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The possible ways of action of the Egyptian army in an initiated war against Israel


Aug 28, 2006
Pakistani wish only the best for Egyptians
We wish Egypt was strong and rich and powerful, so it can defend its people and take it's rightful place as Muslim state with a glorious history

We wish all Muslim countries would actually act like Muslims and brothers and work together against common enemies from Zionists to hindutva

You have to understand this isn't about HATE, it's because we care about fellow Muslims in Palestine, In Egypt, in Yemen that watching them be humiliated, murdered and raped is so INFURIATING AND INTOLERABLE

Pakistan has many problems, we are not too different to Egypt with a over involved military establishment

But we repeatedly took on superpowers and states when our strategic interests were threatened

We have issues with the Afghans, but we will resolve those between ourselves, rather then allow a foreign power to slaughter population in our region

The U.S didn't spend a trillion in Afghanistan, got thousands of its soldiers killed just to tuck tail and run

It did so, because it failed to respect Pakistans strategic interests, that resulted in Pakistan ensuring the enemies in Afghanistan U.S, NATO, India had to go,
It took carful planning, training and weapons supply to support the resistance and ensure the defeat of the U.S

The U.S knows what Pakistan did, they are not happy and can still screw us over but it all becomes water under the bridge as time goes on

I am saying this not as a dick measuring contest, but because Egypt and Jordan can do so much more and have done virtually nothing whilst fellow Arab Muslims are humiliated

Pakistan would ensure a clear weapons supply
We would provide training and space for camps
We would provide planning and intelligence
We would put our own forces in preparation to counter what the Jews would do understanding we have the numbers advantage
In short we would have ensured that Palestinians and Palestine would have won and be free

You can say this is nonsense, how can I say these things
Because it's EXACTLY what we did in Afghanistan, right under the noses of the USA

Prior to that we did it to the USSR, who then collapsed

We also did it with our nuclear weapons program

Pakistan is just like Egypt in so many ways, but we would never have allowed the Palestinians to suffer and be humiliated this much
The US and Pakistan were facing a common enemy (i.e., Al-Qaeda Network) in the region that was dismantled. You will find plenty of information in Musharraf's book.

The US was also trying to change political landscape of Afghanistan but Donald Trump said that this was not American mission. Pakistan made it possible for Taliban to regroup and have a say in Afghan affairs but Pakistan was expecting intra-afghan dialogue to manifest. Trump's decision and subsequent collapse of Afghan setup was a surprising turn of events.

Pakistan could not handle Soviet Union in Afghanistan by itself, multiple countries provided support in this case. Many of the fighters came from Arab lands and US provided valuable intel and arms to the so-called Mujahideen (Operation Cyclone). Pakistani forces taught volunteers how to fight. The US also equipped Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to counter Soviet Air Power. Those F-16s were excellent.

Pakistan fights for its interests for sure but ground realities are complex with many variables and actors that are overlooked in your assessment. Pakistan simply had much luck in fighting for its interests in Afghanistan. Similar tactics have yielded no results in Kashmir.
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Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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I'm glad that they've made the effort to correct the originally faulty story, the one that claims F-4 Phantoms took off from the USS James Ennes armed with nukes and that Lyndon Johnson had issued the order to nuke Cairo.

First of all, we know F-4 Phantoms don't carry nukes (the A4 Skyhawks do) and the worse part is that they would actually assume the US would nuke Egypt over a presumed intentional sinking of a US naval intelligence ship and 34 dead sailors. So they got a bunch of things wrong.

1) They assumed the ship sank from the alleged Egyptian attack.

2) They didn't even investigate to find out if it was the Egyptians who fired missiles at it let alone automatically & wrongly assume it had sunk.

3) They took off using the wrong types of aircraft.

4) They assumed the US would simply react and nuke Cairo over an alleged sunken US navy intel ship? The US is a bully, but it's not a belligerent psychopathic freakazoid going around nuking the hell out of any country let alone for the sake of another little shithole like Israel that offers absolutely ZERO benefit to the United States except pursue the supposed falsehood of a democracy.

5) They didn't even take into account that despite using nukes in Japan in WWII, that was fought at the cost of 109,000 soldiers KIA, 300,000+ wounded and 4 years of war at an estimated cost of $10 Billion. Pearl Harbor alone saw 3,000 casualties and countless deaths.

6) Even in Korea, Douglass McArthur was pushing Harry Truman to drop nukes on North Korea to end the stalemate and win the war that lasted 3 years, killed 37,000 and wounded 110,000 and cost the United States $20 Billion twice the number of the Pacific war and still, Harry Truman wouldn't listen to McArthur because he knew that was an insane thing to do even at such a high cost. Even ended up firing McArthur, effectively ending his military career.

And they're trying to tell us the US would nuke good old Egypt because a US intel frigate was supposedly hit by Egypt (which was incorrect anyway) and didn't even bother to investigate to be certain, i.e. follow rules of engagement at the highest possible level and do all that for who and what? Shithole Israel?

That goes to show the dangerously scary psychopathic power of the Jewish-controlled/sympathetic media that has plagued the world since WWII. Glad it's been put to bed.
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The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Sinai is a fortified fortress and the army is at your disposal. Egypt is ready to deal with any plan in Sinai


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