

Look at what we did with the Z10, going after the vapourware of AH-1Z and T-129, rather than the flawed but available platform.

You've just described the situation we had in 2008/09 regarding AWACS to today's problem of lack of options for fifth gen?! We have ZERO fifth gen now, and therefore we're going for the ONLY option we have?! reminds you of something?

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