UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

The Arab was calling the mother a P-a-k-i and a bitch among so many slurs. How can we call such people brothers? It is good. It needed to happen. It has at the very least confirmed my beliefs over the years.

I have zero respect for these trash Arabs. A shameful lot that walk over the dead bodies of Palestinians. They don't spare their own. How do we expect these people to respect Pakistanis?

100% these types should just be beaten senseless. It's hilarious he used such a slur when white Europeans use ones even worse than that on them.
It's a bit complex. If you or I go to Dubai or Jeddah with a Western passport, looking well dressed, educated and well-off we will be treated as well as anyone else. Then, on the other hand, you have plane loads of uneducated, poor people with Pakistani passports lining up at the passport counter, pushing each other and acting uncivilized. They will get different treatment. They will be treated with as much contempt that rich people in Pakistan treat the poor.

Instead of edcuating the people, Pakistani rulers have destroyed the country. The country is a basketcase. The Pakistan passport is one of the worst in the world. The popultion is uneducated, unhealthy and poor. To make it worse, many of them are involved in breaking the law and many are religious fanatics.

Why in this case should we demand respect from others? Pakistan needs to fix itself instead of blaming others.

Bro, I have seen how these Arabs treat Pakistanis. You are right. At first they will look at all Pakistanis with disgust. They will only start acting a bit normal when they see you or me with a foreign passport. Nevertheless, this is not how you treat people.

We have to admit. Gulf Arabs are generally quite racist and hateful towards Pakistanis. There is no doubt about it.

Pakistani workers are needed in Pakistan. Pakistani nurses are needed in Pakistan. These people need to be trained, educated and employed in Pakistan.

What have Pakistani workers gained over the years other than exploitation and hatred? It needs to stop. Stop begging for a few billion in Gulf Arab nations and develop your own industries and country.
Gaza has always been unique in the sense that it's always attracted a wide range of support, all coming from different angles like left wing, anarchist, anti globalist, anti Zionist etc

Its symbolism is far wider and plus we are seeing everything on social media, people are moved

Yemenis and Syrians might think the same, who was there for them, I wouldn't look at it in that lens

If we, or you, allow yourself to be influenced by low frequency and low quality view's you will just get dragged to their level

If the Arabs are racist towards Pakistanis then why should Pakistanis give a damn about Arabs/Palestinians? Why should we protest about Gaza? Our country is in shambles because we give a damn by those that see us as inferior and we don't help our own. It's about time we Pakistanis put Pakistan and Pakistanis first.
Bro, I have seen how these Arabs treat Pakistanis. You are right. At first they will look at all Pakistanis with disgust. They will only start acting a bit normal when they see you or me with a foreign passport. Nevertheless, this is not how you treat people.
They only take their que from Pakistani elites, that's the root problem.

The elites should have some moral responsibility to everyone in society as a vanguard and privileged group, except they don't and have signalled to the world they don't care.

So why should a foreigner offer more compassion than your so called own.
By the way the Arab dude was beaten quite bad (rightfully so). That's why the police arrived quickly and with force.

Lol he won't be racist again to Pakistanis hahaha.
They only take their que from Pakistani elites, that's the root problem.

The elites should have some moral responsibility to everyone in society as a vanguard and privileged group, except they don't and have signalled to the world they don't care.

So why should a foreigner offer more compassion than your so called own.

That is the problem. Always has been the problem. Pakistani elite, politicians and generals are the problem. These elites don't have any vision nor understanding of the world. The days of relying on remittances and IMF loans are long gone. Countries now earn money through a knowledge based economy. That is exactly what Pakistan should be investing in. It won't happen because our elites aren't interested in developing the country. They aren't interested in educating the nation. As you said, keep the masses illiterate and impoverished. It is all about self enrichment.
By the way the Arab dude was beaten quite bad (rightfully so). That's why the police arrived quickly and with force.

Lol he won't be racist again to Pakistanis hahaha.

I hope they have taken a picture of that Arab. Spread it like wildfire.
I hope they have taken a picture of that Arab. Spread it like wildfire.

I hope so as well. But he got beaten to a pulp. Hence why the police were called. He got beaten down and bystanders called the cops.
I have met Arabs in the West that openly scold Pakistan and Pakistanis. To me this is not a surprise. Racist Arabs do exist.

Lost souls and they get 10 times more back from Europeans. They wouldn't dare come out with it in public in front of Pakistanis, as a quick beat down will ensue. These racist ones are weak as hell, also cucked.
They do bro. I have heard Iraqis use it too. Like I said, it may be a surprise to many here. To me it absolutely isn't. The stories of exploitation and hatred in Gulf countries are also true. These people are far from good. All we need to do is open our eyes and look at the Palestinian genocide. Where are the Arabs? We keep asking this question and all we get in return is angry rebuttals. I am not buying that this was one racist angry Qatari. They are mostly the same.

Bro I can vouch for many Iraqi folk they are good people. Fairly sizable here and they get on well with us. I've known Pakistanis who have visited Iraq and been made to feel loved and welcome.
Finally!!! My fellow Pakisanis waking up realising true faces of majority of Arabs - extremely racist and obnoxious lot. Yes we shouldn't generalise but majority do tend to meet the threshold. If it wasn't for Islam and Oil, the whole of ME would have no value whatsoever and they'd still be riding Camels. As a Pakistani, for me PAKISTAN COMES first.

I'm not sure if that Arab got beaten up or not, I have not been following this story in detail but I hope our Brothers handed his racist A** to him!
Lost souls and they get 10 times more back from Europeans. They wouldn't dare come out with it in public in front of Pakistanis, as a quick beat down will ensue. These racist ones are weak as hell, also cucked.
Over here in UK - these guys will absolutely not mess with us. This isn't ME where such **** is tolerated.
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Bro I can vouch for many Iraqi folk they are good people. Fairly sizable here and they get on well with us. I've known Pakistanis who have visited Iraq and been made to feel loved and welcome.

Not all Iraqis are obviously like this. I have seen a few here in The Netherlands. Ironically refugee Iraqis. Christian ones too. The Christian Iraqis often don't get along with Muslim Iraqis.
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Finally!!! My fellow Pakisanis waking up realising true faces of majority of Arabs - extremely racist and obnoxious lot. Yes we shouldn't generalise but majority do tend to meet the threshold. If it wasn't for Islam and Oil, the whole of ME would have no value whatsoever and they'd still be riding Camels. As a Pakistani, for me PAKISTAN COMES first.

I'm not sure if that Arab got beaten up or not, I have not been following this story in detail but I hope our Brothers handed his racist A** to him!

100%. Pakistan first. I always stand up and defend Pakistanis. Unlike our elites.

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