Pakistan General Elections 2024

They made fun of people by giving them Baingan symbol, public (majority youth) gave them back blow, now company forgot basic math. Anyway, PTI will be again in protest mode, pulling the pants of company in digital space, while PDM 2.0 repeating their performance. The dollar which they have stopped at 278 have to be released as per fair market rate before next IMF negotiation, which mean inflation will remain higher, Remaining patwaris, jialas (If they survived) will become human by next election. So, PTI shouldn't be looking to form govt. in center this time (not unless their true mandate is accepted and they're sure that they can survive 5 years and do legislation without depending on any party), but instead focus on b!tch slapping PDM 2.0 + Company by keeping rigging issue alive at national and international stage. PDM 2.0 + Company are digging their grave, let them die their natural death.

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You know when they have bangan, I knew this will come😂

Indonesia is a country of a similar size to Pakistan and they are voting in their elections in a few days - it will be a good example of how to do elections for a Muslim country that is free of “rent seeker” crowd that Pakistan has been cursed with.
If PTI allies with PPP, what would happen? It is PMLN who 'robbed' PTI's seats. So, will it be a bad move?
Also, PTI must allies with JI, MWM, TLP, etc @Areesh ?

PTI will be signing on death warrant by allying with PPP. People who voted PTI are those who don't worship Bhuttos, Sharifs etc. but hate them. MWM is already ally of MWM, Labaikis are opposite pole of PTI's major support base.
sorry bro. just reminded of you.
Some burns, occurred to you folk, will never go away, they will leave their mark forever as you carry them from old PDF to this forum. The Pakistan studies taught from class 8th/9th tells clearly about military taking over and forming parties yet the level of understanding showing its effectiveness especially when such things were always so damn clear. This happens when the text is crammed instead of understood and how the slap from political figures becomes far more effective instead of learning in class from the teachers. Its a dilemma that 99% of forum members face/faced. Rest in burns.
For sure there is more youth involvement as it much of the the world where there is the Youth Bulge. And for sure Imran has mobilized them.

But to infer from that people, young or old, would vote against their pocket is a simplistic narrative. A 70+ old Imran has been able to convince the young to vote for him against a much younger Bilawal is because of the economic failures of the PDM govt. Come 2026 and if the PM Imran doesn't 'deliver' then the same 'youth' who were going to not vote for him in early 2022 would not vote for him in 2026.

That's my rebuttal to the video in which the esteemed professor Adil Najam--whose 'Pakistaniat' website I used to follow for year.

When we start from wrong premises and we come to the wrong conclusions.
We can list down tens of reasons for or against. But the end result is that “generally” PTI has been able to attract the large influx of new voter. It just chimes with them. What can I say, PTI is the cool party and PPP waderas and PMLN don’t want to say the word are not what most young people relate with.

No matter how much makeup and paint job they try to do with maryam and launching and relaunching of Bilawal.

In the end, they have become a meme character, a joke which is just a near impossible to rub off. And the insults didn’t help either.
Nobody votes against the pocket but in general there were results to analyze independently(IK can claim COVID hit) and PDM basically screwed it all up.
The problem is that the idiocy carried out by the PTI government in its early days was ameliorated by some very good youth specific programs that led to some serious reform for your middle class youth. That is what they saw - and more importantly, it wasn't "led" by IK than by some fairly well qualified people within the industry.
Every great leader use great men to achieve great things
So that's more of a plus than a negative
Nobody votes against the pocket but in general there were results to analyze independently(IK can claim COVID hit) and PDM basically screwed it all up.
The problem is that the idiocy carried out by the PTI government in its early days was ameliorated by some very good youth specific programs that led to some serious reform for your middle class youth. That is what they saw - and more importantly, it wasn't "led" by IK than by some fairly well qualified people within the industry.

My criticism of Imran Khan is well known from the old PDF--the criticism really started after his Speaker threw out the NCM Resolution which was ill-advised, counter productive and totally unnecessary. I believe Imran's severe personality disorders make him a bad choice to be Pakistan's leader. But it is not MY decision alone to elect him--it is for the voters. If they elect him, then I will accept him. If he does well in gorvernance, then I will support him. If he outperforms then I will adore him. BTW, except for his Dharnas after the 2013 elections, I always supported him until the NCM vote.

With that personal context out of way... I honestly don't see a way forward for Pakistan with Imran Khan as the leader unless he makes a genuine political party with credible 2nd and 3rd tier leadership and a few heirs. If today he dies, his party dies. It nearly died in the last two years due to the State repression but it is alive because he is alive. His recent political gains don't impress me much; he gained because PDM failed but come 2026, if he would not have delivered, he would be trashed. And I don't want Pakistan to go through the endless cycles of elections and the musical chairs of power politics like that between 1988-99--only Pakistan's enemies would want that.
I mean look at this attempt to come across as cool. Lol. Seriously? Them bozo media planners think the youth is going to not see right through the fake ass cringe:

We can list down tens of reasons for or against. But the end result is that “generally” PTI has been able to attract the large influx of new voter. It just chimes with them. What can I say, PTI is the cool party and PPP waderas and PMLN don’t want to say the word are not what most young people relate with.

No matter how much makeup and paint job they try to do with maryam and launching and relaunching of Bilawal.

In the end, they have become a meme character, a joke which is just a near impossible to rub off. And the insults didn’t help either.
exactly ,even if PTI doesn't deliver you'll still be cool because you supported a cool party and you can blame everyone else. Blame the fauj most convenient
Its only natural, when you have more educated youths, social media knowledge, peope will automatically demand more from political parties and the state. The people want a change, upgrade of state institutions so people don't have to beg to local MNAs for justice, people don't need to visit police stations with local MNAs so that police gives justice to them, they want police and judges to give them their rights.
I encourage strongly to all Pakistanis to pressurise your choice of political parties to make changes within themselves on merit, and improve the state, otherwise move on to a new party, don't waste decades in hope.

People need to understand those who have been in politics since the 1990s do not want a change because they will loose all their power, if police and judiciary can give justice then the MNAs power will dissappear to only legislation, if MNAs don't get the funds their power will dissappear.

Pakistan needs strong accountability, the state funds need to be tracked so corruption is reduced, misuse of funds is reduced.
PTI is literally appointing ali amin as CM KPK and educated youth is endorsing it. So the way i see it, it isn't about education, the youth is genuinely deranged because they think by having a thug in power, will allow them to extract more political space from the military.
exactly ,even if PTI doesn't deliver you'll still be cool because you supported a cool party and you can blame everyone else. Blame the fauj most convenient
No, fauj was the in thing, till they came in the way and tried to impose the uncool guys that they themselves brought an entire generation up hating.

You can’t put the toothpaste back into the tube. And you can’t change the mind of this generation by scolding and ordering.

If PTI is bad it will have to run its course and lose its support.
The problem unfortunately is that the estab misread who he was and instead of pushing him into a figurehead role let him be PM. That was the biggest mistake. Otherwise PTI in its composition represented the best of the otherwise criminal or plain human muck that is PML(N) and PPP supporters. The Kasur Pedophile ring has supporters within PML(N) - so when you have such human filth as part and participle of this party - where else do people turn to?
Every party in pakistan has some sort of filth.
If PTI allies with PPP, what would happen? It is PMLN who 'robbed' PTI's seats. So, will it be a bad move?
Also, PTI must allies with JI, MWM, TLP, etc @Areesh ?

PTI needs allies, Pmln have working relationship with PPP, Mqmp, Pmlq, JUI, IPP. PTI needs to get close to JI, MWM, TLP, JUP, make a strong block to counter NS, don't isolate themselves.

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