Pakistan General Elections 2024

Continued from the last post

If after a full 5 years of successful PTI term, and Bilawal still becomes the PM fair and square in 2029 and has modernized the PPP into a real left wing party, I will be glad for more opportunities and ways to keep the PTI in check. It’s about Pakistan not about any one person.

I hope the establishment and the PPP expand what they are offering and not offering a plan designed to fail in a couple of years, or else we will have a lost decade and the danger of Indian hegemony will be even greater, and the diaspora will leave the country (as in stop sending remittances as much and stop building retirement homes because they won’t feel safe to go back) to move on with their lives.
I feel like this is the last time PMLN would make a gov in center...
So yes Bilawal, IK competition from now on
Back to 2 party system
I feel like this is the last time PMLN would make a gov in center...
So yes Bilawal, IK competition from now on
Back to 2 party system
I agree, PTI becoming the new Right wing party (especially after the bureaucracy in Punjab gets depoliticized and the industrialist monopolies are broken) and PPP becoming the left wing party. Over the next 5 years the PPP should also be compelled to modernize and depoliticize Sindh so that investment can flow into the province, such as manufacturing next to the motorways and railways.
The insanity being that a 35 year old novice, who's not had a proper job in his entire life has been gifted the role of Minister of Foreign Affairs and potentially may become the Prime Minister of the 5th most populous nation - just because of his surname.

And that same recipe is rinsed and repeated with plastic Maryam, who is in line to be made Punjab CM.

Tragedy doesn't even begin to describe it.
Not because of his surname, Bhutto is a nobody, all courtesy of sepoy's tried and tested and all weather idiocy...even his grandfather was a nobody scion of a minor feudal lord, but he was western educated and spoke good english and most of all groveled at the feet of the head sepoy of the time.
Also this from another forum

According to a few political analysts the deal being offered by the army and PPP to IK is

- PTI being rewarded the federal, Punjab, Kpk govt and Karachi

- No action against the army and the pdm opposition for the 2022 VONC, May 2022 long march crackdown, 2022 Nov assassination attempt, Post Punjab kpk Assembly dissolution crackdown, Post May 9, 2023 crackdown on pti

- Freehand to PPP in Sindh

- Withdrawal of all cases against Ik, Bushra Bibi and rest of the pti leadership. Release of pti leadership and other party members

IK so far isn't budging and is being threatened ie the may 9 crackdown is nothing compared to what we will do to the pti now if you don't agree.

PPP is hesitant to work with PML-N again and feel they can no longer go against public sentiment and can no longer deal with the burden of PML-Ns poor performance in the centre. By working with the PML-N again, they will be going against their manifesto and campaign slogans.

This doesn't look genuine, PPP will never give Karachi to PTI because then PTI will start to make inroads in to Sindh. PmlN is already the largest party in Punjab and they're working hard to lobby pti mpas in to Pmln, 137 Pmln MPAs, plus a few Independents, Pmlq and PPP 10 MPAs will form Punjab assembly.
Pmln is already negotiating with PPP, MqmP, JUI to form Pdm 2 in the centre.

Zardari main plan is to get in to Punjab, he may lobby the establishment that IPP is a failure so will merge it with PPP, that would be good for PPP.

The offer if true most likely will be for Khan to sit in the opposition and have KPK assembly, no darnas, marches, to allow stability in the government.

Or PTI/PPP in centre, PTI/PPP in Punjab, PTI in KPK, PPP/Mqm Sindh, PPP/Pmln/JUI/Bap Sindh.

Latest results
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which one ? PMLZ ?

Their ally Majlis Wahadatul Muslimeen, Pmlz is an option but isn't Zia son part of PTI? Or did he leave? They also have JI, I don't like them and they're establishment party even though they pretend to not be.
Their ally Majlis Wahadatul Muslimeen, Pmlz is an option but isn't Zia son part of PTI? Or did he leave? They also have JI, I don't like them and they're establishment party even though they pretend to not be.
He left PTI the moment the crackdown started. MWM has not nominated any members for reserved seats, apparently. JI is a big rival of PTI and I don't think they have any seats in NA.
He left PTI the moment the crackdown started. MWM has not nominated any members for reserved seats, apparently. JI is a big rival of PTI and I don't think they have any seats in NA.

PTI chairman Gohar Khan was saying they're in talk with MWM and JI regarding joining minor party but nothing has been announced yet.
This is latest result. PTI with 93 NA seats and 116 Punjab seats, so effectively they have kicked PTI out from Centre and Punjab.

PTI chairman Gohar Khan was saying they're in talk with MWM and JI regarding joining minor party but nothing has been announced yet.
This is latest result. PTI with 93 NA seats and 116 Punjab seats, so effectively they have kicked PTI out from Centre and Punjab.

View attachment 18401
View attachment 18402
PMLN has the numbers to form the government in Punjab. They will get most of the non-PTI independents and also PMLQ, if needed. In the worst case, PPP also has 10 members.
Aren't they already gobbling up the civilians positions after retirement?

Tbh I dont have issue absorbing them in civilian life after retirement. What is not acceptable, is to have these lot on most sensitive positions while serving, and at the same time have liabilities and vulnerabilities outside the borders of Pakistan.

Can you imagine a Russian general with country nuclear secrets having post retirement planned in America? Nuts isnt it? Then why it's no issue in Pakistan when last five COAS settled abroad in west or western influenced states?
The specifics were for officers that were commercial minded and wanted to move up for that incentive. To prevent that, all officers should he given civilian training so that they can competently change over to a civilian job.

Positions for higher ranking officers in joint ventures in the military industrial complex of the country should be lucrative enough but also on the condition that they don’t move abroad.
If they set up a PDM 2.0, how long would it even last, considering the debt payments coming due? Are debts able to be rolled over ad Infinitum. Is the real issue that the establishment is waiting out Biden’s term and can’t say that out loud? If so I hope they have an economic plan to survive this year.

March is next month, when everyone will be business with Ramadan (thoughts will be on the Gazans going through Ramadan under the circumstances), come Eid, when people get back to thinking about day to day things, June will only be 2 months away at that point.

The public can’t allow time to be squandered. Taxes are expected to go up 50% (from 11 to 16% of GDP per Najam Sethi in a recent interview, see one of my earlier posts).

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