Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

One thing about IBRIS-E that you must consider is that 400km range is only when the radar search a field of 10 degree by 10 degree , in real scenario when the radar is in search mode the range shrink to around 200km

How much the guy was paid for this ridiculous article?
How much the guy was paid for this ridiculous article?
the question is can you refute his claim and prove him lying?
the guy is just an aviation enthusiast who is interested in such thing
as i said i don't have any beef with the platform my problem is with avionic and i consider j-16 a capable platform but su-35 even in 2005 was showing it was dated
the question is can you refute his claim and prove him lying?
the guy is just an aviation enthusiast who is interested in such thing
as i said i don't have any beef with the platform my problem is with avionic and i consider j-16 a capable platform but su-35 even in 2005 was showing it was dated
No one wants to argue with someone writing this at the end of his article

Paid by India or US agenda, nothing else to say
No one wants to argue with someone writing this at the end of his article

View attachment 36841
Paid by India or US agenda, nothing else to say
India air force is entirely Russian.
the question is not that line . its that can you prove his argument about su-35 erroneous ?
just pretend you didn't see that line and prove him wrong, that's the best way to discredit him
India air force is entirely Russian.
the question is not that line . its that can you prove his argument about su-35 erroneous ?
just pretend you didn't see that line and prove him wrong, that's the best way to discredit him
People with knowledge on Russian planes and electronics here or serious neutral writers would dismantle easily everything said in this article

Because it is so primitive, i doubt anyone wants to waste time of their life to write something to contradict this piece of toilet paper
People with knowledge on Russian planes and electronics here or serious neutral writers would dismantle easily everything said in this article

Because it is so primitive, i doubt anyone wants to waste time of their life to write something to contradict this piece of toilet paper
show me some of those article the only thing i have to go with is our mig-29 and their radar is literally junk I also knew about su-35 FLIR and i knew its also junk(the infrared seeker in our heat seeking missile is more advanced) , so please prove me I'm wrong about IBRIS-E
Problem with Russia is they don t have electronic technologies, they don t know anything about software and operating systems, they are outdated.

Probably SU-35 and pak fa are the last russian export batches we are going to see, Russia is far from leading future technologies. You only have to see their pilot cabins, they don t know what digilization is, and all their sensors are analogic and outdated...Their model of intelligence must be biased and in diapers right now...they don t know what IA is.

Russia must give all their know how to iran in order to catch up, because iranians are excellent researchers and will research in all fields, iranians are eager to know all and do things in their house. Hopefully, Russia moves right, gives all know how they have now to iranians and stop playing stupid games for once.

Time is important.
You only have to see their pilot cabins, they don t know what digilization is, and all their sensors are analogic and outdated...



The entire cockpit of the Su-35S has been digitalized there are no more analogue displays or "analogic sensors" whatever that means. That was the whole point of developing it into a single-seat aircraft is that much of the systems have been automated to decrease pilot workload and keep it single seat for air-superiority role.

That's even an older pic from when Sukhoi was trying to market it in Türkiye years ago.

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Then remove IRBIS and ask to put Zhuk AESA instead of it, simple

Mig29 into Mig-29M2 standardization, same for Su-24 and make it carry Hormuz ballistic missile

These changes would be worth even more than 24 Su-35, Iran would have a dedicated platform to launch ALBMs and develop hypersonic ALBMs from Hormoz anti radiation BM for example

Iran has a lot of Mig-29 and Su-24, they can be standardized into modern variants

Why didn’t Iran participate in this auction? Average plane sold for less than $40k!
reading this article from 25 OCTOBER 2023
concerning the Soviet fighters were auctioned in Kazakhstan, they state in the last paragraph
"According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, fighters must be eliminated through disposal on the territory of military units. Taking into account the technical condition and uniqueness, their use for other purposes, including as a source of spare parts, is impossible."

View attachment 36845

The entire cockpit of the Su-35S has been digitalized there are no more analogue displays or "analogic sensors" whatever that means. That was the whole point of developing it into a single-seat aircraft is that much of the systems have been automated to decrease pilot workload and keep it single seat for air-superiority role.

That's even an older pic from when Sukhoi was trying to market it in Türkiye years ago.

View attachment 36847
View attachment 36857

I see a lot of things analogic, look the clocks they have... basic indicators and metrics, that stabilizers are from flight simulator video game...

compare that with a US cabin.
I see a lot of things analogic, look the clocks they have... basic indicators and metrics, that stabilizers are from flight simulator video game...

compare that with a US cabin.
Those are buttons that cannot be made digital, you want the start buttons to be digital?

It looks pretty much like an F-16V or a Rafale


Super Hornet

I see a lot of things analogic, look the clocks they have... basic indicators and metrics, that stabilizers are from flight simulator video game...

compare that with a US cabin.
These are supposed to be as close the simulators and games as possible. The US DOD has invested in gaming companies for years with this very intention.
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I see a lot of things analogic, look the clocks they have...

Clocks? You mean the digital displayed altimeter dials on the screen? lol. Those are not clocks, my friend. Those are altitude metered gauges to show rise & drop in altitude as it would be if there was an old-fashioned dial, but there aren't. All new fly by wire (FBW) aircraft now have their altimeter dials digitally displayed on the screens like this. Except the F-15 cockpit picture that @tsunset posted. You can clearly see the analogue dials on that console to the left.


But in all fairness to the F-15, this is the relatively newer upgraded F-15C where they added new digital display panels but kept some of the old analogue dials. The latest F-15EX is a whole new beast completely star-trekked out and completely digital. This one is what most of the F-15s in the USAF are, including the F-15E Strike Eagle until they phase them out for newer birds, if they do.

basic indicators and metrics, that stabilizers are from flight simulator video game...

? Sorry, I have no idea what you just said there. What "metrics" are you referring to? And what do you mean by "stabilizers"?

None of those pics I posted are the flight simulator of the Su-35S. Besides, that is the whole idea what you just eluded to; to make these new aircraft as close to a video game or simulator as possible. That means flying and controlling the aircraft is easy.

compare that with a US cabin.

I believe you just got that answer in the post above. All the pics of current 4th+ gen fighters' cockpits and the similarity of the Su-35S to them. Only one not there is the Rafale but it's practically identical to the Eurofighter Typhoon with the exception of the stick. Rafale's is a sidestick like the F-16 not a center stick like the EFT.

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