Dr. Shahiduzzaman: in order to change India’s habitual perception, our only answer as I feel is nuclearization.

If Pakistan was a cake walk as u think…India would have already seized the Pakistani territory it desires…
…but clearly it hasn’t been able to bcuz reality is different than ur delusions.
India did seize Siachen and Sir Creek, and also reclaimed Kargil during the 1999 war. India has no intention of merging either Pakistan or Bangladesh. These two countries are considered liabilities.
He created a mockery of his own statement by mentioning Pakistan. If he had simply suggested that Bangladesh should develop nuclear weapons, he would have been taken more seriously.

No that is too much work and it will take too long. We are in hurry and we want to get it from West Pakistan.

East and west Pak reunit again under nuclear umbrella.
No that is too much work and it will take too long. We are in hurry and we want to get it from West Pakistan.

East and west Pak reunit again under nuclear umbrella.
Why did you separate from Pakistan in 1971? Pakistan will remain a failed state whether or not it has East Pakistan as a colony. This so-called nuclear deterrence of Pakistan is not credible enough to deter Afghanistan, let alone India.
India did seize Siachen and Sir Creek, and also reclaimed Kargil during the 1999 war. India has no intention of merging either Pakistan or Bangladesh. These two countries are considered liabilities.
Siachin was not defended by Pakistan…it was an empty wasteland due to its extreme conditions…hence India was able to take it. As for India taking Sir Creek…there are a few peaks that Pakistan seized and still has after Kargil…so idk what u r trying to prove.

These are all just “sour grapes” types of claims that India doesn’t want Pakistani territory while in reality India officially lays claim to Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. Feel free to check what ur government’s actual position is on this…they even complain about it to UN and draw maps(bcuz that’s all they can do) showing it as part of India.
As for the unofficial wet dreams of many bharatis…they claim multiple countries including Pakistan as greater India…

So yeah…it’s a simple fact that Pakistan keeps u out through its military might.
LOL! Lets see... Pakistan can not protect its own interests with nuclear bombs and this gentleman wants Pakistan to protect Bangladesh's interest with nukes?

If anything, Pakistan's first priority will be Kashmir and never Bangladesh. If this is a scholar then I guess Bangladesh is simply too stupid to survive. He could have said China atleast and sounded much less stupid.
Pakistan only exist today because they attained nuclear capability. No nation without a military might in the neighborhood have been able to stay free from India’s bullying. Pakistan is more proximate to Bangladesh than China is and selecting China means going against USA. he’s about balancing the bigger powers and counter smaller bullies like India with someone that can match them. That’s completely fair and logical and you’re proving his point.
Siachin was not defended by Pakistan…it was an empty wasteland due to its extreme conditions…hence India was able to take it. As for India taking Sir Creek…there are a few peaks that Pakistan seized and still has after Kargil…so idk what u r trying to prove.

These are all just “sour grapes” types of claims that India doesn’t want Pakistani territory while in reality India officially lays claim to Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. Feel free to check what ur government’s actual position is on this…they even complain about it to UN and draw maps(bcuz that’s all they can do) showing it as part of India.
As for the unofficial wet dreams of many bharatis…they claim multiple countries including Pakistan as greater India…

So yeah…it’s a simple fact that Pakistan keeps u out through its military might.
Musharraf tried to pull another Siachen in Kargil, under the delusion that India wouldn’t escalate because Pakistan had nuclear weapons. But the world saw how that turned out.
Pakistan only exist today because they attained nuclear capability. No nation without a military might in the neighborhood have been able to stay free from India’s bullying. Pakistan is more proximate to Bangladesh than China is and selecting China means going against USA. he’s about balancing the bigger powers and counter smaller bullies like India with someone that can match them. That’s completely fair and logical and you’re proving his point.
The only reason India hasn’t replicated another Bangladesh scenario in Baluchistan is that Baluchistan doesn’t share a border with India. However, as India grows financially and militarily stronger, you’ll likely see increasing Indian involvement in Baluchistan, similar to what happened in East Pakistan in 1971.
Nuclear deterrence doesn’t affect the Indian psyche the way it does in the West. In fact, it tends to provoke India rather than restrain it.
Musharraf tried to pull another Siachen in Kargil, under the delusion that India wouldn’t escalate because Pakistan had nuclear weapons. But the world saw how that turned out.
Nuclear deterrence doesn’t affect the Indian psyche the way it does in the West. In fact, it tends to provoke India rather than restrain it.
Musharraf tried to pull another Siachen in Kargil, under the delusion that India wouldn’t escalate because Pakistan had nuclear weapons. But the world saw how that turned out.
And yet Pakistan still has certain key areas…strategic peaks. 😉

Still that’s besides the point…I see now u r arguing for the sake of argument…
…while the fact remains(that I had originally put forward as a reply to ur countrymen or ur alternate ID)…which I will reiterate.
“If Pakistan was such a cake walk…India would have taken the territory from it that it desires”
Nuclear umbrella with Pakistan or China sounds good on paper, but do not think it is practical. Bangladesh having its own nuclear weapon is even more impractical, unless we want to completely ruin our economy with possible sanctions. US will never allow another Muslim majority country to obtain nukes.

Best deterrence for Bangladesh is its population. India would never want to capture and absorb 170+ million potential hostile population. Nonetheless, should there be any possible misadventure courtesy of radical Hindu leader in future, I believe a strong conventional defence is deterrent enough to deter India.

Bangladesh needs to be more wary of Indian covert anti-Bangladesh activities and strengthen State mechanisms to counter them. We ought to focus on cleansing DGFI and DG NSI of BAL and Pro-India loyalists first. And then strengthen them to counter Indian covert activities in Bangladesh.

We don't need nukes.
Does chemical and biological weapons can provide nuke like deterrence?
Pakistan only exist today because they attained nuclear capability. No nation without a military might in the neighborhood have been able to stay free from India’s bullying. Pakistan is more proximate to Bangladesh than China is and selecting China means going against USA. he’s about balancing the bigger powers and counter smaller bullies like India with someone that can match them. That’s completely fair and logical and you’re proving his point.
*Ahem* The bigger question is will Pakistan gamble on its existence for Bangladesh? Remember, Pakistan is no USA and even USA is having doubts about giving nuclear guarentees to Ukraine or even Taiwan. You want Pakistan to give you their guarantee that any attack on Bangladesh will invite a nuclear retaliation from Pakistan. LOL!

Moreover, what will Pakistan have to lose if they do not fulfill their part of deal in a future confrontation with India with Banladesh? If they just back off, do they lose anything? There is not much trade between you countries.

And they do not have any market for what you produce in bulk. And so do you. They can not sell you electricity. They do not produce enough cotton to fulfill your import and growth needs. And rest do not matter. Neither your two nations have any kind of common families or populations have famalial entaglements like Canada and UK has with USA. So what will ensure you both remain reliable to each other?

All of this "Pakistan will give us nuclear deterrance against India" is such a stupid idea that it does not even begin to make sense. If your country actually ends up believing it, which I guess is likely because how dumb your thinkers are, it will be betrayed and will end up getting beaten throughly in one or the other kind of misadventure.

The ONLY way for you to have a deterrence is to develop nuclear weapons yourself and required delivery mechanism to deter a WAY bigger enemy, like Pakistan has done.
Does chemical and biological weapons can provide nuke like deterrence?
Not against a nuclear armed country. It is a surefire way to ensure your country ends up getting nuked. Most countries will respond to a Chem/Bio attack with nukes. I am guessing India has similar policy. You use or threaten to use any kind of WMD and India will use WMD in response. Since they only got nukes, nukes you will get thrown on your country..

And after you using B/C WMDs, it will be hard for the world to impose any sanctions on them. You provided them with enough provocation. Infact if you develop B/C, it can invite war from them.

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