Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

the russians panicking over Ukraine army invasion. Russia imposes state of emergency over Kursk region that will authorize martial law on Russia mainland. Will be interesting if the Ukraine brigade can take control of Kursk nuclear facilities and gas pipelines.

Death from above
Ukraine’s drones armed with laser guided bombs

Ein russischer Soldat hält eine abgeschossene „Baba Yaga“ Drohne hoch. 06.08.2024.

Anfang August: Ein russischer Soldat hält eine abgeschossene „Baba Yaga“-Drohne hoch. Ausgerüstet mit lasergesteuerten Bomben werden die großen Drohnen immer gefährlicher. © IMAGO/Stanislav Krasilnikov
the russians panicking over Ukraine army invasion. Russia imposes state of emergency over Kursk region that will authorize martial law on Russia mainland. Will be interesting if the Ukraine brigade can take control of Kursk nuclear facilities and gas pipelines.

Funny things about this is, there were report of Russia massing 10-15k troop on Sumy front back in May, posing for an attack supporting the Kharkiv offensive.

Quess where Kursk is??

That's what most people expect the Russian summer offensive is being launched from, yet, nothing is launched and it's August now and then Ukraine launched their own offensive into Kursk Region.......
the russians panicking over Ukraine army invasion. Russia imposes state of emergency over Kursk region that will authorize martial law on Russia mainland. Will be interesting if the Ukraine brigade can take control of Kursk nuclear facilities and gas pipelines.

I don't know what the point of this invasion... what goal does Ukraine have? If its to get Russian forces or a good chunk of them to redeploy to Kursk I hope they have a way to return back to Ukraine quickly without losing a lot. Part of thinks that they likely have a couple, or more, Patriot launchers that were able to move right at the border and are covering the army because if not this is a stupid move and once Russian scrape up fighters for air to ground missions it's going to look ugly.

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