Pakistan General Elections 2024

@Meengla. All the talk of need for reconciliation needs to go both way. Pakistan is not well served if it is perceived that the party, in all but official name, is being disenfranchised.

Many will sit out economic support to the country, many will send money through hawalas or other means, many will stop paying bills, not on a jailed politicians instructions, but because it’s the only means they will feel they have to resist the system. These elections were suppose to be the legitimate way for people to voice their opinions. Najam Sethi in a recent interview talked about a 50% increase in taxes (from 10/11% of GDP to 15/16% of GDP). Without the people feeling they have real say in the government, tax evasion will increase without guilt; there will be a ready narrative the people will accept when they want to justify it.

@Those still stuck in 90s era politics and living in their own bubble

PS: I don't associate my-self with "youth" bracket. Just to make clear, if someone thinks I am talking about "youth" because I am one of those, my daughter was first time voter in this election and son will be voting in re-election which will take place next year.
The reason PMLN and PPP are still relevant/alive are because they are truly dynastic political parties. Commendably or due to the circumstances, Imran Khan cannot have his sons in the Pakistan, let alone in Pakistani politics. Jemima knows better and she is exercises right judgement. Even then, just like Musharraf or Jamaat e Islami, Imran doesn't follow dynastic politics--but neither does he believe in a protege, knowing what we have seen so far. It is a One-Man-Show.

But are dynasties that bad all the time?? What do we see in America: Preston Bush, Bush Senior, Bush Junior. Multiple generations in Indian Congress Parties. One could say they are at best or worse, a mixed bag.

What is most important is continuity of policies and stability. What was what some great Chinese leader said: --Deng Xioping--"It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice."

The rest is just academic debate.
Dynasties are the same as royal families. There is no accountability or even guarantee of decent performance. If politicians are excused on performance, and some other institutions is actually running the scene, then it’s a recipe for inefficiency and financial ruin soon enough. At least in China it’s one party and they are promoted on merit for the sake of the party’s continuity.
Imran Khan, after losing the 2013 elections publicly called for people to not pay their utilities bills during his months long disruption of life trying to topple the Nawaz Sharif govt. and after his ouster from power in April 2022 has publicly called Pakistanis to send money via 'Hundi', which is an illegal money transmission channel, with potentially dire consequences for Pakistan.

So Imran gets back to power with a 2/3rd majority and the Opposition might just say: Go, take the crown with the thorns! But then I wonder what you would say in year 2026 when inflation is off the charts and people out on the streets wishing for USD to be back to 280 Rupees from, say, 500 Rupees?

Why can't people deduce from past performance what may happen in the future?? By all accounts, Imran, until late 2021, had the full support of the Establishment but Imran's instincts were and probably still are about crushing any viable opposition to his rule. He showed those traits as a cricket captain. He even insulted his fellow cricketers on a stage after winning the 1992 World Cup by portraying that was HIS win--I think they walked out on him!!

And who can say if today Imran dies, there will be any PTI left?!! It is a CULT guys, a CULT! The best Pakistan can do would be to use the CULT to Pakistan's benefits while the guy is still alive. Bookmark this post/make screen shot and come to me when Imran passes away! I will be proven correct.
The problem unfortunately is that the estab misread who he was and instead of pushing him into a figurehead role let him be PM. That was the biggest mistake. Otherwise PTI in its composition represented the best of the otherwise criminal or plain human muck that is PML(N) and PPP supporters. The Kasur Pedophile ring has supporters within PML(N) - so when you have such human filth as part and participle of this party - where else do people turn to?

Pakistan elections: Against the odds, Khan's PTI proves support is solid​

By Caroline Davies in Lahore Pakistan correspondent

Reuters Imran Khan, pictured with the flag of Pakistan behind him

Today's results are both clear and complicated.

Independent candidates - many of whom would have run under the banner of the PTI party but were prevented from doing so - have taken the largest number of seats.

However the PML-N, led by pre-election frontrunner Nawaz Sharif, can currently claim to be the largest party.

What is clear is that Imran Khan's PTI party has proved that its popularity is not a social media bubble, but has a real and committed support base.

It came into this election with its founder disqualified and in prison (he is already serving a three-year sentence for corruption, and has been handed further jail terms in recent weeks), and its cricket bat symbol removed from the ballot - an electoral blow in a country with low literacy rates.

Khan, who was ousted as prime minister by his opponents in 2022, has said the numerous cases against him are politically motivated.

Forced to run as independents, PTI's candidates were unable to hold large rallies, with some candidates in jail, and others in hiding.

The party says that its supporters have been intimidated and picked up by the police while it tries to run its campaign - allegations the authorities have always denied.

Despite all of that, PTI-linked candidates appear to have won more seats than any other group.

The PML-N - the party that most observers believed to have the backing of the powerful military - is running in second place.

Meanwhile, the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), led by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari - the son of Pakistan's former president Asif Ali Zardari and murdered ex-PM Benazir Bhutto - is in third.

The real complication is what happens next.

The election results may change in the coming days as candidates from different parties challenge the results. But that is not the only thing to watch out for.

Pakistan requires all independents to join a political party within 3 days from the moment they are officially declared or they must stay independent.

PTI will need to come up with a solution soon.
The problem unfortunately is that the estab misread who he was and instead of pushing him into a figurehead role let him be PM. That was the biggest mistake. Otherwise PTI in its composition represented the best of the otherwise criminal or plain human muck that is PML(N) and PPP supporters. The Kasur Pedophile ring has supporters within PML(N) - so when you have such human filth as part and participle of this party - where else do people turn to?

Nah. No grand narratives are needed. This was and is pretty simple to explain.
People had turned away from Imran by April 2022 and that's why he didn't call for the Early Elections between January and March of 2022 when he had the time and his legal rights--instead, he was kissing MQM's feet. It is all there for all to see--barely two years ago. He knew the 'Mehangai' (Inflation) was going to sink him in the polls; he had barely won the 2018 elections and that too with the Establishment's backing.
People have 'turned to' him now because of the abject failures of the greedy PMD version 1. Not a surprise why people are looking at Imran as a savior right now. And if--and that should not even be an 'if'--he fails again by, say, 2026, people will look at the Sharifs like some saviors. And I bet the Sharifs might be thinking: Why not take a chill-pill and let this Savior of Pakistan fall on his own sword?!! The failure is a high possibility given that Imran had alienated the Americans, the Chinese, and the GCC.
Najam Sethi is also saying the final composition of the new government will come in a week or 10 days. International media won’t give the establishment that much time; the narrative is being written. Unless PTI Is leading the next government, it will of an illegitimate government in power at odds with the will of the public. Any loans given to such a government could be seen as not binding for Pakistan to pay back. Chinese friends of mine already see this as some kind of civil war underway in Pakistan, even when I try to dissuade them of this notion, and said it was only politics.

Btw, if the PDM wants a second go around, they might as well, spend all their political capital on dealing with the economy alone. Heck, to be honest, fix the economy as best they can, and keep the seat warm until Trump is in office and get a VoNC themselves so that IK can come back.

Either way, who ever takes over will be using up political capital to try to manage a poly-crisis that requires a new political understanding and consensus.

Only 345 days until January 20,2025.
@Those still stuck in 90s era politics and living in their own bubble

PS: I don't associate my-self with "youth" bracket. Just to make clear, if someone thinks I am talking about "youth" because I am one of those, my daughter was first time voter in this election and son will be voting in re-election which will take place next year.
exactly, Finally someone realized it. What we are seeing is Gen Z/post 2000 generation reaching voting age and waiting in the wings is a huge Gen Alpha who will start to assert from early 2030.

People have no idea what’s coming. They are not the generation of PTV and corporal punishments at school to beat into submission. To add to that they are digital natives, even in villages.
PTI chairman Gohar Khan is giving a complete different number seat wins compared to the media.


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