Pakistan General Elections 2024

Yes most likely Pakistan will get its first openly trans PM in billo rani, a world's first in fact.
The insanity being that a 35 year old novice, who's not had a proper job in his entire life has been gifted the role of Minister of Foreign Affairs and potentially may become the Prime Minister of the 5th most populous nation - just because of his surname.

And that same recipe is rinsed and repeated with plastic Maryam, who is in line to be made Punjab CM.

Tragedy doesn't even begin to describe it.
It hardly matters now, if all 100 MNAs supported by PTI join PMLN or any other party joining the government.
Pakistanis have expressed their thoughts ..
- Khawar Ghaman --
Its absolutely clear that you need a thug in power to deal with thugs in GHQ.

Right now, the first priority, the only priority is to ensure that will of the citizens must be protected by all means necessary. Its mighty important that citizens of Pakistan must not lose hope that their votes cannot bring any change and these 22 graders sitting in GHQ will trample their will under their boots.

I have said many time, KPK needs a very strong force/deterrence under the control of KPK government so much that no one moves in that province without their approval and under their watchful eye. A kinda beginning towards IRGC type force.
Bro KPK already has a force called TTP which is a menace to society. We don't need another ethnic Pashtun bullshit force to terrorize the rest of the country. You're deranged to think that a province should monitor who enters or not. As Pakistani sovereign comes first not your fucking province. Might I remind you that KP has only exported terrorism to the rest of the country and we are still struggling because of the savages that live there, not all but many.

People like you are the problem, dividing the country on ethnic lines. KP is so underdeveloped and I have no idea why people say PTI did something.

It's always the overseas Pakistani with their bullshit advice which they pull from their ass, especially those based in the UK. The last thing we need is another armed militia that can go rogue and challenge the state. Bhai ap uk rahayin udher apni pashtun militia banain
It hardly matters now, if all 100 MNAs supported by PTI join PMLN or any other party joining the government.
Pakistanis have expressed their thoughts ..
- Khawar Ghaman --

I did see this tweet by Khawar Ghaman but disagree strongly.

Of course it matters if they do join PML-N or anyone else even though Pakistani's have expressed their thoughts because it is those very thoughts (mandate) that's being ignored and violated.

This is fairly defeatist and reflective of the **** footing around by media folk in high places who should be tearing apart the mass vote rigging and holding those responsible accountable.

We're seeing none of that by the online or broadcast channels. They're all compromised and sold out.
Vasatullah Khan had said very well.
"Don't give respect to vote, but to yourself....

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It is fun to see how the Western allies of PDM and Pakistani army have turned against them.

Last time they tried to stuff a docile and typical politician via the establishment, they end up with a much worse outcome. Just look across border what happened in our west, in Iran. Replaced Musadiq in coup, endup with Mullah in power, worse, that western puppet Iranian establishment was completely wiped out.

It's a deja vu for them as to what is happening in Pakistan. West got Pakistani generals as their pet dogs, but political leader which is IK, who the nation trust, is not in their control. But still, IK is a politicians who can be negotiated with, not on the term of west but maybe on mutually beneficial level, a bitter pill western establishments have to sallow. Push IK further or even remove him for good, it's not far from an educated guess that similar story will be repeated in Pakistan as to what happened in Iran. And this will be far far worse for collective west.

I am actually waiting to see if American people push Trump for presidency despite their establishment against him (similar situation like IK). And he endup in White House again. These generals in GHQ will find themselves in a proper meat grinder. Trump asked western journalists as to what they are doing to his "friend" Imran khan.
Might I remind you that KP has only exported terrorism to the rest of the country and we are still struggling because of the savages that live there, not all but many.

I have to also remind you that a certain province has exported grooming gangs, child rapists, and drug trafficking to the Western World.

Obviously not everyone is like that, but many lives of young girls have been destroyed because of these grooming gangs.

A Peruvian-American tourist was raped while touring that province because the people there couldn't control their rapey urges.
They did and do deal with unpopular govt all the time, Egypt, Chile, Ukraine, etc. They won't back track from supporting their unpopular proxies in Pakistan.

Egypt is needed for Israel.
Ukraine for Russia.
Chile has gone off script.

The present Pakistan power brokers are not needed for anything.
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Bro KPK already has a force called TTP which is a menace to society. We don't need another ethnic Pashtun bullshit force to terrorize the rest of the country. You're deranged to think that a province should monitor who enters or not. As Pakistani sovereign comes first not your fucking province. Might I remind you that KP has only exported terrorism to the rest of the country and we are still struggling because of the savages that live there, not all but many.

People like you are the problem, dividing the country on ethnic lines. KP is so underdeveloped and I have no idea why people say PTI did something.

It's always the overseas Pakistani with their bullshit advice which they pull from their ass, especially those based in the UK. The last thing we need is another armed militia that can go rogue and challenge the state. Bhai ap uk rahayin udher apni pashtun militia banain

Do you have mental issues? I am talking about proper civilian force created by law passed in provincial assembly which is only answerable to the KPK government. What TTP got to do with this?

Its crystal clear that it's only KPK who has managed to protect its mandate and people's will while rest of the country like limp, docile , impotent zombies have allowed these 22 graders in GHQ trample their mandate with the barrel of their guns.

You are so thick, you dont even understand what was said. Hell, I am not even from KPK, I am from Karachi, but I admire them, infact jealous of them seeing how they have protected their mandate.

Idiots like you who will always come up with trash and keep this nation down and under the thumb of these duffers in GHQ, who are nothing but extension of colonial Raj. People like you, with slave mentality are the reason why our nation has become a laughing stock.
Journalist Asad Ullah Khan is tonight claiming that the corrupt thieves are moving towards the following formula:

- Showbaz as PM
- Plastic Nani as CM Punjab
- PPP take CM Balochistan (and Sindh)
- Zardari is made President
- Billo Rani keeps Minister for Foreign Affairs

That is the disaster in store and handed to us by the NaPak Bhoj courtesy of Whisky Munir.
Do you have mental issues? I am talking about proper civilian force created by law passed in provincial assembly which is only answerable to the KPK government. What TTP got to do with this?

Its crystal clear that it's only KPK who has managed to protect its mandate and people's will while rest of the country like limp, docile , impotent zombies have allowed these 22 graders in GHQ trample their mandate with the barrel of their guns.

You are so thick, you dont even understand what was said. Hell, I am not even from KPK, I am from Karachi, but I admire them, infact jealous of them seeing how they have protected their mandate.

Idiots like you who will always come up with trash and keep this nation down and under the thumb of these duffers in GHQ, who are nothing but extension of colonial Raj. People like you, with slave mentality are the reason why our nation has become a laughing stock.

From the way he talks and the fact he lives in the US he's one of those **** diaspora burger kids like Signalian.

A lot of them have inferiority complexes, I've met many people in real life like that. They're brown sahibs and kaaley angrez.

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