Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

Pressure mounts on Prof Yunus to release human rights activist Shahriar Kabir

Within a week of the new regime, on 15 September, 73-year-old Shahriar Kabir was arrested from his home on a fictitious political case.


30 Human rights activists, academicians from across the world wrote a letter to Professor Yunus urging him to release Bangladeshi human rights activist/journalist Shahriar Kabir.

Shahriar Kabir was unlawfully arrested under the Yunus-led interim government in Bangladesh.

"We write as human rights activists and human rights defenders across Europe and beyond to express our deepest concern regarding the arrest of Shahriar Kabir, a reputed freelance journalist in Bangladesh, a documentary filmmaker, a writer, a humanist, and above all - an uncompromising human rights activist for secularism,’’ wrote the 30 signatories in a letter addressed to Professor Yunus.

Within a week of the new regime, on 15 September, 73-year-old Shahriar Kabir was arrested from his home on a fictitious political case.

"We condemn the way in which Kabir has been implicated in the case and was arrested from his home without proper legal investigation. Shahriar Kabir has been accused of crimes against humanity and genocide, who himself had been prominently vocal all his life against international crimes taking place in any corner of the world," the letter states.

Kabir was physically attacked by a mob following his arrest. He was denied a wheelchair while in custody. He was remanded to judicial custody for a week. Many fear the police might torture him while in custody.

The activists have urged that he be released, basic amenities like wheelchair and medical treatment be facilitated, and there be respect for international human rights law.

The 30 signatories include Paulo Casaca (Portugal). Taril Gunersel (Turkey), Dr Helen Jarvis (Cambodia), Mona Haghgou Strindberg (Sweden), Prof Rafal Pankowski (Poland), Natalia Sineaeva (Poland), Christ Blackburn (UK), Rene Liebenthal (Argentina), Jami Aslam (Switerzland), Dusan Gojkov (Greece), Tapas Das (India), Dr Rayhan Rashid (UK), Banafsheh Zand (Iran), Nicholas Kawinga (Zambia), Matthew Johnsen (USA), Vladimir Bogdanic (Croatia), Sanjob Bharatia (India), Zeynep Oral (Turkey), Dr Gregory H Stanton, Sirajum Munira, Dipak Chakraborty, Jamil Maqsood, GH Boehringer (Australia), Bidit Dey (UK), Sabbir Khan (Sweden), Dr Tommaso Virgili (Germany), Afsana Kishwar (Canada), Taslima Nasrin, Dr Ahmed Ziauddin (Belgium) and Dr Norwin Tamanna (UK).

Pressure mounts on Prof Yunus to release human rights activist Shahriar Kabir

Within a week of the new regime, on 15 September, 73-year-old Shahriar Kabir was arrested from his home on a fictitious political case.

View attachment 67521

30 Human rights activists, academicians from across the world wrote a letter to Professor Yunus urging him to release Bangladeshi human rights activist/journalist Shahriar Kabir.

Shahriar Kabir was unlawfully arrested under the Yunus-led interim government in Bangladesh.

"We write as human rights activists and human rights defenders across Europe and beyond to express our deepest concern regarding the arrest of Shahriar Kabir, a reputed freelance journalist in Bangladesh, a documentary filmmaker, a writer, a humanist, and above all - an uncompromising human rights activist for secularism,’’ wrote the 30 signatories in a letter addressed to Professor Yunus.

Within a week of the new regime, on 15 September, 73-year-old Shahriar Kabir was arrested from his home on a fictitious political case.

"We condemn the way in which Kabir has been implicated in the case and was arrested from his home without proper legal investigation. Shahriar Kabir has been accused of crimes against humanity and genocide, who himself had been prominently vocal all his life against international crimes taking place in any corner of the world," the letter states.

Kabir was physically attacked by a mob following his arrest. He was denied a wheelchair while in custody. He was remanded to judicial custody for a week. Many fear the police might torture him while in custody.

The activists have urged that he be released, basic amenities like wheelchair and medical treatment be facilitated, and there be respect for international human rights law.

The 30 signatories include Paulo Casaca (Portugal). Taril Gunersel (Turkey), Dr Helen Jarvis (Cambodia), Mona Haghgou Strindberg (Sweden), Prof Rafal Pankowski (Poland), Natalia Sineaeva (Poland), Christ Blackburn (UK), Rene Liebenthal (Argentina), Jami Aslam (Switerzland), Dusan Gojkov (Greece), Tapas Das (India), Dr Rayhan Rashid (UK), Banafsheh Zand (Iran), Nicholas Kawinga (Zambia), Matthew Johnsen (USA), Vladimir Bogdanic (Croatia), Sanjob Bharatia (India), Zeynep Oral (Turkey), Dr Gregory H Stanton, Sirajum Munira, Dipak Chakraborty, Jamil Maqsood, GH Boehringer (Australia), Bidit Dey (UK), Sabbir Khan (Sweden), Dr Tommaso Virgili (Germany), Afsana Kishwar (Canada), Taslima Nasrin, Dr Ahmed Ziauddin (Belgium) and Dr Norwin Tamanna (UK).

You have an expertise in scraping the bottom of the Indian newspaper barrel !!!
Man, I promised myself when if this government ever collapses, if Murgi Kabir and Iqbal is alive by then, I will pay them a visit just to see their faces. 😂
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This little blister reads me like a book.
Remember, out of respect for the person making that earlier post, I didn't say anything.

The problem with Jamat Islami type of groups is they use religion as a political weapon, they are Muslim Brotherhood ideological group, if needed they will become sweet and another day violent, similar to modi sarkar movement. I guess it's 21st century politics. I personally don't like it.
The problem with Jamat Islami type of groups is they use religion as a political weapon, they are Muslim Brotherhood ideological group, if needed they will become sweet and another day violent, similar to modi sarkar movement. I guess it's 21st century politics. I personally don't like it.
DITTO to the Modi Sarkar, IMHO, rather than merely similar.
DITTO to the Modi Sarkar, IMHO, rather than merely similar.

Our people are not educated enough to realise this, in the west the people know the politicians are liers and gamers but they may still vote for them due to other reasons such as economy is doing well etc. In our nations people just follow any propaganda with religious slogans. I give you example, if a person is Muslim politician, he is good man, he will talk about coming to power to make a change, to improve education, he may also make some false promise such as he/she will get 100B investment but it's just a political stunts to gain followers, he will not use religion as a weapon. The other person is Muslim politician but uses Islam as a weapon, he knows he cannot do much for economy due to the nation being poor but he says don't vote for me, vote for Islam, vote for quran and watch what happens, you will witness oil revolution but he also knows hes making it up but religion sells. The same with certain hindu nationalists, they chat bubbles, twist things, but people are loving it. I personally hate it, religious people are not supposed to lie. Lucky for Pakistan these types of groups win 20 seats maximum, but the secularists who win majority also make 100s of lies and promises with corruption reaching sky high.
Sometimes we are giving too much credit to .0001 %while undermining 99.99%.

Let's not deviate from whats important here. Abu Saeed ruh will not be in peace.

Hindu were treated like 1st class citizen under Awami league. Hindus are citizens and they will be treated same as the rest on merit basis. No more special treatment.

I don't think her concerns were unreasonable. All citizens deserve security of the state. But seeing from her Facebook profile, some of her posts are problematic as far as security goes.

The predator of 1/11 is still roaming out there.

Disclaimer - just my personal opinion based on my observation of social media activities.

Overall - participation of Hindus in the revolution were minimal. This is understandably so, given that most Hindus benefitted during the Hasina regime, so no change was better for the general Hindu population. Also, many Hindus are actively involved in BAL politics, and therefore had absolutely no reason to go against Hasina.

But, the handful few Hindu activists who stood up publicly, had significant impact on the revolution. I will name a few -

Pinaki Bhattacharya - although he is probably an atheist or agnostic than a devout Hindu, his voice has riled up the masses against Hasina for many years now. To the point, he had to flee Bangladesh to save his life.

Debashish Chakrabarty - he is a digital graphic designer. All those posters in black, red and yellow denouncing the dictator were his creation. His posters flooded social media and were also used on the streets both in Bangladesh and abroad. His posters served as a powerful tool to invigorate the revolutionaries.

Musicians Arnob and Shayan Chowdhury - their involvement attracted media attention.

Student leaders like Meghmollar Basu - who got a bit of fame by shutting down Indian media journalist trying to peddle the idea that this revolution was a Jamaat conspiracy. He explicitly stated that he himself was a Hindu and believed in the cause.

However, having said all that - the number of Hindus still vouching for BAL rule and how "better" off we were in the past is overwhelmingly greater than those who were pro Revolution.

And when we compare the number of Madrassah students and Shibir members killed alone, the contribution becomes even more visible. The disproportionate portion of the martyred revolutionaries had either Madrassah or Shibir or other Islamic party background.

Now, argument can be made that there are fake accounts operated by Indians to give the illusion that Bangladeshi Hindus are not happy, which brings me to the next point you noted.

While I agree that some FB accounts and pages may be operated by false flagging Hindutva VHP RSS members, but unfortunately there is a growing number of Hindutva ideology influenced Bangladeshis. To the point that VHP / RSS now has official branches in Bangladesh. These folks were usually also affiliated with BSL / Chatra League politics. They have been rapidly growing under the protection of BAL government.

Together with them we have the Uber secular leftists (both Muslims and Hindus) who are responsible for giving legitimacy to the BAL fascist regime.

These are the people who are involved in mass misinformation campaign post Hasina's fall in the international media and social media. In fact, they went as far as staging false flag operation in their own temples. There were 2-3 cases reported across the country where temple vandalism perpetrator turned out to be Hindu individuals.

This Hindutva propaganda cell concertedly amplified any attack on Hindu communities and suppressed information about Madrassah students protecting the temples or any positive news of Hindu Muslim cooperation. For instance, there were local Hindu priests praising Madrassah students and Jamaat members while meeting with Jamaat amir. But this was not picked up by the International media. The mainstream journalists are particularly to blame and it is not surprising that most mainstream journalists in Bangladesh belongs to that Uber liberal bunch.

To sum it up - Bangladeshi Hindus are 10+% of our entire population. However, if you look at the contribution both in terms of those who led the revolution or was an active voice in social media or who were martyred and injured, their numbers are significantly lower. There were contribution from the Hindu community, it simply wasn't proportional to the size of their population.

Your opinion is accurate. I would like to present historical facts from elsewhere regarding minorities.

This reminds me of a story I heard regarding Arab Jewry who have a very rich and colorful history. It is unfortunate the that Zionists suppress this (often violently).

I am going to summarize a YouTube interview from The Thinking Muslim as relevant to us.

You see, Iraq had a thriving Jewish population once upon a time. They were relatively wealthy with a long history and were well integrated with local Iraqi culture. They spoke Arabic in their homes. All in all, they were very comfortable. In March 1950, the Iraqi government passed a law which allowed Jewish citizens to leave the country on a one-way visa with a year to register. Only a handful of Iraqi Jews took advantage of this with most of this ratio going to Israel. Most of Jewish citizens preferred to stay in Iraq because it was their country and their home.

In 1950, there were 135,000 Iraqi citizens who were Jewish. By 1952, there were 10,000 Jews in that country. That leaves around 125,000 Jews who left for Israel. Experiences of the migration varied. But, it was largely traumatic like a tree being pulled out of its roots.

So how did this happen? You see, shortly after the law was passed, there were five bombings against Jewish targets in Iraq. This created a panic, and this contributed to a mass exodus. There were many rumors in Israel that Israeli Intelligence were behind these bombings with the aim of frightening the Jewish population and give them an incentive to move to the newly founded State of Israel. Of-course, there was no proof of this.

To get to the bottom of bombings against Jewish targets in Iraq, an Israeli historian named Avi Shlaim went through the Israeli State archives in 1981 till 1982. He ordered the files dated 1950 on Iraq. The archivist denied him the access to those archives. Israel has a law stating that official files and records aging for 30 years or more are to be made declassified. When challenged that more than 30 years have passed, the archivist said he will check. When he came back, he said that there were Mossad files in the documents. These documents are still classified to this day.

During his research, he came across an Iraqi Jew named Yakov Kukle (I am sure I spelled the last name wrong) who was an active underground Zionist in Iraq. Mr. Yakov described in detail how they worked ranging from forging documents to bombing targets. One of his colleagues named Yusuf Basri was a brilliant lawyer and an ardent Zionist. After the 1950 law was passed, he was one of those people who migrated to Israel and then sent back to Iraq by Israeli Intelligence to arrange a mass exodus of Jews from Iraq. Mr. Yakov has said he himself planted three of the five bombs against Jewish targets with one being a grenade attack against the synagogue that killed four people. This was the most traumatic event that lead to the mass exodus of Jews. He further elaborated that he was acting on orders of an Israeli Intelligence officer named Max Bennet who was based in Iran. (Note: Under the Shah, Iran maintained close covert relations with Israel).

Lt. Col. Bennet was leading those operations by supplying them with bombs, information and instructions to Mr. Yakov.

Somehow, Mr. Yakov's colleague Mr. Basri along with his assistant was found, tried and executed in Iraq. There was even a one-page police report detailing the interrogation of Mr. Basri and his unammed assistant which came from an inside source. There was no date on the document. But this was part of a much larger document numbering over 200 pages. This police report is currently in Iraq but not open to the public for unknown reasons.

Outside of Iraq, there were other false-flag operations. There was an underground cell of Egyptian Jews who were Zionists operating under the instructions of Max Bennet who was in the country at the time. In 1954 Cairo, a member of this cell intended to blow up a bomb at a local cinema in Cairo. But, it went off prematurely. This member was caught along with Max Bennet. The aim of these ops were to create bad blood between Jews and Arabs in general. Max Bennet was the same officer who was responsible for the bombings in Iraq. That man committed suicide as soon as he heard that the Iraqi government asked for his extradition from Egypt. Some say he died from torture.

Max Bennet managed to turn decent indigenous Jews in the Middle East into radicalized members of a cruel nationalist movement known as Zionism for no real reason whatsoever. Only to create a climate of fear. They needed people, and they got it.

Coming back to Bangladeshi Hindus:

Yes there is an underground Hindutva movement in Bangladesh likely lead by an Indian national.

Yes, there are and will be Mr. Yakov's amongst once decent Bangladeshi Hindus.

Yes, there are and will be Mr. Basri's among the said community's intellectual elite.

And yes, there are Max Bennets out there.

The resemblance is uncanny.

At present, they are promoting an aggressive disinformation campaign against Bangladesh. These are not due to ignorance or mere coincidence. These are willful and deliberate.

Given Dr. Yunus's reputation globally, it is unlikely that this campaign will succeed. Their global image has suffered. Their international partners are losing confidence in them. Will they give up? I suspect, no. It is likely that they will resort to more extreme measures.

Terrorist attacks in Bangladesh cannot be ruled out. Of-course, they will pin the blame on Muslims and Islam which would be a very easy thing for them to do.

The only difference between the Zionists and the Hindutva we see today is that the Zionists at the time needed people to set the foundations of their new nation. The Hindutva do so out of pure sentiment acting on the most primitive ideological impulses.

So that is the solution? The indigenous Jews were some of the most ardent opponents of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). And these same people turned out to be some of the most wealthiest communities in the Middle East. These people had gone through the most secure and most prosperous period under Muslim rule than any other rule. There were no exceptions. They let them do their roles in civil society and they were good at it. We can give similar deliverables to the Hindus of Bangladesh along with other minorities.

But before we can deliver, I believe we need to do two things.

First, the Islamists in Bangladesh need to enlighten themselves. They need to branch out so that they can expand and learn globally. There are many good Dawah groups in the West and beyond. This way, they can learn the give Dawah so that people can learn more about Islam and Bangladesh on a global level. This one way to contain India. And of-course, learn something new everyday.

Secondly, the core idea that emanated out of the student movement which ousted that witch needs to start building the foundation of political party(s). And this needs to start now. If they take too long and do not do anything, the more riskier it would get to have the entire revolution being hijacked by potentially something worse like what happened in Egypt.

Like I said, the predator of 1/11 is still roaming and waiting to pounce at the right moment. This needs to be neutralized if we are to remain secure at peace.
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By try
I don't think her concerns were unreasonable. All citizens deserve security of the state. But seeing from her Facebook profile, some of her posts are problematic as far as security goes.

The predator of 1/11 is still roaming out there.

Your opinion is accurate. I would like to present historical facts from elsewhere regarding minorities.

This reminds me of a story I heard regarding Arab Jewry who have a very rich and colorful history. It is unfortunate the that Zionists suppress this (often violently).

I am going to summarize a YouTube interview from The Thinking Muslim as relevant to us.

You see, Iraq had a thriving Jewish population once upon a time. They were relatively wealthy with a long history and were well integrated with local Iraqi culture. They spoke Arabic in their homes. All in all, they were very comfortable. In March 1950, the Iraqi government passed a law which allowed Jewish citizens to leave the country on a one-way visa with a year to register. Only a handful of Iraqi Jews took advantage of this with most of this ratio going to Israel. Most of Jewish citizens preferred to stay in Iraq because it was their country and their home.

In 1950, there were 135,000 Iraqi citizens who were Jewish. By 1952, there were 10,000 Jews in that country. That leaves around 125,000 Jews who left for Israel. Experiences of the migration varied. But, it was largely traumatic like a tree being pulled out of its roots.

So how did this happen? You see, shortly after the law was passed, there were five bombings against Jewish targets in Iraq. This created a panic, and this contributed to a mass exodus. There were many rumors in Israel that Israeli Intelligence were behind these bombings with the aim of frightening the Jewish population and give them an incentive to move to the newly founded State of Israel. Of-course, there was no proof of this.

To get to the bottom of bombings against Jewish targets in Iraq, an Israeli historian named Avi Shlaim went through the Israeli State archives in 1981 till 1982. He ordered the files dated 1950 on Iraq. The archivist denied him the access to those archives. Israel has a law stating that official files and records aging for 30 years or more are to be made declassified. When challenged that more than 30 years have passed, the archivist said he will check. When he came back, he said that there were Mossad files in the documents. These documents are still classified to this day.

During his research, he came across an Iraqi Jew named Yakov Kukle (I am sure I spelled the last name wrong) who was an active underground Zionist in Iraq. Mr. Yakov described in detail how they worked ranging from forging documents to bombing targets. One of his colleagues named Yusuf Basri was a brilliant lawyer and an ardent Zionist. After the 1950 law was passed, he was one of those people who migrated to Israel and then sent back to Iraq by Israeli Intelligence to arrange a mass exodus of Jews from Iraq. Mr. Yakov has said he himself planted three of the five bombs against Jewish targets with one being a grenade attack against the synagogue that killed four people. This was the most traumatic event that lead to the mass exodus of Jews. He further elaborated that he was acting on orders of an Israeli Intelligence officer named Max Bennet who was based in Iran. (Note: Under the Shah, Iran maintained close covert relations with Israel).

Lt. Col. Bennet was leading those operations by supplying them with bombs, information and instructions to Mr. Yakov.

Somehow, Mr. Yakov's colleague Mr. Basri along with his assistant was found, tried and executed in Iraq. There was even a one-page police report detailing the interrogation of Mr. Basri and his unammed assistant which came from an inside source. There was no date on the document. But this was part of a much larger document numbering over 200 pages. This police report is currently in Iraq but not open to the public for unknown reasons.

Outside of Iraq, there were other false-flag operations. There was an underground cell of Egyptian Jews who were Zionists operating under the instructions of Max Bennet who was in the country at the time. In 1954 Cairo, a member of this cell intended to blow up a bomb at a local cinema in Cairo. But, it went off prematurely. This member was caught along with Max Bennet. The aim of these ops were to create bad blood between Jews and Arabs in general. Max Bennet was the same officer who was responsible for the bombings in Iraq. That man committed suicide as soon as he heard that the Iraqi government asked for his extradition from Egypt. Some say he died from torture.

Max Bennet managed to turn decent indigenous Jews in the Middle East into radicalized members of a cruel nationalist movement known as Zionism for no real reason whatsoever. Only to create a climate of fear. They needed people, and they got it.

Coming back to Bangladeshi Hindus:

Yes there is an underground Hindutva movement in Bangladesh likely lead by an Indian national.

Yes, there are and will be Mr. Yakov's amongst once decent Bangladeshi Hindus.

Yes, there are and will be Mr. Basri's among the said community's intellectual elite.

And yes, there are Max Bennets out there.

The resemblance is uncanny.

At present, they are promoting an aggressive disinformation campaign against Bangladesh. These are not due to ignorance or mere coincidence. These are willful and deliberate.

Given Dr. Yunus's reputation globally, it is unlikely that this campaign will succeed. Their global image has suffered. Their international partners are losing confidence in them. Will they give up? I suspect, no. It is likely that they will resort to more extreme measures.

Terrorist attacks in Bangladesh cannot be ruled out. Of-course, they will pin the blame on Muslims and Islam which would be a very easy thing for them to do.

The only difference between the Zionists and the Hindutva we see today is that the Zionists at the time needed people to set the foundations of their new nation. The Hindutva do so out of pure sentiment acting on the most primitive ideological impulses.

So that is the solution? The indigenous Jews were some of the most ardent opponents of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). And these same people turned out to be some of the most wealthiest communities in the Middle East. These people had gone through the most secure and most prosperous period under Muslim rule than any other rule. There were no exceptions. They let them do their roles in civil society and they were good at it. We can give similar deliverables to the Hindus of Bangladesh along with other minorities.

But before we can deliver, I believe we need to do two things.

First, the Islamists in Bangladesh need to enlighten themselves. They need to branch out so that they can expand and learn globally. There are many good Dawah groups in the West and beyond. This way, they can learn the give Dawah so that people can learn more about Islam and Bangladesh on a global level. This one way to contain India. And of-course, learn something new everyday.

Secondly, the core idea that emanated out of the student movement which ousted that witch needs to start building the foundation of political party(s). And this needs to start now. If they take too long and do not do anything, the more riskier it would get to have the entire revolution being hijacked by potentially something worse like what happened in Egypt.

Like I said, the predator of 1/11 is still roaming and waiting to pounce at the right moment. This needs to be neutralized if we are to remain secure at peace.
In this delusional Indians narrative , the only subscribers are Indian , not all Indians, just the rabid Modi minions.
This will not get any traction.
BD has to have strong intelligence, there is no other way around it. Any attempt to undermine BD govt must be neutralized at an early stage.

1) You gotta watch the treasonous chetona type people.

2) Gotta keep an eye on folks who makes frequent travel to the neighbor.

3) Hate to say it, with proper accountability, tap certain type of international calls.

4) Employ AI network analysis type to identify potential threats.

Being nice will get you nothing. You can’t give these folks a third try at it.
In this delusional Indians narrative , the only subscribers are Indian , not all Indians, just the rabid Modi minions.

They never bother to truly understand the politics of Bangladesh. Instead, they hold a view of extreme apathy and indifference towards Bangladeshis in general. It is safe to say that majority of Indians believe in that delusional narrative regarding Bangladesh. They are not our friends.

This will not get any traction.

As long as Dr. Yunus is there. Call me a pessimist, but the man is exceptional. Too exceptional I fear. Which is why I say the core ideas that set the student movement must start building the foundations now.

BD has to have strong intelligence, there is no other way around it. Any attempt to undermine BD govt must be neutralized at an early stage.

1) You gotta watch the treasonous chetona type people.

2) Gotta keep an eye on folks who makes frequent travel to the neighbor.

3) Hate to say it, with proper accountability, tap certain type of international calls.

4) Employ AI network analysis type to identify potential threats.

We have the tools. I mean, that Israeli software they used to survey everyone.

Though I am not sure if it is currently being employed or out of commission since we cannot do business with Israel as per our law.

All the weapons in the world will be useless if we do not have actionable intelligence.

Being nice will get you nothing. You can’t give these folks a third try at it.

That is why being vigilant and taking lessons from elsewhere matters.

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