TF-X / KAAN / Hürjet Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircrafts News & Discussions

What is the video title and my post misleading about?

The KAAN is real..the specs are out there.. anyone with the right tools can make a simulation.. or are you trolling!?

Exactly my point since weeks again! Posting videos claiming in their headers there are dozens of Su-57s out there, the West is shocked by this and that BS, Russians are integrating US weapons on the Su-75 and here again a lie, a blatant lie and instead of simply admitting it, you don‘t have the balls and try to diverts agin.

You post constantly lies, BS misleading videos and propaganda!

TAI started the construction of the 3rd KAAN

When the tests progress, ammunition firing tests will be carried out from the internal station, which is KAAN's 5th generation feature.
TAI started the construction of the 3rd KAAN

When the tests progress, ammunition firing tests will be carried out from the internal station, which is KAAN's 5th generation feature.
Any pictures of 2nd KAAN?
(TAI) General Manager Prof. Dr. Temel KOTİL

We choose higher technology than F35 and F22
and we are working on 6th gen

Haha we chose higher than F35 and F-22, you don't know what are classified technologies used by both F-22 and F-35 so you assume you building better jet than F-22 and F-35, this is just for public consumption nonsense 🤣 lol 😆

And all of major powers are developing 6th gen jets, but major hurdle for Turkiye is to develop suitable engine for 6th gen jet (variable cycle engine aka adaptive cycle engine)

No nation can give you vice engine technology so it will lot harder and last longer for Turkiye to finish 6th gen jet project in time
Haha we chose higher than F35 and F-22, you don't know what are classified technologies used by both F-22 and F-35 so you assume you building better jet than F-22 and F-35, this is just for public consumption nonsense 🤣 lol 😆

And all of major powers are developing 6th gen jets, but major hurdle for Turkiye is to develop suitable engine for 6th gen jet (variable cycle engine aka adaptive cycle engine)

No nation can give you vice engine technology so it will lot harder and last longer for Turkiye to finish 6th gen jet project in time

F-35 and F-22 aren't some secret sauce, atleast the F-22 isn't. People know what the parameters for 6th gen are, its a tailless fighter, optimized for BVR, Sensor fusion, variable cycle engines etc etc..

What he is basically saying they are exploring planning and doing preliminary design work on tailless fighters.
(TAI) General Manager Prof. Dr. Temel KOTİL

We choose higher technology than F35 and F22
and we are working on 6th gen

Perhaps the KAAN model released in 2028 will have higher spec than current F-35 and F-22 (who knows), but in year 2028 ahead there will be next version of F-35 and improved F-22 too, and everybody knows US doesnt lack source, technology and experience to keep enhancing F-35/F-22.

Regarding TAI 6th gen fighter, we have no timeline for it's first flight, while US already made first flight, and China/Europe/Japan has set their timeline for induction.

6th gen fighter will require more powerful propulsion, more advanced stealth technology, more advanced radar (terra Heartz, or even quantum radar), more advanced sensors, data fusion, LASER weapon, etc.

For now for sure we know the Turkiye propulsion for even 5th gen is not there yet, even the future Turkiye turbofan engine will have only thrust 35k lbf which is equal to older F119, while top engine maker is working on 45K lfb thrust or beyond. Even current F-135 and WS-15 already have thrust about 40K lbf 5k lbf more powerful than future Turkiye turbofan for KAAN.

F-35 next Upgrade
The F-35 is expected to be continually upgraded over its lifetime. The first upgrade program, called Continuous Capability Development and Delivery (C2D2) began in 2019 and is currently planned to run to 2024. The near-term development priority of C2D2 is Block 4, which would integrate additional weapons, including those unique to international customers, refresh the avionics, improve ESM capabilities, and add Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver (ROVER) support.[68][69] C2D2 also places greater emphasis on agile software development to enable quicker releases.[70] In 2018, the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) awarded contracts to General Electric and Pratt & Whitney to develop more powerful and efficient adaptive cycle engines for potential application in the F-35, leveraging the research done under the Adaptive Engine Transition Program (AETP); in 2022, the F-35 Adaptive Engine Replacement (FAER) program was launched to integrate adaptive cycle engines into the aircraft by 2028.[71][72]
There will be competition for the Adaptive Cycle Engine by 2028.
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F-35 and F-22 aren't some secret sauce, atleast the F-22 isn't. People know what the parameters

They are troll team without any military knowledge
I am sharing info from Genral Menager of TAI

They even calling General Menager of TAI as delusional and public nonsense
same users with same butthurt feelings

People know what about F-22 without IRST . EOTS . HMDS . DIRCM and without 360° situational awareness

F-22 has strong AESA Radar to detect 1m2 RCS target from 200+ km away
and F-22 powered by 2 x 35.000 lbf Engines from 1990s

and TEMEL KOTIL said we chose higher technology than F35 and F22

What about KAAN ?

1-- with AI-enhanced battlefield awareness ( 360° situational awareness with 4 AESA radars - sensor fusion with EOTS , IRST with unique configuration )

high-capacity networking , AI, data fusion ... its belong to 6th gen
It uses artificial intelligence, Autonomy, Sensors and data fusion.
Communication uses human-machine interface technologies for this purpose

F-22 lacks this capability

2-- Artificial Intelligence Co-pilot

3-- Pilot Health Tracking
If the Pilot faints, KAAN will automatically return to the base from which took off

4-- HMDS (Helmet Display System) with AI-enhanced battlefield awareness
F-22 lacks HMDS

5-- DIRCM Directed Infrared Countermeasure System by high power LASER
F-22 and F-35 lacks DIRCM

This capability belongs to 6th gen

7-- excellent EW capabilities with ASELSAN FEWS -- Fighter Electronic Warfare Suite

8-- Aselsan develops BURFIS AESA Radar ( 2.000+ GaN T/R modules ) to compare with APG-77v1 AESA Radar ( 1,956 T/R GaAS modules )

9-- TR-MOTOR / TEI develops 35.000 lbf turbofan Engine with the latest technologies

10 -- full data-to-decision (D2D) capability for multi-layered distributed team of diverse manned aircraft working in concert with unmanned types ( KAAN , ANKA-3, KIZILELMA )

full data-to-decision (D2D) capability is belong to 6th gen

Otonom Kol Uçuşu (OKU / Autonomous Wingman Concept) from TAI

And as of 2024 Only USA and Turkiye showed this concept which belongs to 6th gen

Even USA doesnt have unmanned stealth Fighter Jet
Its a Loyal Wingman .... XQ-58A ( 9m and MTOW of 2.700 kg ) with 550 kg payload
and without AESA Radar

Turkiye is the 1st Country in the world that developed unmanned stealth Fighter Jet

14.7 m KIZILELMA with MTOW of 7.000 kg and payload capacity of 1.500 kg
Equipped with AESA Radar

and there will be twin engine variant of KIZILELMA which will be bigger than RAFALE

The first in the World by Turkiye
A new era in aviation, Unmanned fighter jet and manned fighter jet flew together at the same time

Some People still can not realize what about unmanned stealth Fighter Jet
It is a technology of future
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You're biggest troll than us 🤣 boasting nonsense so much

Your TROLL Team boasting nonsense with butthurt feelings
wth are you ? stop terrorize threads enough with your troll team

Not me
but General Menager of TAI TEMEL KOTIL said we chose higher technology than F35 and F22


please dont allow troll team to terrorize thread ... Thanks
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Your TROLL Team boasting nonsense with butthurt feelings
wtf are you stupid shit ? stop terrorize threads enough with your troll team

Not me
but General Menager of TAI TEMEL KOTIL said we chose higher technology than F35 and F22


please dont allow troll team to terrorize thread ... Thanks

Keyword: "Choose", "will", "to be" etc; it means doesnt have yet and dont know whether it could be realized, or realized in time or not.

So the valid question is: how TAI will reach that?

TAI's GM can say whatever he want to say to advertise KAAN, but people has ground to question the rationality of his claim, considering Turkiye's/TAI's level of technology, talents and budget are below those of US/Lockheed.

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