Pakistan General Elections 2024

Pakistan election: Pact may shut out Imran Khan supporters​

Demonstrators supporting Imran Khan

Some demonstrators supporting Imran Khan gathered in the city of Rawalpindi
By Lipika Pelham & Carrie Davies, Pakistan correspondent
BBC News

Pakistan's second and third political blocs have agreed to co-operate after elections in which jailed ex-PM Imran Khan's supporters came first.
Ex-PM Nawaz Sharif's PMLN and Bilawal Bhutto Zardari's PPP issued a statement saying they planned to work together to bring political stability.


If they do form a government, the move is likely to anger Mr Khan's followers.
His PTI party was barred from taking part in the election, so most of its candidates stood as independents.
Earlier, police used tear gas to disperse a crowd of Mr Khan's supporters in Rawalpindi.
According to final results, independents won 101 of the National Assembly seats. BBC analysis shows 93 of them went to PTI-backed candidates.
That puts them ahead of the PMLN, who won 75, and the PPP, who gained 54.

The two parties formed an alliance to oust Mr Khan from power in 2022 and ruled until last August.
The Karachi-based MQM party has also made a surprising return in the polls, winning 17 seats, and could play a role in any coalition.
As wrangling continues, independent candidates who did not win have flooded courts with vote-rigging allegations.
Both the PTI, which was blocked from taking part in the election, and Mr Sharif's PMLN say they want to form the next government.
The result was a surprise as most observers had expected Mr Sharif's party - widely seen as having the powerful military's backing - to win, given Mr Khan had been jailed on charges ranging from corruption to having married illegally and his party was barred from the ballot sheet.
To govern, a candidate has to show they are at the head of a coalition with a simple majority of 169 seats in the National Assembly.
Of the National Assembly's 366 seats, 266 are decided by direct voting and 70 are reserved - 60 for women and 10 for non-Muslims - and these are allocated according to the strength of each party in the assembly.
Under Pakistan's rules, independent candidates are not eligible to be allocated reserved seats in parliament.
The PTI, among several other parties, has called for protests against the results, alleging they have been rigged.
On Sunday, police blocked streets near the electoral commission building in Rawalpindi with barbed wire and large trucks, preventing any protesters from accessing it.
For about 90 minutes, a crowd of a few hundred protestors chanted on the street. Then the atmosphere turned. Police used several rounds of teargas to disperse the crowd, which then left the area.
The Punjab police told the BBC that there was a section 144 in place - a colonial-era law that stopped a gathering of more than four people. (n)

This restriction had been put in place before the election until 12 February, but it detailed that civilians were not allowed to carry firearms, not that they were prevented from gathering.
Police intervene the protestors alleging rigging in the elections

Police in Rawalpindi used teargas to disperse a crowd protesting against alleged rigging
The PTI's chairman had called for peaceful protests outside electoral commission offices where they were concerned about "forged" results.
Pakistani media reported that the PTI party claimed that the results of at least 18 National Assembly seats were "falsely changed" by election officers.

On Saturday, Mr Sharif - who is thought to be favoured by the military - called for other parties to help him form a unity government.

As negotiations got under way between Mr Khan's political rivals, experts have warned Pakistan could be facing a "prolonged period of political instability".
Dr Farzana Shaikh from the Chatham House think tank told the BBC that the Khan-linked independents were unlikely to be allowed to form a government and many people feared a "weak and unstable coalition" would result from any tie-up between Mr Sharif and the PPP.
Meanwhile, at least six PTI-backed candidates who did not win their seats have lodged legal challenges in the courts to try to get the outcome overturned.
Among them is Yasmin Rashid, who stood against Mr Sharif in Lahore. The petitioners allege collusion in the alteration of election results on specific forms.

Pakistani officials have denied any irregularities. The PMLN has also reportedly formed a legal team to address rigging allegations.

Looks like game is over. PDM 2.0 is coming to power. Asim Munir is succeeded by imposing PDM tola again on nation after daylight robbery of people's mandate. Independents are coerced to join PML N. Judiciary is already sold out. No hope from International community.
Why would you hope anything from international community? Did Pakistanis not learn anything from the genocide that the west is supporting in Palestine?

People of Pakistan caused the biggest change in Pakistani history. Give them credit and they alone can change their future. Rome wasn’t built in a day, Pakistan didn’t get its independence overnight - long road but we must remain committed.

People of Lahore must make the traitors life miserable in non violent way.

Success is at the doorstep, one last hurrah is needed.

Wanted to add- all the people coming out and saying they lost is a positive change. Jamati islami standing with PTI is a positive change in Karachi. Sunni and shia uniting to elect their representative is a positive change.

ANP making this statement is a positive change.
Why would you hope anything from international community? Did Pakistanis not learn anything from the genocide that the west is supporting in Palestine?

People of Pakistan caused the biggest change in Pakistani history. Give them credit and they alone can change their future. Rome wasn’t built in a day, Pakistan didn’t get its independence overnight - long road but we must remain committed.

People of Lahore must make the traitors life miserable in non violent way.

Success is at the doorstep, one last hurrah is needed.

Wanted to add- all the people coming out and saying they lost is a positive change. Jamati islami standing with PTI is a positive change in Karachi. Sunni and shia uniting to elect their representative is a positive change.

ANP making this statement is a positive change.

Bro all of these ethnic nationalists are just rats jumping ship 😂😂
PDM 2.0 May be formed but i promise you they have signed their death knell.

the youth has become a tidal wave or a tsunami. the number of young people on PTI side is frightening.

Imrans biggest mistake was relying on lotas. him and senior party members should exhaust all energies to train the younger generation.
PTI is literally appointing ali amin as CM KPK and educated youth is endorsing it. So the way i see it, it isn't about education, the youth is genuinely deranged because they think by having a thug in power, will allow them to extract more political space from the military.

Its absolutely clear that you need a thug in power to deal with thugs in GHQ.

Right now, the first priority, the only priority is to ensure that will of the citizens must be protected by all means necessary. Its mighty important that citizens of Pakistan must not lose hope that their votes cannot bring any change and these 22 graders sitting in GHQ will trample their will under their boots.

I have said many time, KPK needs a very strong force/deterrence under the control of KPK government so much that no one moves in that province without their approval and under their watchful eye. A kinda beginning towards IRGC type force.
It was a semi-rhetorical question, but the honest core question was this:

If Politicians are incompetent at the nuts and bolts issues, and policy is best made by expert, what role should politicians actually play?

I understand local politicians come from their locales and understand hyper local issues and can be a resource for localities, but above mayor of a city, what role does the establishment actually envision politicians right role?
I can’t speak for the Pakistani establishment but im general what politicians in more educated countries do is they work with experts to solve issues and act as accountability partners for the public.

But that is for established democracies - not the quick buck selfish ideals of most Pakistanis as established by Gen Mattis.

The best hope is that the educated middle class youth keep pushing more into politics
abey khaday 2018 may bhi pti was the most popular party in karachi!! tum **** apni maa baich do gey lakin khaki ghulami nai choro gey!!

Pakistan hamari maa hai;
2018 door ki baat 2013 mein Pti ko Karachi say jeetna tha if it wasn't for Kiyani engineered drama where he gave MQM thugs free reign to steal ballot boxes in broad day light and threaten poll worker openly and on live TV and then refused to intervene when Pti candidates begged him.

Nabool Gabol got 200K votes in that 2013 election from karachi's ilaqa gharbi and no one came out to vote, similarly Farooq Sattar got 100% of the vote, even his opponents voted for him.
The bottom line is, we're moving quickly to PDM 2.0. That is the reality.

The media is positioning or pushing that narrative (just check the editorial of Dawn today), and the PDM lot are pushing this inevitability (Ahsan Iqbal has just tweeted this is what they will cobble together).

The fact the compromised judiciary (especially SC) will also back this means the people's mandate has been stolen (despite all the documentary evidence).

Two dynastic families are being forced once more to rule over us. And we're fairly helpless in the face of it given the state machinery from Security to the Supreme Court is fully backing it.
Yes most likely Pakistan will get its first openly trans PM in billo rani, a world's first in fact. Nawaz Mota and his daugther will take a back seat and focus their loot in Punjab, otherwise sepoys will reopen his cases.

Sepoys want to install their masters favorite PPP candidate, hence IMF will provide another program of $6/7 billion, 75% of will end up in Zardari, Bhutto clans as well as sepoys Swiss accounts. All will be back to normal.
No one will deal with them and western allies take this stuff very seriously. Let's just say the west ignores things what of the Middle East, China etc. Do they want to continue with a government at war with the majority of it's people, whose youth despise them? Nations think ahead and with Pakistan having one of the youngest populations in the world they know this won't last.
They did and do deal with unpopular govt all the time, Egypt, Chile, Ukraine, etc. They won't back track from supporting their unpopular proxies in Pakistan.
They don’t control the flow of capital. Yes, they can approve IMF loans but can’t force companies to invest.

I don't see any companies willing to invest given the unfavourable economic and political climate.

And the PDM pretty much guaranteed that given their disastrous tenure.
And this person used to claim that Imran Khan was made Prime Minister by me.
Today he lost by his workers. Allah the Most High, the decision, the victory and everything belongs to Him !!
"Imran Khan"


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