23 travellers offloaded, shot dead in Balochistan’s Musakhail after identity check:

So Pakistan which is on its knees virtually bankrupt had internal civil war between the sindi Baluchistanis and pashtuns
Is suggesting that India the fastest growing economy in the world be divided on grounds of religion

And that comes from a islamic Pakistani living in Christian Europe full of multi cultural people where the indengious people want him and his kind deported back to Pakistan

You see how messed up you look now the 🤣🤣

Their are more communal riots and hatred in India then their will EVER be in Pakistan

India has regular riots, lynchings, Indian social media is a toxic wasteland

India is overpopulated, India's economy is nothing special, and certainly not something to overcome the mass communal hate

All we want is justice, the people of south Asia need peace and separation, and we want Indian Muslims free if their Hindu and Sikh enemies

We can do this, Pakistan single handed defeated multiple enemies in Afghanistan including India
And as soon as we deal with the clear up and fall out our focus will be back on India and hindutva will have nicely cooked India by then

Buddy enjoy the ride in Europe, who the **** cares , just sit back, get what you can and if Europe implodes leave..
I've got not problem
It's you Sikhs and hindus acting like little pet poodles of the whites
So you Pakistanis are save 250 million Indian Muslims from Hindu extreme India

Oh yes ...when you sorted yourselves out first🤣😂🤣 yeah ok sir

We took our India, USA, NATO and the USSR and the Afghan Republic out of Afghanistan, we can create chaos in India too

Hindutva is our ally of creating insurmountable divisions within India

Already hindutva has left hundreds of millions of indian Muslims and others without any representation

Already nothing about the Indian state represents Indian Muslims, Sikhs, Christians or anyone or anything except Hindu crap

Slowly but surely, what's happening is these MASSIVE communities are looking within and without

Even the Palestinian issues, hundreds of millions of indian muslims are pro Palestine and stand shoulder to shoulder with the Muslim world and all of humanity against the Zionists

And the hindutva extremists support Zionist crimes

We can use all of this to create a divide in India that can't be overcome
So you Pakistanis are save 250 million Indian Muslims from Hindu extreme India

Oh yes ...when you sorted yourselves out first🤣😂🤣 yeah ok sir

Also remember this Singh, being a good obedient dog won't get you anything

You Sikhs did that for the British, act like loyal slaves and servants

When the time came for partition, the British drew a line through the Punjab, giving the vast majority to Pakistani Muslims
THe birth place of your guru, kartapur or whatever its called, is only a fee hundred meters from border
YET the British wouldn't even Include that In east Punjab just to humiliated Sikhs even more

Being a obedient dog won't save you from the European far right
The hatred for Baloch, Bengali, or Sindhi culture, language, and traditions often stems from a deep-seated animosity towards Hinduism, as these cultures are perceived to be Hindu. In truth, these cultures are Hindu.
Baloch were never hindu rather zoarastrians.

Sindhis were buddhists before Islam.

Also hope you know that all the stories you hear about hindu women in Pak.. come from Sindh.

You clowns think you know so much about Pak yet you are soo foolish its amusing.
Yeah right ..Like Europe will let you Pakistanis decide who is deported first
Wake up smell.tje coffee
Since twin towers the entire faith is has been tarnished by the west

Don't believe me
Look at the genocide in Gaza the western world turned blind eye
The Germans are knocking down mosques now as we speak
In UK there are islamic hate demos
You get the message right
You know whats ironic?

During the anti migrant riots, ***** supported the right and guess what is happening now? Its the jeets who are at the recieving end.

1 barny stanson or whatever his name is humiliating over a billion of you with the same far right taking a dump on you.
Indian Muslims understand that any country created solely for Muslims, like Pakistan, would likely face internal conflict, with people killing each other in the name of Islam—the very basis on which the country was founded. Beyond religion, divisions over language and ethnicity would also lead to violence. Once a country is built on hatred, it’s easy for that hatred to be redirected internally. This is why Indian Muslims don’t advocate for a separate nation. The same applies to Kashmir. A Shia, Ahmadi, or Sufi Muslim in Kashmir is unlikely to support independence or joining Pakistan, and even Sunni Kashmiris, in their right mind, wouldn’t favor secession from India.
Since you are so sure why not hold a referendum and humilate Pak with the results?

Also wtf is an ahmadi kashmiri muslim? Or a sufi muslim?

Sufism itself is not even a sect nor do ahmadis exist in Kashmir.. only ahmadis you have a small minority within a minority in eastern punjab.. and they arent even muslim. Not a single muslim in the world considers them muslim due to their heretic beliefs.
perspective of Indian Hindus or Sikhs on Islam is largely shaped by their interactions with Muslims from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. when Hindus interact with Muslims from other parts of the world, their view of Islam tends to shift, as there is generally no hatred towards Hindus in the Muslim world outside the subcontinent.
You seem to have no idea, the hatred against you is a result of your own self and the anti muslim shit you jeets hurl on social media.

And your leaders who openly made anti muslim hate speeches for the world to see.
Youd know about that if you werent living in your own bubble or under a rock.
Also remember this Singh, being a good obedient dog won't get you anything

You Sikhs did that for the British, act like loyal slaves and servants

When the time came for partition, the British drew a line through the Punjab, giving the vast majority to Pakistani Muslims
THe birth place of your guru, kartapur or whatever its called, is only a fee hundred meters from border
YET the British wouldn't even Include that In east Punjab just to humiliated Sikhs even more

Being a obedient dog won't save you from the European far right

The imf and other global western think tanks believe Pakistan is ok in danger of civil war

All. Indicators point to a troubled state
Avoid tourism.for westerners and non Moslems
Very little foreign investment
Political turmoil.
Army rule

Are you absolutely certain your in a position to help as you claim Indian Muslims
You feel.you can facilitate the break up of India who right now is 10/20. Times richer than you the most sought after trading nation on the planet bar none

You need to sort your own insurgency out first

Avoid bankruptcy

Get basic food and water and sanitation

Reduce your cycle of debt and loans

Then will see what you can do to help
Indian Kashmiris
Indian Moslems

Talk is cheap

As for Europe they are civilised rich continent ...They have given your poor Pakistanis a life you will.never have in your home countrys
You have abused it and tried to change a culture and race that had existed for thousands of years

No we don't want your religion pushed in our faces day and night

You people don't belong in Europe with that mindset

When in Rome do what the Romans do

Or stay in your own islamic lands and kill each other if you wish

Stop interference in India or Europe

Every country needs to resolve its issues, India is hardly a paradise with a rape epidemic and mass communalism

Pakistan must resolve its own, but it doesn't mean it can forget its enemies and strategic interests

It's interesting that the Europeans say when in Rome do as the Romans BUT like always the white man never learnt this lesson and spent the last few centuries going to other places and murdering and abusing
So stop with ball sucking

All migrants must obey the law wherever they go, this doesn't mean you lose your identity, culture and faith

If the white people are so concerned about non whites in Europe, they can always stop being hypocrites get out of aboriginal, maori and native lands and go back to Europe THEN AND ONLY THEN will we consider leaving

Until then enjoy the ride

The imf and other global western think tanks believe Pakistan is ok in danger of civil war

All. Indicators point to a troubled state
Avoid tourism.for westerners and non Moslems
Very little foreign investment
Political turmoil.
Army rule

Are you absolutely certain your in a position to help as you claim Indian Muslims
You feel.you can facilitate the break up of India who right now is 10/20. Times richer than you the most sought after trading nation on the planet bar none
Hey we had the same problems when we bought down the USSR and USA, India and NATO

Just because you have issues don't mean you can disregard your strategic interests

Let hindutva cook India and create the divisions and just be prepared to take advantage
Hey we had the same problems when we bought down the USSR and USA, India and NATO

Just because you have issues don't mean you can disregard your strategic interests

Let hindutva cook India and create the divisions and just be prepared to take advantage

I would learn to stand in your own feet for a few seconds first
You are in noi position to take advantage of a regional super power like India

Ignoring the huge disparity in economic and financial might India could turn your country into desert over night by shutting down the water supply from himlayers

India dominates this region economically diplomatically and culturally .

Your propped up.with Chinese loans and even they are getting fed up with your performance in gwader.
The Baluchistanis are sabotaging that project it's just desert really..

My point being your bold talk of taking advantage of this mythical communal violence is just pipe dream and rather pathetic and typical of a person who realises there is no hope for change so lashes out at the world

Very sad defeating attitude
No pride no hope no direction just aimless blame at others ie India the west USA Russia just every body but yourselves
Intrigued, but commendable that your line of thoughts are consistent whether its Kashmir or Balochis - the will of people to prevail.

But Sarmad Bhai, secessionist ideas are very enticing and easy to ripe and grow. More you accept, more will come.

All individuals and groups are entitled to equal human rights, and the right to self-determination is universally recognized as a fundamental human right—or, at the very least, it ought to be.... Having said that.... while the Pakistani state's enforcement and imposition of "civic nationalism" on a major ethnic group in Balochistan predisposed toward "ethnic nationalism" may be considered immoral and unethical, India's actions in occupied Kashmir represent a profound violation of international law, in addition to being morally and ethically indefensible. Thus, the two scenarios are not comparable.

Regarding secessionist ideas, while they may seem troubling, nationalism (in all its forms) itself is hardly a noble ideology. In fact, it has been one of the most destructive forces and "top killer" of the modern era.
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All individuals and groups are entitled to equal human rights, and the right to self-determination is universally recognized as a fundamental human right—or, at the very least, it ought to be.... Having said that.... while the Pakistani state's enforcement and imposition of "civic nationalism" on a major ethnic group in Balochistan predisposed toward "ethnic nationalism" may be considered immoral and unethical, India's actions in occupied Kashmir represent a profound violation of international law, in addition to being morally and ethically indefensible. Thus, the two scenarios are not comparable.

Regarding secessionist ideas, while they may seem troubling, nationalism (in all its forms) itself is hardly a noble ideology. In fact, it has been one of the most destructive forces and "top killer" of the modern era.
The demand for an independent Bangladesh was secessionism and against international law because Bangladesh was originally part of Pakistan after 1947. But, the demand for an independent Balochistan can not be viewed in the same light, as Balochistan was an independent entity in 1947 and was not originally intended to be a part of Pakistan.
The demand for an independent Bangladesh was secessionism and against international law because Bangladesh was originally part of Pakistan after 1947. But, the demand for an independent Balochistan can not be viewed in the same light, as Balochistan was an independent entity in 1947 and was not originally intended to be a part of Pakistan.
No, it wasn't independent, only the state of Kalat was and that too as independent as the state of Junagharr, Kashmir or Hyderabad were and all were annexed by India by force through military invasions...
No, it wasn't independent, only the state of Kalat was and that too as independent as the state of Junagharr, Kashmir or Hyderabad were and all were annexed by India by force through military invasions...
Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir signed the accession to India because Pakistan attacked Kashmir. As for Junagarh and Hyderabad, the Nawab of Junagarh and the Nizam of Hyderabad fled to Pakistan, so these states automatically became part of India.

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