India supplying drones and artillery to Israel

May 5, 2024
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Zionists mate not Jews. Got many a friend that’s Jewish but hate Zionists. Educate yourself before talking crap

Pakistanis DO NOT believe in Israel's Right to Exist

Therefore you don't even recognise them

Anyways it doesn't matter either to Israel or India

When UAE and Saudis , Egypt and Jordan can do business with Israel , why not India


Jun 23, 2011
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Pakistanis DO NOT believe in Israel's Right to Exist

Therefore you don't even recognise them

Anyways it doesn't matter either to Israel or India

When UAE and Saudis , Egypt and Jordan can do business with Israel , why not India
Stop generalising and going off topic.


Elite Member
Feb 21, 2015
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Moreover, why is India spending millions of dollars in Palestine as humanitarian aid if it's anti-Muslim?
And arming israel at the same time to genocide the Palestinians .
Earning more from arms exports to israel than the given so called aid. Overall profit.
Typical baniya mindset.
Baghal mein churi mun mein ram ram


May 15, 2024
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I never said India cares specifically about Islam or Muslims. I said that neither the Indian state nor the Indian people hate Palestinians or Israelis, regardless of their religion, whether they are Jews, Christians, or Muslims.

so why are you arguing then?..

except the truth. India's policy is driven religious intolerance... I have seen you guys up close and personal in Dubai... you behave the same


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Well now it's indisputable and out there that Indian weapons have been happily sent to Israel from India with the result that we all see.

Nothing more needs to be said, as long as it's out there, with this conflict history is being absorbed in real time as information is available.

Pakistanis are in fact are officially in the way of Indians and the average Arab, this is a discussion they need to have.
Jun 10, 2024
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The ironic thing in all of this is that historically, India has been a strong ally of the Palestinians. In fact, Palestine has always had better relations with India than Pakistan. For example, Pakistan Army mercenaries massacred a lot of Palestinians at the behest of the Jordanian monarchy during the infamous Black October incident. India on the other hand has been a vocal supporter of Palestine.
India still is, India has been sending aid and even currently our FM has been vocal on pro-palestine issues on international fora. India officially maintains 2-state solution policy with right to exist for both nations.
But in recent years with the rise of the Hindu nationalists, the tables have turned. The Hindu nationalists who are rabid anti-Muslims in order to compensate for the 1000 year history of subjugation and Muslim rule and so would support any entity that’s fighting Muslims. So it’s no surprise that India is a big supporter of Israel.
As if IsIamists aren't rabid Hindu haters whose behaviour has generated worldwide polarisation against them. And yes, people here don't really embrace their behaviour and subjugations like many others willfully do, its their choice. And India is better with Israel due to historical reasons since they have been supplying weapons to India when we were sanctioned by the west and were attacked in Kargil among other conflicts. Plus they are one of the most technolgically advanced countries in Asia, and a huge economy which opens up massive trade opportunities which Palestine can't.
Funny thing is Israelis consider Hindus idol worshippers and morally repugnant 😂
So do muslims, but unlike the former I don't generally see them hostile towards us. Most of them are pro-India while all Islamists hate Indians and Hindus by default irrespective of what they do.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Ok so let the average Arab and Indian discuss these weapons sales, hopefully honest opinions will flow.


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
India still is, India has been sending aid and even currently our FM has been vocal on pro-palestine issues on international fora. India officially maintains 2-state solution policy with right to exist for both nations.

As if IsIamists aren't rabid Hindu haters whose behaviour has generated worldwide polarisation against them. And yes, people here don't really embrace their behaviour and subjugations like many others willfully do, its their choice. And India is better with Israel due to historical reasons since they have been supplying weapons to India when we were sanctioned by the west and were attacked in Kargil among other conflicts. Plus they are one of the most technolgically advanced countries in Asia, and a huge economy which opens up massive trade opportunities which Palestine can't.

So do muslims, but unlike the former I don't generally see them hostile towards us. Most of them are pro-India while all Islamists hate Indians and Hindus by default irrespective of what they do.

How are we letting this Islamaphobe post on here!?


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
So it is fine to criticise far right Hindu nationalists and far right zionism while ignoring far right Islamism?

1) Read the title of this thread again
2) He used "Islamist" not right wong, that is dog whistle for muslims
3) If you think bringing religion onto military topics is cool maybe have a word with yourself too?
Jun 10, 2024
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1) Read the title of this thread again
2) He used "Islamist" not right wong, that is dog whistle for muslims
3) If you think bringing religion onto military topics is cool maybe have a word with yourself too?
I generally don't usually, and sorry if anybody is offended. But then the term "Hindu nationalists" and "zionist" et all are also religious dog whistles generally used to defame entire communities by far right of other groups.

Also, I quoted a post which had such content, I didn't bring religion here.


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
I generally don't usually, and sorry if anybody is offended. But then the term "Hindu nationalists" and "zionist" et all are also religious dog whistles generally used to defame entire communities by far right of other groups.

Also, I quoted a post which had such content, I didn't bring religion here.

You very much did, and you are contiuing to do so, dont try and justify religious hate, just stop posting it, very simple


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2021
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If India is supplying arms or ammunition to Israel then it is an act of reciprocity. Israel has been always to India’s side when India needed any help. They supplied cutting edge stuff to India at critical times. Many such systems are also in service with India.

The current scenario is quite murky in that region. Role of many Muslim nations can also come under scrutiny if all the aspects of trade etc are analysed. Business interests can become primary over many other aspects of international politics.

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