Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

10000 contradicting tweet/speeches and again a "today probably", i give up on those tweets and pseudo analysis, i am sticking on weeks or months to come to know if yes or no

last week supposedly missiles were being put on trailers and missile forces were all preparing

This is huge to be able to identify and assassinate targets, but not being able to know when there is an attack incoming, this means that it is highly guarded in secret and only known by a couple of people in Iran known by 1 figure number of people

So they are getting trolled by anonymous sources or they are doing this on purpose doing predictions every day to then say "I was right" or invent an excuse if nothing happens

I invite everyone to not trust a word of what they say on twitter as well as foreign country officials

And Marandi doesn't have any access to those kind of information at all and has nothing to do with IRGC besides being a nuclear talk member, likely everyone but IRGC generals and leader have no clue of the decisions made for that matter
So what i think is that Iran is either

- Preparing for what will come next after a retaliation
- Waiting for ceasefire talks, if it fails, strike Israel, if it succeed, no retaliation and repairing of Hamas

Or simply both

I really hope that Iran is also gathering the maximum of information about crowded areas in Israel in case of deliberate targeting of civilians, those white Jewish Christian degenerates are capable of everything as they shown to the world
Don’t listen to that user. He uses fake news and propaganda claims that would make even die hard IRGC soldiers roll their eyes.

He is as reliable for news as Babak
The mirror effect, You are one of the worst war analysts here, no army in the world would take you as a military leader, it would be defeat for sure. Just your analysis on Iranian drones is ultra ridiculous. And I still maintain my predictions that I made on everything for Iranian fighter planes... Let's see in the future who was really right.....

A guy like you under pressure, he loses his mind
The hot air balloon with platform shoes seems far more over inflated than usual. Good.😀
I still maintain my predictions that I made on everything for Iranian fighter planes... Let's see in the future who was really right.....

You haven’t made any predictions.

“one day iran will have a fighter jet” That is not a prediction that is common sense. Wait long enough it will happen. You are no fortune teller.

Your claim that Kowsar is being mass produced was laughable. Where is project now? How many have been produced? How about Yasin? How about Simorgh(Iran-140).
10000 contradicting tweet/speeches and again a "today probably", i give up on those tweets and pseudo analysis, i am sticking on weeks or months to come to know if yes or no

They lost their window. If you want to be a “mad dog” you have a window of justification right after when tempers are hot and you can justify the strike as a quick response to constant Israeli attacks on your forces.

3 weeks later now this what Americans are saying

When Americans sense weakness they gain strength, when they sense strength they go for diplomacy.

So they are getting trolled by anonymous sources or they are doing this on purpose doing predictions every day to then say "I was right" or invent an excuse if nothing happens

I invite everyone to not trust a word of what they say on twitter as well as foreign country officials

And Marandi doesn't have any access to those kind of information at all and has nothing to do with IRGC besides being a nuclear talk member, likely everyone but IRGC generals and leader have no clue of the decisions made for that matter

Marandi has much a clue as your uncle or my uncle or your cousins. He is Just an Iranian with an opinion. Why CNN and western trout this man out to give his “expert opinion” is a question mark, just go ask any Iranian on the street and the opinion is just as qualified as Marandi.

And I cannot believe that months down the road, Iran is going to do a massive “Pearl Harbor esque” attack on Israel via missiles and drones.

When has Iran done something like that in the last 100 years? Never

But suddenly because of a Hamas leader who they knew was a dead man walking (Mossad always finds their man in the end, they hunted former Nazi officers to the ends of the earth in the 1950 and 1960’s when there was no technology like today).

The same group defending this incompetent leadership are the same one defending that it was fine that we had to rely on Turkey to find our dead president or that it was fine it took 24 hours to find the crash site because “mountains are hard bro”.

These guys are the ‘everything is awesome’ crowd

The attack shud have taken place within 48 hrs. We all know that it doesn't matter if Iran backs out cuz of ceasefire deal but Hezbollah still has a mandate to launch its own attack cuz they killed a senior Hezbollah commander by striking Lebanon. Regardless of ceasefire and Iran, Hezbollah will and have to attack. Lebanon is Lebanon and not Palestine.
John Bolton clearly in panic here. He knows Israel's surrounded and all its GCC minions/ Al-Turkiya toady segregated and humiliated. Iran walks into Northern Israel with a 100k proxy seasoned soldiers, its game over! Connects the West bank with southern Lebanon, nobody would be able to evict such a large force. The US would have to invade Israel to evict Iranian proxies then. I don't see any other way:

Dr Shahid Masood on this drama. For Pakistanis only this vid(apologies to our foreign friends). Most of our people don’t realize nor understand how much trouble Israel is in. Irans just poised to strike and bust down the levy holding it all back. The westerners are frantically trying to avoid a watershed event here trying to convince Iran to back down. Israel’s long lost the war gents…….its pretty fukking obvious where this is all headed even to a common retard. Israel will become yet another Iranian toady.

8 million could never fight off 80 million no? Isstoopid musings of poor people no?…….😝

Kabul 2.0?……😝

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Take your medication please.
You don’t know what yous talkin bout no? Eeking out a colored migrant existence in LA? Same thing happened in Kabul. And people like yous were climbing on the departing C-17’s landing gear sponsons and climbing into the wheel wells, hoping they’d just might be able to hold on till dubai for 3 hrs at 20,000 ft…..😝

Get real bud!

Most of yous fell down on the dinner tables and roof tops of Afghani shacks within minutes outta Bagram…….😝 During lunch!
in the last 12 hours

Israel bombs a claimed Hezbollah weapons depot in south Lebanon, killing 9 people (seems mostly civilians)

Hezbollah fires 55 rockets at a new non-evacuated settlement in north Israel, severely injuring 1 IDF soldier

Hezbollah launches a drone strike at an IDF base, injuring 2 IDF soldiers (1 severely)

Israel responds with a drone strike claiming an assassination of a Hezbollah commander in south Lebanon. update: Israel killed a commander in the Radwan Unit. The Radwan Unit has lost many of its top commanders in recent months.


the cycle continues. the current cycle, however, does not seem particularly favourable to Hezbollah, who is losing high level commanders on a regular (almost daily) basis.


in other news, there are reports of a serious explosion in Rafah with 11 IDF soldiers injured.

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The bloodthirsty nations of the United States and Israel will never stop simply because of the peaceful posture of Iran's leadership.
Unless that is accepted and a decision is made somewhere, Iran will be drawn into war, not of its own volition, but at an inopportune time and place by a massive Israeli surprise attack.
The bloodthirsty nations of the United States and Israel will never stop simply because of the peaceful posture of Iran's leadership.
Unless that is accepted and a decision is made somewhere, Iran will be drawn into war, not of its own volition, but at an inopportune time and place by a massive Israeli surprise attack.
when Saddam invaded Iran, we were not prepared and it took 2 years to get organised and kick him out of Iran

when the USA killed Soleimani and Muhandis, we were not prepared

when Israel killed Fakhrizadeh, we were not prepared (and did not even respond)

when Israel killed Reza Zahedi and 6 more IRGC soldiers, we were not prepared

when Israel killed Haniyeh in Tehran, we were not prepared


When Israel launches a large surprise attack against Iran (not that they need to when they can pick off our top IRGC leaders in Syria with overt bombings and our best assets in Tehran / Natanz with covert means), we will not be prepared either

Shambolic leadership

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