Pakistan General Elections 2024

Well in this case Faujeets didn't picked him or his family, PTI should find traitors in own ranks who ignored loyal workers and gave ticket to someone who was known lota and rejoined party after leaving it once.
Oh ok. Thanks for info.
But, these Pak elections are turning into a nightmare. I pity all the sides (including army) except maybe the N League.

This is a classic case of being caught between a rock & a hard place for the army. But, then again it is of their own doing.
From the way he talks and the fact he lives in the US he's one of those **** diaspora burger kids like Signalian.

A lot of them have inferiority complexes, I've met many people in real life like that. They're brown sahibs and kaaley angrez.

For years, I have been saying that there should be a glass ceiling for anyone inspiring to go above major rank in Army. None of them should be allowed to go further in their careers if they have got interests outside the borders of Pakistan, be it financial, personal, family.. whatever.

These Tony generals and their offsprings become liability to state of Pakistan, that we , the 220 million end up paying the consequences for.
For years, I have been saying that there should be a glass ceiling for anyone inspiring to go above major rank in Army. None of them should be allowed to go further in their careers if they have got interests outside the borders of Pakistan, be it financial, personal, family.. whatever.

These Tony generals and their offsprings become liability to state of Pakistan, that we , the 220 million end up paying the consequences for.

Bro in my college in the US I got into a fight with one of these burger PDM kids and after one punch this dude started crying and threatened to report me to the college. Nothing happened afterward 😂😂

Its a weird brown sahib mentality where they look at diaspora at UK and some groups within Pakistan with an air of superiority but then have mental breakdowns and tantrums when things don't go their way. This thread and the broader Fauj's actions have exemplified that.
For years, I have been saying that there should be a glass ceiling for anyone inspiring to go above major rank in Army. None of them should be allowed to go further in their careers if they have got interests outside the borders of Pakistan, be it financial, personal, family.. whatever.
Pakistans upper middle class culture has developed in such a way that you're bound to have interests outside of Pakistan
If not financially than at least familial

I have nothing to do with army, like not now nor in the past generations
But unfortunately like the culture we have a lot of us had to leave the country for better opportunities

If you limit this class from domestic affairs than there'll be a brain drain

Sometimes it's not always black & White
China developed through the same class of diaspora bringing investments, expertise back to the country

Shutting out isn't the solution, better checks and balances is
As your diaspora is an asset (Irish, Israeli, Chinese diasporas come to mind)
Maybe limit the involvement of this class into military and political affairs (and even here it's quite complicated with good arguments as to why this isn't always the best solution but you know still I can understand if it becomes a solid policy)
These Tony generals and their offsprings become liability to state of Pakistan, that we , the 220 million end up paying the consequences for.
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Bro in my college in the US I got into a fight with one of these burger PDM kids and after one punch this dude started crying and threatened to report me to the college. Nothing happened afterward 😂😂

Its a weird brown sahib mentality where they look at diaspora at UK and some groups within Pakistan with an air of superiority but then have mental breakdowns and tantrums when things don't go their way. This thread and the broader Fauj's actions have exemplified that.

Look at last five 22 graders aka COAS. All retired outside Pakistan, in lands controlled or under the influence of western establishments. Their offspring settled there as well.

Can anyone with bit of patriotism left inside, truely trust these rats that they made the decisions when they were in power based on pure national interests? If anyone does, they they should also believe that I am then I am the king of England. Hahaha

Watching these rats enjoying their retirement in luxury outside of the borders of Pakistan, thinking that these mofos not long ago were the custodian of Pakistan nuclear forces and it's most intimate secrets. It's like leaving keys to your door dangling outside. It's a mockery of national security, a joke, and wish I could laugh at it but I can only get frustrated at the naivety of my nation who do not understand how damaging these rats are to our nation, its interests and it's long term security.
Pakistans upper middle class culture has developed in such a way that you're bound to have interests outside of Pakistan
If not financially than at least familial

I have nothing to do with army, like not now nor in the past generations
But unfortunately like the culture we have a lot of us had to leave the country for better opportunities

If you limit this class from domestic affairs than there'll be a brain drain

Sometimes it's not always black & White
China developed through the same class of diaspora bringing investments, expertise back to the country

Shutting out isn't the solution, better checks and balances is

You see, that's why they say, you cant have your cake and eat it.

Either their wings need to be clipped or they must be made to choose Pakistan wholly. What we say in Urdu, "gena, marina, sab Pakistan main".

I will give you an example. 9/11 happened. Mushy, a known Tony general, got call from yanks. Try to put yourself in his shoes. What will be the first thing that will come in your mind? Well being of your fellow citizens and country? Fk no. If I am in his shoes, the first thought that will come in my mind is well being of my children who are based in America (mushy offsprings were). And its pretty natural human reaction. So why put country fate and decision making power in such vulnerable people with liabilities outside Pakistan? We as a nation paid with 80k deaths for that decion which we cannot safely say was made in "supreme national interests".

And I can guarantee you, with absolutely no doubt in my mind that whatever is happening in Pakistan, these 22 graders with liabilities outside the borders of Pakistan, with "retirement plans" around Mediterranean coast, they are the ones behind this.
Journalist Asad Ullah Khan is tonight claiming that the corrupt thieves are moving towards the following formula:

- Showbaz as PM
- Plastic Nani as CM Punjab
- PPP take CM Balochistan (and Sindh)
- Zardari is made President
- Billo Rani keeps Minister for Foreign Affairs

That is the disaster in store and handed to us by the NaPak Bhoj courtesy of Whisky Munir.
Also this from another forum

According to a few political analysts the deal being offered by the army and PPP to IK is

- PTI being rewarded the federal, Punjab, Kpk govt and Karachi

- No action against the army and the pdm opposition for the 2022 VONC, May 2022 long march crackdown, 2022 Nov assassination attempt, Post Punjab kpk Assembly dissolution crackdown, Post May 9, 2023 crackdown on pti

- Freehand to PPP in Sindh

- Withdrawal of all cases against Ik, Bushra Bibi and rest of the pti leadership. Release of pti leadership and other party members

IK so far isn't budging and is being threatened ie the may 9 crackdown is nothing compared to what we will do to the pti now if you don't agree.

PPP is hesitant to work with PML-N again and feel they can no longer go against public sentiment and can no longer deal with the burden of PML-Ns poor performance in the centre. By working with the PML-N again, they will be going against their manifesto and campaign slogans.
Also this from another forum

According to a few political analysts the deal being offered by the army and PPP to IK is

- PTI being rewarded the federal, Punjab, Kpk govt and Karachi

- No action against the army and the pdm opposition for the 2022 VONC, May 2022 long march crackdown, 2022 Nov assassination attempt, Post Punjab kpk Assembly dissolution crackdown, Post May 9, 2023 crackdown on pti

- Freehand to PPP in Sindh

- Withdrawal of all cases against Ik, Bushra Bibi and rest of the pti leadership. Release of pti leadership and other party members

IK so far isn't budging and is being threatened ie the may 9 crackdown is nothing compared to what we will do to the pti now if you don't agree.

PPP is hesitant to work with PML-N again and feel they can no longer go against public sentiment and can no longer deal with the burden of PML-Ns poor performance in the centre. By working with the PML-N again, they will be going against their manifesto and campaign slogans.
Under JUST these terms IK should definitely not take the deal.

The core to his party’s survival is economic performance.

1. He needs assurances foreign friends of the establishment won’t punish Pakistan for allowing IK back in power.
2. He needs the authority to make REAL economic changes; no street protests by religious hooligans if he brings in Atif Mian on merit.
3. The Establishment actually supports his government and allows the breaking up of monopolies, so that new investors have the incentives to come in. It could be as public private partnerships or joint ventures, to ease the transition, but economics is the key to the future of any government; Pakistan has $27 billion due this year and WASTES how it spends tax money on redundant federal ministries when the 18th Amendment gives the money to the provinces.
4. Real legal reforms so cases go through in a matter of weeks, not decades. Investors (and Pakistanis) don’t have decades to waste in land disputes, look at how it’s slowing down India.
5. A free media, free speech, a free non-political judiciary and all other civil liberties in developed countries. If politicians are to not be bogged down in fake cases, they wed to be told what is procedurally illegal before hand.

6. On foreign policy, IK should make a push for ease of movement of Afghans, to visit not to stay, in exchange for afghans financing rapidly the $5 billion of the rail line to Central Asia. Once the line is in place, and the afghans have paid for it, they will want it to be in use. That will make the modernization and investment into ML-1,2,3 economically viable for foreign investors.

The PTI constituency in KPK needs that afghan rail line to transition from their current economy to also being more about value added in higher tech products, such as mining value added.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, PTI needs assurance it will be able to complete a full 5 year term, so that all future governments of whatever party comes to power, can do the same. The nation needs to heal and trust its democracy and its establishment again with time.

The devil is in the details, or in this case, lack of details. Without the right protections and conditions, all the extra remittances and profit from companies will be feared to be confiscated in a few years of the government changes again, as people like Dar threatened by raiding private bank accounts.

What we are talking about is not just a detail with the PTI but a new social compact with the people, and a stability for all investors. This not about one political power but the way the STATE will operate from now on.

Frankly, once the economy is on track, and growing steadily, I don’t want to think about politicians so often. It should not matter to everyday Pakistanis and diaspora Pakistanis whose in power.
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Continued from the last post

If after a full 5 years of successful PTI term, and Bilawal still becomes the PM fair and square in 2029 and has modernized the PPP into a real left wing party, I will be glad for more opportunities and ways to keep the PTI in check. It’s about Pakistan not about any one person.

I hope the establishment and the PPP expand what they are offering and not offering a plan designed to fail in a couple of years, or else we will have a lost decade and the danger of Indian hegemony will be even greater, and the diaspora will leave the country (as in stop sending remittances as much and stop building retirement homes because they won’t feel safe to go back) to move on with their lives.
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For years, I have been saying that there should be a glass ceiling for anyone inspiring to go above major rank in Army. None of them should be allowed to go further in their careers if they have got interests outside the borders of Pakistan, be it financial, personal, family.. whatever.

These Tony generals and their offsprings become liability to state of Pakistan, that we , the 220 million end up paying the consequences for.
While in the military, they should have given the means to get the education and training for a career after the military, if they are inclined towards business, as with the GI bill in the US, and advanced training that has civilian applications in the US. Look at all the entrepreneurs that come out of certain countries militaries.

With so many entrepreneurs (after reforms) coming to Pakistan, retired officers can be invaluable assets to commercial ventures with the right training. Naval officers should help build out a merchant marine and fishing industry. Air Force officers can help staff the over 60 minor airports looking to be upgraded into medium airports so that the air transport industry can be made economically viable. And a whole lot of opportunities for former army officers
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Also this from another forum

According to a few political analysts the deal being offered by the army and PPP to IK is

- PTI being rewarded the federal, Punjab, Kpk govt and Karachi

- No action against the army and the pdm opposition for the 2022 VONC, May 2022 long march crackdown, 2022 Nov assassination attempt, Post Punjab kpk Assembly dissolution crackdown, Post May 9, 2023 crackdown on pti

- Freehand to PPP in Sindh

- Withdrawal of all cases against Ik, Bushra Bibi and rest of the pti leadership. Release of pti leadership and other party members

IK so far isn't budging and is being threatened ie the may 9 crackdown is nothing compared to what we will do to the pti now if you don't agree.

PPP is hesitant to work with PML-N again and feel they can no longer go against public sentiment
I don't think they care for public sentiments as PPP has their own political base on a lockdown
They want to expand into Punjab as they were pre Zardari
That's the only reason for them to care for public sentiments
But don't think it's a leading concern
and can no longer deal with the burden of PML-Ns poor performance in the centre.
Rn even if Lee Quan Yu comes to power, even he'll perform poorly from publics perspective because country's stuck in a tricky situation
I still don't get why PMLN is so eager to form a government
Low IQ move from a political perspective (just like VONC)
By working with the PML-N again, they will be going against their manifesto and campaign slogans.
Like they give a crap 😭?
While in the military, they should have given the means to get the education and training for a career after the military, if they are inclined towards business, as with the GI bill in the US, and advanced training that has civilian applications in the US.

Aren't they already gobbling up the civilians positions after retirement?

Tbh I dont have issue absorbing them in civilian life after retirement. What is not acceptable, is to have these lot on most sensitive positions while serving, and at the same time have liabilities and vulnerabilities outside the borders of Pakistan.

Can you imagine a Russian general with country nuclear secrets having post retirement planned in America? Nuts isnt it? Then why it's no issue in Pakistan when last five COAS settled abroad in west or western influenced states?

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