PAF Future Acquisition Plans

I said stop with petty stuff.

McDonnel Douglas.
Lockheed Martin.

Pakistan should have such private companies which can also flourish the civil side of things, as everything significant is military owned.
Addressing the main point isn't petty, it is literally the entire purpose of this conversation.

If you don't want to have this conversation, just say so.
Lets say, while J-31 was maturing over years, why didnt any Pakistani aeronautical company come up with solid proposals for a stealth version of JFT ?
Wt aeronautical company....their is no aeronautical company in the true sense of the word.....
Reason is simple aa their is no investment for R&D any where.....the only one that has the potential to come close ie PAC is being run by idiots....who don't let talent n ideas flourish n the result is ur best n brightest leave for greener pastures.
So anyone coming up stealth version let alone blue prints for a biplane is a non starter.
I said stop with petty stuff.

McDonnel Douglas.
Lockheed Martin.

Pakistan should have such private companies which can also flourish the civil side of things, as everything significant is military owned.
Wt private companies.......its a freaking rat race in a crab basket.
To such an extent that for the last few years in the IK govt. the real estate sector was thriving......most of our big industrialists shut down their plants n invested big in real aa they were late to the party so most have lost big time with the down turn in the real estate sector.

I told you guys since the inception of the J-31 that it would be the go to 5th gen aircraft for the Paf.

The supposed program that the Paf announced for its own 5th gen aircraft was just a smoke screen / a deception---and I had told you the same thing about it then---.

Own 5th gen never met the criteria of engineering capability and provess of the Paf---so for me---that was a non issue---.

Basically its purpose was to divert the attention of the opponents away from the real target aircraft---and it had succeeded---. Only fools / illiterates would have believed that Paf was capable of manufacturing its own 5th gen---.

This news has really really blown the lid of the pressure cooker---the shockwave would be reverberating thru the halls of the opponents air force---.

So---people---what a welcome surprise by the Paf---" blown it up sky high ".

I told you guys since the inception of the J-31 that it would be the go to 5th gen aircraft for the Paf.

The supposed program that the Paf announced for its own 5th gen aircraft was just a smoke screen / a deception---and I had told you the same thing about it then---.

Own 5th gen never met the criteria of engineering capability and provess of the Paf---so for me---that was a non issue---.

Basically its purpose was to divert the attention of the opponents away from the real target aircraft---and it had succeeded---. Only fools / illiterates would have believed that Paf was capable of manufacturing its own 5th gen---.

This news has really really blown the lid of the pressure cooker---the shockwave would be reverberating thru the halls of the opponents air force---.

So---people---what a welcome surprise by the Paf---" blown it up sky high ".
For imediate induction yes your are correct that J31 is the choice but there is no smoke screen for our own 5th Gen jet we are collaborating with Turkish brothers.
Has anyone looked at the timing of this announcement? Given PAF's resources and it's current situation with other platforms, can the "near future" be any less than 6-7 years(i.e. into the 2030's)? Or maybe even more than that.

Was it wise or necessary to announce this now? Especially given the fact that India is nowhere near inducting anything 5th Gen and this can only spur them on.

Granted everyone obviously wants it and options are very limited but still was it necessary to announce NOW that "groundwork/foundation" has been laid, for something that MIGHT happen in future?

However Sidhu sahab is retiring in 2 months only. Is this the reason he needed to mention it NOW so that he can claim credit for 5th Gen induction work regardless of whenever it actually happens?
"hey nobody forget i laid the foundation for this". ??

I am only asking a question here and not stating a fact, but I do think personally that this was very premature on part of the helicopter/red carpet fame sidhu sahab.

What does the forum think?

@Oscar @Quwa @JamD
I 100% agree with you that if the induction is not under 2-3 years, I am not saying that Pak is getting it sooner, but may be....

I told you guys since the inception of the J-31 that it would be the go to 5th gen aircraft for the Paf.

The supposed program that the Paf announced for its own 5th gen aircraft was just a smoke screen / a deception---and I had told you the same thing about it then---.

Own 5th gen never met the criteria of engineering capability and provess of the Paf---so for me---that was a non issue---.

Basically its purpose was to divert the attention of the opponents away from the real target aircraft---and it had succeeded---. Only fools / illiterates would have believed that Paf was capable of manufacturing its own 5th gen---.

This news has really really blown the lid of the pressure cooker---the shockwave would be reverberating thru the halls of the opponents air force---.

So---people---what a welcome surprise by the Paf---" blown it up sky high ".
Thank you for properly laying the whole issue out so briefly and so clearly that even someone like me can understand.
I don't think India would commit itself to F-35 or with Russian Su 57 but would attempt to Join Fifth or Fight plus generation programs of BAE's Tempest program by UK OR Future Combat Air System by France.

It is necessary for India to avoid Technical and more importantly Political complications which could arise by adopting system either from US or Russia for their future defence needs.

Though India will keep USA engage in many domains of their defence requirements but would be a preferred choice in Logistics, Naval and domains
I don't think India would commit itself to F-35 or with Russian Su 57 but would attempt to Join Fifth or Fight plus generation programs of BAE's Tempest program by UK OR Future Combat Air System by France.

It is necessary for India to avoid Technical and more importantly Political complications which could arise by adopting system either from US or Russia for their future defence needs.

Though India will keep USA engage in many domains of their defence requirements but would be a preferred choice in Logistics, Naval and domains
This is a great point.
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Indians aren't going to get the F-35, the F-35 is reserved for treaty allies firmly in the US camp. India also operates a lot of Russian radars, sensors and other platforms, including the S-400. Plus Russia has significant links with the Indian Armed forces in addition to corruption, there is no guarantee that F-35 details would not be leaked. No to mentioned India has refused to sign several defense arrangements with the US and refuses to even host a US base, and you think they are going to get F-35s?

The only possible counter in the short term India would have is likely either Buying the Korean KF-21 or the Su-57, both of which have significant limitations regarding stealth, among other things.

India has gotten things like NSG waivers none of treaty allies have gotten.

F-35s have been flown to India for exercises
Strictly speaking it has not been officially "offered"

There is no military threat to India that compels the Indian air force to go around shopping for a black box like the f-35
In what world is Taiwan an enemy of Pakistan?

Na lehn na dehn, me wi maraje di pehn.
When and where did he say that Taiwan is Pakistan's enemy???
"You all agree that during last 60 years in Pakistan , most of Pakistani money went into pockets of men-eater establishment and Shar-Zar family. But Pak army donot want to be out from eastern enemies. Modern jet fighters and missiles will keep armyeastablishment power intact from east and west.

BUt, similarly China has solid enemies like India and Taiwan , empowered by king of west.

China knows Pakistan is a some back protection for China in the shape of Chinese arms.So China love to keep itss arsenals inside Pakistan. China has offered Pakistan J-31 ."
What happened to project Azm?
The AZM project is not just a 'Fighter Aircraft Project', but involves R&D in aviation, acquisition of expertise, expertise in indigenously producing aviation and defense equipment, production of unmanned and automated drones, etc. The AZM project is progressing towards completion at its pace and Pakistan has joined the KAAN project under the umbrella of AZM.
For imediate induction yes your are correct that J31 is the choice but there is no smoke screen for our own 5th Gen jet we are collaborating with Turkish brothers.

What will be Pakistan's contribution in the project ?
The Emiratis and Saudis each hold US bases with troops and have signed defense agreements that are quite intimate with regards to US security guarantees. Turkey is a NATO state with nuclear weapons sharing agreements and US Nuclear weapons deployed on its territory. Its infraction with the S-400 caused it to be removed from the S-400 program.

Somehow you think with refusal of US bases in India, refusal to sign CISMOA, a plethora of Russian radars and sensor system deployed, including the S-400. An SCO member on top, An intimate relationship with Russia, regarding defense cooperation, and even expansion of present cooperation, with Russian links to the Indian defense sector, that somehow you are going to be given F-35s? b/c of a glorified talk shop(thats literally what the QUAD is, its a "Security Dialogue")

India and USA have some kind of a CISMOA in place
I don't think India would commit itself to F-35 or with Russian Su 57 but would attempt to Join Fifth or Fight plus generation programs of BAE's Tempest program by UK OR Future Combat Air System by France.

It is necessary for India to avoid Technical and more importantly Political complications which could arise by adopting system either from US or Russia for their future defence needs.

Though India will keep USA engage in many domains of their defence requirements but would be a preferred choice in Logistics, Naval and domains
Anything european 5th gen will take atleast 2035 for induction and that is simply too late as by then china might have something 6th gen and if pakistan induct j31 before 2030 india will definetely go for stop gap measures but there is simply no choice except pakfa as f35 is simply not possible.
PAkfa has the most chances if j31 lands in pakistan.

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