Breaking: Ex-ISI chief Faiz Hamid taken into custody by military: ISPR

"Mere little khan ke sepahi. There is a whole real world outside your delusional PTI cultist propaganda."

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What would an illiterate Ass(im)-licker like you know about the outside world?

Know. Your. Place.
Lolz dont lump me in with the filth of PTI or anyother delusional cult.
I just gave my views on how the story played out. But you got offended and called it delusional . Go read it throughly again.
Sir ji, you can use GPT thingy but my use of words in my posts reflects my sentiments towards the filthy disgusting buddah. I have no personal vendetta against that shit. It's based on my observation of his dirty tactics to bring this state to its knees just to down his political opponents. He claims to be a leader and I have the right to support or oppose/expose that filthy character. For an ordinary person, I don't care if he works as a male prostitute, sleeps with this lady or that lady.

But when a male prostitute starts claiming to create riyast-e-Madinah in Pakistan, I cannot help but oppose that lanati loud and clear.
Who isn’t in the leadership of Pakistan right now?
General Kiyani, the 8th Prophet of the Chief of Army Staff, models himself after Prophet Jinnah the 1st.
What I will say is that prior to Chief as a personal experience he was an extremely fine officer who followed the book, procedure to the letter and had very balanced views.

But once that rank hits there is some weird voodoo magic that puts people in a very different state
What I will say is that prior to Chief as a personal experience he was an extremely fine officer who followed the book, procedure to the letter and had very balanced views.

But once that rank hits there is some weird voodoo magic that puts people in a very different state

Maybe the professional military officer is suddenly tasked with managing things far outside his field of expertise.
Asim Munir, the Mard e Momin of Pakistan, is digging his own grave. His demise will be worse than his daddy Zia ul Haq
Looks like the US Deep Sate wants to punish him for his role in the Fall of Kabul. As for the Pak Deep State vis-a-vis the USA, it's been like: How high?
What I will say is that prior to Chief as a personal experience he was an extremely fine officer who followed the book, procedure to the letter and had very balanced views.

But once that rank hits there is some weird voodoo magic that puts people in a very different state

Watch the movie Serpico. It is a very good movie based on the true story of an officer who exposed the New York Police Department to corruption. What I got from the movie was that if the system is rife with corruption, it often becomes too big to fix, and if you push, you can have an Enron-like effect. In the movie, the officer had to choose between becoming corrupt or quitting. Those who try to change the system to good and peel its layers end up dead. So, the only choice left would be to indulge in a little bit of corruption to keep oneself safe. However, once you do it, you are officially part of the system and help perpetuate it.

The rank makes it easy and shields from more considerable corruption.

I was relayed a story, an extended version of it, by an Iman in Chicago who studied in Egypt. There was a nation with three types of people:
  • Never did anything wrong, was always busy with prayers, and never said anything to anyone, even when corruption was happening before their eyes.
  • Never did anything wrong, always praying and telling people to stop corruption.
  • Corrupt to the core.
When the time came, they were all punished, including the pious ones.

Narrated through 'Ubaid ibn Is'hāq al-'Attār through 'Ammār ibn Saif through Al-A'mash through Abu Sufyān through Jābir that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "Allah revealed to an angel among the angels to destroy so-and-so city with all of its people. He [the angel] said: "Therein is Your Servant. He never disobeyed You, not even for a blink of an eye." He [Allah] said: "Turn it over on him and them, for his face never showed signs of displeasure for My Sake."

Al-Mu'jam al-Awsat, Vol. 7, pp. 336, Hadith 7661

We are at the point of no return in Pakistan, and there is not one individual who doesn’t eat from corruption in Pakistan. He comes home and feeds his kids haram, and the kids will do the same, so the people of Pakistan have perpetuated the cycle to continue.

The only thing waiting for this country is the hammer to come down on it, which will happen as all corrupt nations are punished. In this day and age, God doesn't send down angels but will unleash other nations at an appointed time. However, some countries have broken economies, like Venezuela, which has all the wealth it needs but can't stand on its two feet.

The fools are those who think this country has some divine protection.
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