
"Yes sure, I would love to see the place in Lahore where Parsis lived. Good to know the history of my city 👍"


Shirin (name changed) from my dad's dad's Lahore side married into my wife's family in Poona. Small world, very small community. Partition dividing some of it.

Cheers, Doc
"Yes sure, I would love to see the place in Lahore where Parsis lived. Good to know the history of my city 👍"


Shirin (name changed) from my dad's dad's Lahore side married into my wife's family in Poona. Small world, very small community. Partition dividing some of it.

Cheers, Doc
Thanks for sharing Doc, very interesting article. There were only 35 Parsis left in Lahore till 2013, looking at the situation now in the country, most of would have left by now. Good to know though that Shireen ( the Parsi woman in the article ) studied from my alma mater.

Interesting article. Cheers.

@vsdoc I counted 10 lungis, but there's a whole line that prob stretch for a couple miles..

congress votebank
slow scorings, @vsdoc

doldrums overs

Indonesia Toyota Dealership... WTF???

@Indos WTF is going on here?

I thought only Japanese did this kind of stuff in workplaces.

Indonesia Toyota Dealership... WTF???

@Indos WTF is going on here?

I thought only Japanese did this kind of stuff in workplaces.

Dont know, it is just for fun I believe. In Indonesia homo sexual is very very low, unlike in US.

Indonesians are used to celebrate 17 August independence day with funny competition that make people laught. We are not Iran or North Korea. But this kind of thing is pretty new and just saw it, but not worth for putting it on PDF....
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