“Not One Muslim” - Dominik Tarczynski on Migration, The Fight for Europe and Helping Donald Trump

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Let's count how many Hindu temples exist in Pakistan, and how many permanent seats hindus have in Pakistani parliament, and let's do the same for Zoroastrians in Iran. Countless fire temples and permanent seat in Majlis. You're clueless and as warped as ever! Also stop @ people to fight your battles! I thought you were a warrior LOL

You have one Atash Behram.

One seat in Majlis. Which by the way is not only for Zoroastrians, but any non Muslim Iranian minority. Jew or Christian.

You are not talking to a school boy here.

The Atash Padshah resides in Udvada, in Gujarat. Which was brought over on horseback and ship.

You have Chak Chak where non Zoroastrians are also allowed to see the fire and worship around it.

Basically, that makes it a non consecrated fire. That has nothing but ancestral cultural meaning now. Especially with Muslims feeding it directly as well. And worshipping in its direct vicinity. Including your Ayatollas.

Cheers, Doc
You have one Atash Behram.

One seat in Majlis. Which by the way is not only for Zoroastrians, but any non Muslim Iranian minority. Jew or Christian.

You are not talking to a school boy here.

The Atash Padshah resides in Udvada, in Gujarat. Which was brought over on horseback and ship.

You have Chak Chak where non Zoroastrians are also allowed to see the fire and worship around it.

Basically, that makes it a non consecrated fire. That has nothing but ancestral.cultural meaning now. Especially with Muslims feeding it. And worshipping in its direct vicinity. Including your Ayatollas.

Cheers, Doc

No Atash burns in India from pre Islamic times, you can make sh*t up all you like, it doesn't change the facts. Like I said, the one in Iranian SOIL ought to be worth more, so I will have to put your 8 fraud atash down as coping.

False! There is one seat for Jews, one for Armenians, and one for Zoroastrians. Don't talk nonsense to someone who knows more than you! Not a smart move.

You have a bunch of hindus and muslims worshipping around your 8 fraud atash as well, so not a big deal. It's all idolatrous and ultimately falsehood, and not mentioned in the gathas of Zardusht.
You have a bunch of hindus and muslims worshipping around your 8 fraud atash as well, so not a big deal. It's all idolatrous and ultimately falsehood, and not mentioned in the gathas of Zardusht.

Moron dayoos, this is a Pakistani run forum which is populated by Pakistanis and Indians.

Ask any Pakistani or Indian whether they are allowed inside the premises of a Zoroastrian fire temple.

Let alone actually see the fire directly.

Pseudo Persian.

Cheers, Doc
Moron dayoos, this is a Pakistani run forum which is populated by Pakistanis and Indians.

Ask any Pakistani or Indian whether they are allowed inside the premises of a Zoroastrian fire temple.

Let alone actually see the fire directly.

Pseudo Persian.

Cheers, Doc

You don't even know what dayoos means, you fraud gooji! I couldn't give a toss who runs this forum! That doesn't stop anyone from commenting what they believe to be the truth.

What has being allowed in a fire temple got anything to do with anything. It doesn't taint the fire, if anything the fire purifies any filth that comes close to it, right? The fire has burned there longer and the zoros in Iran have stayed in their SOIL for longer than you Parsigs. Coward!

I'm more Persian than you, Sanjeev, not that skin colour compensates for conduct.
You don't even know what dayoos means, you fraud gooji! I couldn't give a toss who runs this forum! That doesn't stop anyone from commenting what they believe to be the truth.

What has being allowed in a fire temple got anything to do with anything. It doesn't taint the fire, if anything the fire purifies any filth that comes close to it, right? The fire has burned there longer and the zoros in Iran have stayed in their SOIL for longer than you Parsigs. Coward!

I'm more Persian than you, Sanjeev, not that skin colour compensates for conduct.

Im not surprised that you know nothing about the ancestral great faith of your nation and people Abdul.

It is not my duty to educate you. Not at least till I know whether you are Persian or some other Iranian ethnicity.

Or some other post Islam guspetiya.

Cheers, Doc
Im not surprised that you know nothing about the ancestral great faith of your nation and people.

It is not my duty to educate you. Not at least till I know whether you are Persian or some other Iranian ethnicity.

Cheers, Doc

I need not be an expert in falsehood and something so corruptible.

I never asked for eduction from you so you can go ahead and stop smelling your own farts. Persians are Iranians, fool, even the Persian kings called themselves shahanshah i Iranshahr! There is nothing you can teach me, it's all been one way traffic thus far.
I need not be an expert in falsehood and something so corruptible.

I never asked for eduction from you so you can go ahead and stop smelling your own farts. Persians are Iranians, fool, even the Persian kings called themselves shahanshah i Iranshahr! There is nothing you can teach me, it's all been one way traffic thus far.


Like the holy Atash is meant to purify filth.

Waah. Pseudo Persian Abdul with his corny atash parast Arab ideation.

Cheers, Doc

Like the holy Atash is meant to purify filth.

Waah. Pseudo Persian Abdul with his corny atash parast Arab ideation.

Cheers, Doc

We don't worship atash, bachebaz e guji, you do. It's scientific fact that fire kills filth, which further proves how zoros are devoid of any knowledge of worth.
I love this guy. Guys like him and Geert are mushrooming everywhere.

I've said it before. Europe is not one place you want to fk with.

They are getting over genocide and war fatigue from the last century.

Muslims are playing with fire.

Mod edit

Cheers, Doc
Doc, you don't know the realities of west. Live here for 20 years and then talk. Here is a hint...

You can harvest fruits and veggies only in a very small window of less than a week once they are ready. You wait for more than a week or so, you loose the harvest so fast that its not even hilarious. In 2020, there was a real fear among people in Canada (and in US too) that there will be a real shortage of food. There were pictures of people hoarding toilet paper. What did not get as popular was people hoarding food. Canned food and everything. Government in Canada and US allowed people from the non-west regions to move in so havests can be made. Otherwise a real food crisis was in the cards.

People worry about all the bullshit things, trust me, when and if food supply gets compromised then the real shit will hit the fan. For all the hoopla these people make on "rape! rape! rape!", once they face the food shortage, these white europeans will sell their women to buy food. In past 50 or so years, these folks have forgotten how to even farm properly.

The reason why all the right wingers in europe and north america mellow down the second they step into the power is because they find that why they need migrants. To work the farms. Its weird. they absolutely hate browns but if the tap of brown labour is closed, there will be food riots. One thing that scares governments and beaurocrats more than anything else is food riots. Even if there was a mass epidemic of rape (heck even if kids are being raped) in europe or north america, it is nothing and a walk in park compared to what will happen if a food shortage happens.

I heard human flesh does not taste as bad if one is really hungry. I used to volunteer at one point of time. The horror stories of entire village getting hungry in some parts of africa still send chill in my bones. People killing and cooking their young kids. Its worse than hell.

So no, its not muslims who are playing with fire. Its Europeans who are playing with fire if they throw out Muslims and migrants who work in farms, meat processing factories, sanitation and so on. Muslims and other migrants are not tolerated due to any kind of left leaning ideology or vote bank politics or stuff like that. they are needed because the "Natives" are too lazy or too old to even save themselves from starvation.
Doc, you don't know the realities of west. Live here for 20 years and then talk. Here is a hint...

You can harvest fruits and veggies only in a very small window of less than a week once they are ready. You wait for more than a week or so, you loose the harvest so fast that its not even hilarious. In 2020, there was a real fear among people in Canada (and in US too) that there will be a real shortage of food. There were pictures of people hoarding toilet paper. What did not get as popular was people hoarding food. Canned food and everything. Government in Canada and US allowed people from the non-west regions to move in so havests can be made. Otherwise a real food crisis was in the cards.

People worry about all the bullshit things, trust me, when and if food supply gets compromised then the real shit will hit the fan. For all the hoopla these people make on "rape! rape! rape!", once they face the food shortage, these white europeans will sell their women to buy food. In past 50 or so years, these folks have forgotten how to even farm properly.

The reason why all the right wingers in europe and north america mellow down the second they step into the power is because they find that why they need migrants. To work the farms. Its weird. they absolutely hate browns but if the tap of brown labour is closed, there will be food riots. One thing that scares governments and beaurocrats more than anything else is food riots. Even if there was a mass epidemic of rape (heck even if kids are being raped) in europe or north america, it is nothing and a walk in park compared to what will happen if a food shortage happens.

I heard human flesh does not taste as bad if one is really hungry. I used to volunteer at one point of time. The horror stories of entire village getting hungry in some parts of africa still send chill in my bones. People killing and cooking their young kids. Its worse than hell.

So no, its not muslims who are playing with fire. Its Europeans who are playing with fire if they throw out Muslims and migrants who work in farms, meat processing factories, sanitation and so on. Muslims and other migrants are not tolerated due to any kind of left leaning ideology or vote bank politics or stuff like that. they are needed because the "Natives" are too lazy or too old to even save themselves from starvation.

Human flesh apparently tastes a bit like pork. Same chew consistency as well.

Cheers, Doc
We don't worship atash, bachebaz e guji, you do. It's scientific fact that fire kills filth, which further proves how zoros are devoid of any knowledge of worth.

Ok Abdul. We know what you worship.

Cheers, Doc
He’s not Iranian. Iranians are not religious. He’s a muzlim guy. Most likely a Pakistani. Never met a mazhabi Iranian in my life.

No man. You get these from time to time. See our oldie @muhammed45 for instance. Same type.
I hate to say this, but in the stark comparison of two civilizations and two different races and peoples, the Pakistanis have been far better to their Hindus than Iranians have been to their Zoroastrian minorities.

In fact there is no comparison.

Pakistani Hindus have risen to high offices, including in their armed forces, judiciary, etc. and have their businesses and keep their properties for the most part without fear.

Irani Zoroastrians for the most part worship in fear and behind closed doors. Their properties are easily confiscated regularly under trumped up charges. Besides their one solitary token seat in the majlis, they are almost invisible in public social life and in official positions of importance. And they live a life of poverty and squalor in ghettos worse than any churha or dalit.

@Sharma Ji @Guru Dutt @indushek @Paitoo @Barcid @onlinpunit @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @SoulSpokesman @Guynextdoor @AjayGhatak @Circadian Rhythm @Mrloveday @Bagheera0084

As Hindus, you guys must know this. Not asking you to love our Muslims or Pakistanis. But this is genuine credible perspective. We think of the Iranis as clean civilized better versions of Pakistanis.

Such is far from the truth.

In the end, your blood has more compassion and is thicker.

@Lulldapull stop with the Irani sucking up. Chtye hain.

Cheers, Doc

My increasing view is that all relegions (including my own) are manmade creations. all religions are focussed on controlling people. Then we should start considering that some religions really are more problematic than others because they are ready to be more brutal to control the populations under them.
No man. You get these from time to time. See our oldie @muhammed45 for instance. Same type.
Muhammad is in Iran, so he has to keep up the appearances. I shoulda been more clearer, the ones who leave, they leave with no religion.

Iranians are very secular in their society. Pakistani's or even the Turks are far more religious. You can compare the diaspora's anywhere.
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