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Why is there such a big difference The ISS is crowded, but the Chinese Tiangong space station is like an Apple store


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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The US already had Skylab, which about the same size as the chinese station, the US valued international participation more so than an exclusive station, b/c the cooperation itself is soft power, which you don't seem to understand.
Then why did US ban China in space cooperation in the first place? hypocritical at its finest.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Let’s not go off topic please. Make another thread for this if you want.
i didn't bring that up, he brought it up. He claims that we don't understand "cooperation" after US banned space cooperation with China. lol... can anything be more funny than this false accusation?


Sep 19, 2010
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i didn't bring that up, he brought it up. He claims that we don't understand "cooperation" after US banned space cooperation with China. lol... can anything be more funny than this false accusation?
Let us all stayon topic please. That is all.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Simple, b/c they didn't trust china. The US govt is petty like that. It isolated people it doesn't like or stand in its way towards hegemony/control, or those it views as a threat.
So it's not we don't understand "cooperation". thank you for clarifying it.


Jan 6, 2020
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So it's not we don't understand "cooperation". thank you for clarifying it.

coalition building. In one sense, he is right, China struggles with this, as I said, China has buisness partners, a few dependents, but not many friends.


Sep 19, 2010
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coalition building. In one sense, he is right, China struggles with this, as I said, China has buisness partners, a few dependents, but not many friends.

More "friends" are only a matter of time. Economic power and scientific prowess have a way of attracting geopolitical "friends" easily. China will find itself more and more popular as its economy grows larger and larger, no doubt.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Russians work on their modules and the US works on its own. The ISS was envisioned in a time where geopolitics were different, but even today its global impact has been profound, which is why in the next space station, it will likely be a group project as well. Not b/c the US can't build its own, but b/c there are social and geopolticial benefits to it. You don't quite grasp these things, so just stick to making cringe insecure comparsions that make no sense.

With this cringe thread and your refusal to look at things impartially, you have even managed to turn off people in the thread that are usually congratulatory towards china, having the opposite effect of what you likely hoped. Do yourself a favor and stop doubling down on the sillyness.

The ISS was made international ONLY because NASA budget was slashed and the costs had to be shared. The coalition building nonsense is salad dressing to cover up the real reasons.


Jan 6, 2020
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More "friends" are only a matter of time. Economic power and scientific prowess have a way of attracting geopolitical "friends" easily. China will find itself more and more popular as its economy grows larger and larger, no doubt.

China has already grown economically, and has economic power and yet, look at its periphery, the US has managed to surround it with people who have beef with China, or are in the US camp. in one way or another, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia, India, etc etc. Compare the Chinese to the Soviets. The Soviets had soft power and significant friends. from the entire block in eastern europe, giving them a buffer, following its ideology, to recruiting elsewhere Middle East, South Asia, Africa and even in the US own backyard, and even in the US with soft power projection, to the point the US felt it was getting pressed. China in this respect does not really have this soft power, mind you, I'm not saying its necessarily a bad thing or a good thing, there are benefits and downsides. The Chinese since Deng Xiaoping(arguable a more important figure than Mao with regards to modern china) have been very Cautious, they do not get involved, they do not project soft power, heck I'd say in many ways South Korea has more cultural soft power projection than China. Xi Jinping is a little different with his "wolf warrior" diplomacy which is a break from the usual policy of China, but even this is not too divergence compared to other states.


Sep 19, 2010
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By this logic, we can claim that the US space program is based on 'stealing' from the Nazis because Von Braun was a Germany.

Of course. And von Braun’s work goes back all the way to the great Chinese invention of fireworks and rocketry. All advancements happen in such stages.

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