Trump Wishes Americans Stayed in Afghanistan To Fight China

It's a good thing to say that USA should have evacuated from Afghanistan ASAP. The Chinese are going to have a tough time mining Afghanistan in a profitable manner.
The easiest way for the Talibs to mining going and protect their regime is to invite in mining powers from most places in the world (that Pakistan allows pass through its territory), and balance competing interests, the way Mongolia did.

The afghans may also be in danger of their regime falling to neighbors, especially the Tajiks and Iranians, both allied to the Russians. Good relations with Pakistan and the GCC at least can help hedge against this, at the cost of a share of the mining business.
The Talibs should find a way to mend fences with their neighbors to be seen as a stable force in the region and not one that extra-regional powers can convince the neighbors to get rid of.

Considering Afghanistan’s need to manage their water resources (coming from the rivers from Tajikistan) to go big in mining, they should look for a deal between themselves, Tajikistan, China, and Pakistan. A dam on the Amu darya and Chitral rivers in exchange for a connection to the Pakistani power grid and a rail line between Chitral (KPK; Pakistan proper for all international intents and purposes) and Tajikistan.

Tajikistan is the neighbor that would most want to see the talibs out of power, but if there was an economic incentive to work with them, it could create the foundations for a long term relationship. Otherwise, neighboring countries wouldn’t really care if their regime endured or not.
The Taliban is an ultra-nationalist party disguised as a religionist. In fact the Islamic countries of Central Asia are nationalists disguised as religionists. This makes it hard to reconcile the conflict between them. Integration with common economic interests is a great idea.
US forces in Afghanistan is a win for us. Won't happen though - Trump is playing to the gallery.

If it was to happen - we ought to not play both sides - let the Taliban take the full brunt and support the US. We also ought to deport all the refugees and close our borders for trade.

Let the Taliban learn a lesson and let the US rely on us for a bit. Trump is a businessman - see if we can work out some benefits for the people rather than F-solah.

If the Americans don't want an anti American South and Central Asia - they'd do well to work with our genuine democratic leadership, build relationships that are beneficial for our populous rather than the elite and don't impose anti Pakistani govts in Afghanistan.

Both sides need to learn a lesson from 2 decades of failure.
US troops in Afghanistan are not a win for the average Pakistani because benefits don’t trickle down to the average Pakistani, they only reinforce the status quo; inefficient military rule (direct or indirect) in Pakistan.

Any American presence in Afghanistan and Central Asia, as well as Pakistan, should be a commercial one. That is the only way to use the power of money and diplomatic recognition or isolation to constrain Afghan behaviors.

Indeed we should recognize we have moved past the era of the F-Solah. The lesson from the last two decades should be you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, especially when dealing with a proud and stubborn people like the Afghans.

P.s. China should welcome this American commercial interest (non-military) to make these economic projects viable and prevent them being blocked.

A lot of excess Chinese exports can be sent via this route and American commercial projects can subsidize a Chinese land bridge to the Indian Ocean. For example, Chinese refineries in China could process Central Asia fuel and sent it via a pipeline to Gwadar and the world market. More business for Chinese companies.

This would also help Pakistan better afford means to keep bandits and militants in check with modern means of surveillance and interdiction.
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The Taliban is an ultra-nationalist party disguised as a religionist. In fact the Islamic countries of Central Asia are nationalists disguised as religionists. This makes it hard to reconcile the conflict between them. Integration with common economic interests is a great idea.
Economic interdependence is the only real solution, along side the benefits of partial recognition with the stick of diplomatic isolation. Lessons from North Korea and Mongolia.
The easiest way for the Talibs to mining going and protect their regime is to invite in mining powers from most places in the world (that Pakistan allows pass through its territory), and balance competing interests, the way Mongolia did.

The afghans may also be in danger of their regime falling to neighbors, especially the Tajiks and Iranians, both allied to the Russians. Good relations with Pakistan and the GCC at least can help hedge against this, at the cost of a share of the mining business.
Mate, Afghanistan is a pain in the tuckus for all the countries you mentioned in the post. They are unpredictable, hence potentially dangerous when it comes to dealing with them. They are politically fragmented and won their big war by waiting USA out. All the countries that you have mentioned have bad relationships with the taliban govt. The funny thing is there's no solution to this problem.

Mining in Afghanistan is yet to be profitable. I'm sure it will be worked around in the future.
Mate, Afghanistan is a pain in the tuckus for all the countries you mentioned in the post. They are unpredictable, hence potentially dangerous when it comes to dealing with them. They are politically fragmented and won their big war by waiting USA out. All the countries that you have mentioned have bad relationships with the taliban govt. The funny thing is there's no solution to this problem.

Mining in Afghanistan is yet to be profitable. I'm sure it will be worked around in the future.
Talibs want more money to spread around the largess to their men. They also want some level of diplomatic recognition to be able to ensure they won’t be toppled easily in a few years by the like of Massoud Jr who is still giving interviews these days. So the Talibs should not feel comfortable their government can’t be toppled with a few billion dollars spread around Tajik tribes in Northern Afghanistan once again.

They are also busy trying to lock in their legitimacy with the people through irrigation projects.

It is all most the exact same thing the Saudis did 100 years ago. Lock in their domestic legitimacy and international recognition through development and contracts with international resource extraction and processing companies.

This is the opportunity Pakistan can’t afford to pass up.
America has no business in Afghanistan, I am glad they left. World would breath a sigh of relief when US forces finally stay within their own borders like every other sovereign nation.

Irrespective of the aftermath and current situation in Afghanistan, from a Pakistani perspective it was very important to remove US/NATO and especially India from Afghanistan. This unholy trio was also aimed at Pakistan. I am glad the US/NATO dug their own grave and became very hostile and arrogant towards Pakistan. The US/NATO thought they had Pakistan by their balls by solely allying with India and Afghanistan. It gave our generals the balls to do the necessary. Had the US/NATO played the good/bad game we would be in deep trouble today. The generals would have cooperated all the way with US/NATO in exchange for carrots. Our generals don’t understand nor care about the well-being of their country and people. They are fixated on themselves. In a sense, we are extremely lucky that the US/NATO became hostile and arrogant in their dealings with Pakistan. It paved the way for an exit.
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Irrespective of the aftermath and current situation in Afghanistan, from a Pakistani perspective it was very important to remove US/NATO and especially India from Afghanistan. This unholy trio was also aimed at Pakistan. I am glad the US/NATO dug their own grave and became very hostile and arrogant towards Pakistan. The US/NATO thought they had Pakistan by their balls by solely allying with India and Afghanistan. It gave our generals the balls to do the necessary. Had the US/NATO played the good/bad game we would be in deep trouble today. The generals would have cooperated all the way with US/NATO in exchange for carrots. Our generals don’t understand nor care about the well-being of their country and people. They are fixated on themselves. In a sense, we are extremely lucky that the US/NATO became hostile and arrogant in their dealings with Pakistan. It paved the way for an exit.
Its good USA/NATO have left Afghanistan. Now the world needs to recognize the Afghan Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan.
US troops in Afghanistan are not a win for the average Pakistani because benefits don’t trickle down to the average Pakistani, they only reinforce the status quo; inefficient military rule (direct or indirect) in Pakistan.

Any American presence in Afghanistan and Central Asia, as well as Pakistan, should be a commercial one. That is the only way to use the power of money and diplomatic recognition or isolation to constrain Afghan behaviors.

Indeed we should recognize we have moved past the era of the F-Solah. The lesson from the last two decades should be you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, especially when dealing with a proud and stubborn people like the Afghans.

P.s. China should welcome this American commercial interest (non-military) to make these economic projects viable and prevent them being blocked.

A lot of excess Chinese exports can be sent via this route and American commercial projects can subsidize a Chinese land bridge to the Indian Ocean. For example, Chinese refineries in China could process Central Asia fuel and sent it via a pipeline to Gwadar and the world market. More business for Chinese companies.

This would also help Pakistan better afford means to keep bandits and militants in check with modern means of surveillance and interdiction.

The problem is that the US/NATO occupation wasn’t commercial. It was purely security and specifically aimed at setting up a base against Pakistan, China and Iran. The Americans never lied about their intentions. The Bahrain airbase was a supposed to serve as a spying den against many neighbouring nations. Bagram was the unholy place where US/NATO and their Communist Afghan friends used to scheme against Pakistan.
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Its good USA/NATO have left Afghanistan. Now the world needs to recognize the Afghan Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan.

Whatever happens with the Taliban is my least concern to be honest. If the Taliban behave they can reap the rewards. If they misbehave they have very little allies to support them except probably Iran.

The most important thing was to absolutely remove US/NATO and Indian presence. Their presence was absolutely aimed at Pakistan and others in the neighbourhood. It would have been an utter disaster today if US/NATO and India were present in Afghanistan.
Whatever happens with the Taliban is my least concern to be honest. If the Taliban behave they can reap the rewards. If they misbehave they have very little allies to support them except probably Iran.

The most important thing was to absolutely remove US/NATO and an Indian presence. Their presence is as absolutely aimed at Pakistan and others in the neighbourhood.
The Afghan Taliban are staunchly anti-Shia.

Iran will not support the Afghan Taliban.

The world needs to recognize the Afghan Taliban as the legitimate rulers of Afghanistan. It is their country.
The Afghan Taliban are staunchly anti-Shia.

Iran will not support the Afghan Taliban.

The world needs to recognize the Afghan Taliban as the legitimate rulers of Afghanistan. It is their country.

It is. Although the West will for always be haunted by their defeat and exit from Afghanistan. This is such a deep hurt that can never be removed. The West is demoralised when they talk about Afghanistan.

Make no mistake. The US/NATO came to win and rearrange the region. They left red faced. Not a single objective met. Worse, their Afghan allies are scattered and homeless.

At the end of the day, the US/NATO lost in Afghanistan because of their persistence to have India and anti-Pakistan commie Afghans on their side. This was logically never acceptable to Pakistan.
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It is. Although the West will for always be haunted by their defeat and exit from Afghanistan. This is such a deep hurt that can never be removed. The West is demoralised when they talk about Afghanistan.

Make no mistake. The US/NATO came to win and rearrange the region. They left red faced. Not a single objective met. Worse, their Afghan allies are scattered and homeless.

At the end of the day, the US/NATO lost in Afghanistan because of their persistence to have India and anti-Pakistan commie Afghans on their side. This was logically never acceptable to Pakistan.
Yes I agree good riddance to bad garbage that was USA/NATO coming into South Asia.

USA should just pursue an isolationist policy and mind their bloody business.

Same with the destruction they brought to Iraq as well.
At the end of the day, the US/NATO lost in Afghanistan because of their persistence to have India and anti-Pakistan commie Afghans on their side. This was logically never acceptable to Pakistan

Which is mind boggling because India never contributed anything substantial to the NATO cause. Its possibly the biggest own goal in NATO history.

The zionist policymakers in the US became too arrogant.
Which is mind boggling because India never contributed anything substantial to the NATO cause. Its possibly the biggest own goal in NATO history.

The zionist policymakers in the US became too arrogant.

India probably demanded a presence in Afghanistan to disturb Pakistan. The US was probably also eager to have India on its side in Afghanistan. After all, the intent was to use Afghanistan as a base against neighbouring countries.
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