Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

Ukraine war machine running
it now can produce 10x 155mm artillery systems per month, more than Europe combined.

Russia is actually producing 4.5 million artillery shells for this year. If the Chinese got involved, that amount would most likely double.
One of the biggest deceptions in the West is that the US only started "supporting" Ukraine after Russian troops finally crossed the border in February 2022.

The "Unprovoked invasion" line is peddled continually by Westen client Media, so let's have a look at the facts and then decide if Russias actions were indeed "Unprovoked"

The truth is that as far back as the 1940s-1950s The CIA established "close contacts" with the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Rebel Army (UPA) two groups of brutal Nazi collaborators (now widely celebrated as heroes in Dictator Zelenskys Ukraine) and perpetrators of unspeakable massacres of Jews, Poles and Russians alongside their Nazi allies in WW2

The CIA provided them with weapons, cash, support, and training in an effort to destabilize Ukraine and promote Ukrainian ultra nationalism

Then, In the 1950s, the CIA launched "Operation Aerodynamic", which aimed to support Banderite Neo Nazi networks in Ukraine culminating in 1953 with the CIA creating a special unit called "Unit 2245" to capture and analyze Russian military hardware using the Anti Semitic and murderous Banderites to do their dirty work.

During the 1950s-1960s, The CIA infiltrated Ukrainian ultra nationalists and increased support for their terror operations in Ukraine, these continued up until the 1970s when the CIA conducted black propaganda operations in Ukraine and provided support to anti-Russian groups of any kind, regardless of their methods or penchant for murder and terrorism

Onwards into the 1980s-1990s, the CIA continued to support Ukrainian nationalist groups and provided intelligence on Soviet military activities in Ukraine, attempting to use Neo Nazi groups for sabotage and terror operations in the country.

In the 1990s, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the CIA shifted its focus to supporting Ukraine's transition to "democracy" and spent hundreds of millions of black money countering Russian influence by funding bribery and destabilising legitimate political groups and media outlets.

2014-present: Following Russia's action in Crimea in response the CIA backed and planned Coup in Kiev, and the subsequent illegal toppling of the legitimate President of Ukraine, the CIA embarked on a complex. And wide ranging involvement with Ukraines feared SBU security service, assisting them in planning operations such as the assassination of unarmed female journalists, the targeting of Russian politicians and officials in Donbas and Lugansk and countless other actions which, if carried out against an American ally, would be immediately
classed as terrorism.

So, let's go back to the start.

Could any objective observer, when in possession of the facts listed above regarding Washingtons decades long determined attempts to start a devastating Civil War in Ukraine, consider Russias actions as "Unprovoked"?

The War hungry elites determined to perpetuate the conflict in Ukraine, that their Governments essentially started planning decades ago, rely on your ignorance to prop up their deceitful narrative

Don't play their game.

Follow and support me @irishmaninrussia or @boweschay on X
The situation is much more complicated than that, and it goes much further in history than just 2012. Like the fact that in 2004 the Ukraine have already had a revolution, and as a result they have elected pro-European Yushenko, who had completely ruined the economy and his promise to lead the Ukraine into the European Union. As the result Ukraine had another election some years later, and Ukrainian people have elected pro-Russian Yanukovich. Washington and Eu toppled him by sponsoring a revolution against him.This is just a small aspect of a very complicated conflict, so please don't be so superficial, and stop spreading the "Evil Egocentric Putin" story. By some pro Ukrainian posters on here.

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