Pakistan's real problem is very poor institutions - not political

It will take time to improve those institutions in Pakistan. lol. It won't happen over night.
Coming to the point at hand, the culture of laziness, ineptitude, and outright thievery percolates from the top down.
You are free to have your own opinion but I completely disagree with this.

It is bottom up, a societal wide cultural problem that then reaches the institutional level. The origin point is us as a society, not just a corrupt regime at the top.
It will take time to improve those institutions in Pakistan. lol. It won't happen over night.
Yes, it will take time, but we see no efforts or steps being taken towards it. This is the issue.

If you can sort this dilemma above, I can guarantee you most of Pakistan's problems except for security concerns will be gone.

Bribery and sifarish culture existed before military takeovers too. The public didn’t convert into angels on 14th august 1947. The whole mindset and system came with the people, the public to Pakistan. Military didn’t set SOPs for civil departments even back then.

Pakistan, India and Bangladesh all share the same culture and mindset but the other two have fared much better. Part of the difference is that Indian and Bengali culture value education much more than Pakistani culture (although there are pockets in Pakistan who value education also).

There is nothing wrong with the military per se but, when they decided to play kingmaker, they crossed the threshold into accountability. If the military minded it's own business, if the COAS and ISPR didn't feel it was their place to issue foreign policy statements to the media, then I would let them off the hook. But Pakistani military has been in the thick of it since long back.
Yes, it will take time, but we see no efforts or steps being taken towards it. This is the issue.

If you can sort this dilemma above, I can guarantee you most of Pakistan's problems except for security concerns will be gone.
Should hire Chinese and Japanese advisers on how to govern Pakistan. lol.

I want Pakistan to be similar to Japan economically and industrialized.
Pakistan, India and Bangladesh all share the same culture and mindset but the other two have fared much better. Part of the difference is that Indian and Bengali culture value education much more than Pakistani culture (although there are pockets in Pakistan who value education also).

There is nothing wrong with the military per se but, when they decided to play kingmaker, they crossed the threshold into accountability. If the military minded its own business, if the COAS and ISPR didn't feel it was their place to issue foreign policy statements to the media, then I would let them off the hook. But Pakistani military has been in the thick of it since long back.
Now start blaming education. Which is in one way true but there were different modes of education like Govt schools in city and villages, private schools, military boarding schools and home schooling. Different syllabus and curriculum, different teaching methods and assessment methods etc.

So why is the result all the same. It’s not the military even though you want to blame it and think that’s the issue, no it’s not. Pakistan was made in 1947 while martial law came much later. Military didn’t intervene to start with, it was the civil govt and bureaucracy who took reign before Ayub.
It is bottom up, a societal wide cultural problem that then reaches the institutional level. The origin point is us as a society, not just a corrupt regime at the top.

The person on the street sees what is allowed and what is not.

Lots of people in the West would love to skip their taxes, they would love to gouge prices or cut corners, but they don't because they know the consequences. In Pakistan, the elite not only condones but thrives on these things and, worse, has created a system that facilitates it for a bribe.

Why bother with hard work when the elite have put in place a system of shortcuts?
Only one institution, the sepoy incorporated, all else will fall in line once, sepoys are confined to barracks.
Should hire Chinese and Japanese advisers on how to govern Pakistan. lol.

I want Pakistan to be similar to Japan economically and industrialized.
Japanese were actually brought in, but the public didn’t want to change its ways.

I recall Japs were even called in to change traffic system but with animals carts, poorly maintained vehicles on road, and public not respecting traffic laws and traffic police, they went back without making any change.
Now start blaming education. Which is in one way true but there were different modes of education like Govt schools in city and villages, private schools, military boarding schools and home schooling. Different syllabus and curriculum, different teaching methods and assessment methods etc.

So why is the result all the same. It’s not the military even though you want to blame it and think that’s the issue, no it’s not. Pakistan was made in 1947 while martial law came much later. Military didn’t intervene to start with, it was the civil govt and bureaucracy who took reign before Ayub.

The result is not the same. Private schools in Pakistan do reasonably well. I assume military academies do likewise. But the masses go to public schools which are a disaster.

A country cannot thrive if its masses receive no education. Once again, this is not an academic exercise: we can see the difference where India and Bangladesh are compared to Pakistan because those cultures feel that quality education is the birthright of every child, especially the poor child.
My uncle had problem with NADRA and with some business he also said pak is like stuck in old ages, no sane person would waste time there.

Whole country is like bunch of uncles at a tea gathering doing whatever lazy stuff but they call it idara

ZERO PROFESSIONALISM, ZERO STANDARDS. They flex non achievements. He say India will **** them up in few decades.
India - some Indians - don't want to be Indians.
They want to be Bharatia (Bharati has a subtly different meaning), and want Bharat to be a saffron version of Pakistan. Today's Pakistan.
Ironic, innit?
The result is not the same. Private schools in Pakistan do reasonably well. I assume military academies do likewise. But the masses go to public schools which are a disaster.

A country cannot thrive if its masses receive no education. Once again, this is not an academic exercise: we can see the difference where India and Bangladesh are compared to Pakistan because those cultures feel that quality education is the birthright of every child, especially the poor child.
100% agree with this point.

Can feel the difference from the ones I've personally spoken to also, it's clearly evident. One can't ignore how universal education including quality has been largely ignored.

Vast majority of society at the end of the day will represent the general government system.
Read whole context. The answer to you Q is there already

There is no context. The very fact that you thought or someone thought it is a good idea shows how ludicrous your whole society is
The result is not the same. Private schools in Pakistan do reasonably well. I assume military academies do likewise. But the masses go to public schools which are a disaster.

A country cannot thrive if its masses receive no education. Once again, this is not an academic exercise: we can see the difference where India and Bangladesh are compared to Pakistan because those cultures feel that quality education is the birthright of every child, especially the poor child.

Are we sure it is education ? Pakistan has 58% compared to 76% for India and 74% for Bangladesh

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