Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


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Oct 16, 2016
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The link in a few posts above shows the pier broke off. What a waste of money, time and lives.

I saw that, bro. I had the same reaction as you, ma bro. The only saving grace in that whole debacle is that it gets salvaged somehow when the fighting ends, and it's used for the right purposes it was originally intended to. Once the zionists are officially declared the losers (since we all already know Hamas has won and won BIG, politically & militarily) as the whole world is awakened to the reality of the struggle and know knows who the REAL terrorists are and who really has the right to defend himself and his people. Once all that is determined and the US does the honorable thing and bring in as much aid through that dock as it can, then it'll be worth it IsA.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Indeed! They inherited the skills and the importance of choosing the right words to convey particular sentiments from the grandfather forefather, the master OG of propaganda himself.

View attachment 43367

Nazi and East German Propaganda​

Guide Page​

This site is maintained by Randall Bytwerk.

Professor Emeritus, Calvin University
Affiliate Professor, LCC International University, Klaipėda, Lithuania


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Sep 29, 2019
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IMO, the chokehold of the Israelis over the American Presidency has been increasing rapidly after Bush Sr. He and Sec. Baker under him, at least tried to show some spine to Israel.

The Fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 changed a lot of things in the world and American domestic and foreign policy were not exceptions; perhaps smugness and too much imperialism crept in. Someone more qualified than me would be able to better connect the phenomena starting early 90s.

You are on the dot with your assessment of modern da US imperialism after the Soviet Union's dissolution. It changed the natural order of things - balance. As the Native Americans say, you can only feed the good and evil personalities so much before they take over.

Pakistan is a significant contributor to this.
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Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Nazi and East German Propaganda​

Guide Page​

This site is maintained by Randall Bytwerk.
Material from Nazi Literature for Propagandists.
Here it is, all known publications and books used to train propagandists for the NSDAP.

Browse through it. These guys are amateurs compared to the Zionist propagandists today. I see a East Germany propaganda section has been added. This is all original material.



Aldous Huxley​

Recommended book.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Here it is, all known publications and books used to train propagandists for the NSDAP.

Browse through it. These guys are amateurs compared to the Zionist propagandists today. I see a East Germany propaganda section has been added. This is all original material.

Outstanding. And it's true, they're amatuers compared to the zionist today because of exactly what Alber Speer said.


Propaganda Under a Dictatorship

At his trial after the Second World War, Hitler's Minister for Armaments, Albert Speer, delivered a long speech in which, with remarkable acuteness, he described the Nazi tyranny and analyzed its methods. "Hitler's dictatorship," he said, "differed in one fundamental point from all its predecessors in history. It was the first dictatorship in the present period of modern technical development, a dictatorship which made complete use of all technical means for the domination of its own country."

Clear as day how Hitler made complete use of the available technology in the most brilliant ways to the point where the German people were topped off in subserviency. They didn't know anything else than to worship Hitler who actually taught Goebbels to use the available technology to its max. From movie reels to radio to newspapers to even the simple loudspeaker, the latter is where Goebbels excelled at. Passing it all down to these demons here who guess what? Have the best available forms of communications technologies, mainly social media. Can you imagine the devilish minds that sat in a garlic-scent infested humus breathed room thinking up of an organization called Hasbara? That should tell you everything you need to know about this phenomenon.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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I am interested. Any good sources?
Pakistan is a significant contributor to this.
A few days ago, I inquired about a Qur'an and other materials from this site:

Should be at my mailbox next week.

Human Rights in Islam​



JUNE 30, 2023

Why the Spirit Will Always Triumph Over the Sword​

One of Napoleon’s oft-cited statements, which appeared in de Las Cases’ book, reveals his profound understanding of the strategic reach of God and human goodness: “There are only two powers in the world: the sword and the spirit. By the spirit, I mean civil and religious institutions. And in the long run, the sword is always defeated by the spirit.”

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Outstanding. And it's true, they're amatuers compared to the zionist today because of exactly what Alber Speer said.


Propaganda Under a Dictatorship

At his trial after the Second World War, Hitler's Minister for Armaments, Albert Speer, delivered a long speech in which, with remarkable acuteness, he described the Nazi tyranny and analyzed its methods. "Hitler's dictatorship," he said, "differed in one fundamental point from all its predecessors in history. It was the first dictatorship in the present period of modern technical development, a dictatorship which made complete use of all technical means for the domination of its own country."

Clear as day how Hitler made complete use of the available technology in the most brilliant ways to the point where the German people were topped off in subserviency. They didn't know anything else than to worship Hitler who actually taught Goebbels to use the available technology to its max. From movie reels to radio to newspapers to even the simple loudspeaker, the latter is where Goebbels excelled at. Passing it all down to these demons here who guess what? Have the best available forms of communications technologies, mainly social media. Can you imagine the devilish minds that sat in a garlic-scent infested humus breathed room thinking up of an organization called Hasbara? That should tell you everything you need to know about this phenomenon.

Speer associated with RABBIS and old Jewish women towards the end of his life. He was an utter coward and if anyone here wants the real TRUTH as to why the Allies didn't hang him it is because he was Upper Class, polished, and good-looking. Hell, let's be honest, some of the Allied judges were probably queer for him. This and this alone saved his traitorous hide.


Elite Member
Sep 29, 2019
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I saw that, bro. I had the same reaction as you, ma bro. The only saving grace in that whole debacle is that it gets salvaged somehow when the fighting ends, and it's used for the right purposes it was originally intended to. Once the zionists are officially declared the losers (since we all already know Hamas has won and won BIG, politically & militarily) as the whole world is awakened to the reality of the struggle and know knows who the REAL terrorists are and who really has the right to defend himself and his people. Once all that is determined and the US does the honorable thing and bring in as much aid through that dock as it can, then it'll be worth it IsA.

Honestly, it served no purpose besides an election stunt. The Americans taught the Muslims in the US are as stupid as the whites. The land corridors need to be opened and manned by an international force, as the amount needed can't be serviced through the pier.

My other concern is that the Israelis might rush to steal it, because if they don't, someone else will.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Napoleon said it and it was his final quote regarding religion:

"Religions are all founded on miracles; on things we cannot understand, such as the Trinity. Jesus calls himself the Son of God, and yet is descended from David. I prefer the religion of Muhammad; it is less ridiculous than ours. The Mohammedan religion is the finest of all"

Statement while on St. Helena with General Baron Gourgaud (3 March 1817)

That's 16 years after his Egypt and Syria campaigns and he said that in a personal discussion, so it most likely was the truth...


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Honestly, it served no purpose besides an election stunt. The Americans taught the Muslims in the US are as stupid as the whites. The land corridors need to be opened and manned by an international force, as the amount needed can't be serviced through the pier.

My other concern is that the Israelis might rush to steal it, because if they don't, someone else will.

This a-hole has gone viral like a faceplant. One can even say he's a viral abomination, certainly not a sensation.



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Napoleon said it and it was his final quote regarding religion:

"Religions are all founded on miracles; on things we cannot understand, such as the Trinity. Jesus calls himself the Son of God, and yet is descended from David. I prefer the religion of Muhammad; it is less ridiculous than ours. The Mohammedan religion is the finest of all"

Statement while on St. Helena with General Baron Gourgaud (3 March 1817)

That's 16 years after his Egypt and Syria campaigns and he said that in a personal discussion, so it most likely was the truth...

On a related note, I'm looking forward to seeing Juaquin Pheonix's interpretation of the character.

Hassan Al-Somal

Elite Member
Jan 18, 2015

Reliable media:
The clothes and weapons of Shayetet Unit 13, which is the highest elite unit in the Israeli army, which is directly affiliated with the Ministry of War and affiliated with the Israeli Navy, are the same as what appeared in the clothes of the captured soldier and the soldiers’ weapons.

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