“Not One Muslim” - Dominik Tarczynski on Migration, The Fight for Europe and Helping Donald Trump

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Muhammad is in Iran, so he has to keep up the appearances. I shoulda been more clearer, the ones who leave, they leave with no religion.

Iranians are very secular in their society. Pakistani's or even the Turks are far more religious. You can compare the diaspora's anywhere.

Largely true in my experience too. The Iranians. Though I know a couple of turks in India and they are not religious at all.

But maybe you and I are basing our judgement on those who leave (i.e. Iran got too hostile for them to be safe anymore).

But what about the generations born from them? In the west.

Possible that they discover religion so to speak when they fail to be accepted in the white man's world and search for an identity of their own and a group to belong to? Common mosques, brotherhood, etc.

Just thinking out aloud.

Cheers, Doc
Largely true in my experience too. The Iranians. Though I know a couple of turks in India and they are not religious at all.

But maybe you and I are basing our judgement on those who leave (i.e. Iran got too hostile for them to be safe anymore).

But what about the generations born from them? In the west.

Possible that they discover religion so to speak when they fail to be accepted in the white man's world and search for an identity of their own and a group to belong to? Common mosques, brotherhood, etc.

Just thinking out aloud.

Cheers, Doc
Never seen mazhabi Irani in my life! Neither in the US nor Australia and same here in Japan. Not one!

All the masjids here in Japan full of Indonesian/ Malaysian/ Bungali. Hardly any Indians or Pakistanis here. About a 100k Irani's came here in the early 90's for work, 99% have since left. Same story in Australia. Got their Aussie passports under skilled migration. Realized Iran better than Australia......quietly left out da back door. They all wanna go to LA. Live that Hollywood lifestyle.
I heard human flesh does not taste as bad if one is really hungry. I used to volunteer at one point of time. The horror stories of entire village getting hungry in some parts of africa still send chill in my bones. People killing and cooking their young kids. Its worse than hell.

You need to make a thread on this. Will make for a good read and education.
Never seen mazhabi Irani in my life! Neither in the US nor Australia and same here in Japan. Not one!

All the masjids here in Japan full of Indonesian/ Malaysian/ Bungali. Hardly any Indians or Pakistanis here. About a 100k Irani's came here in the early 90's for work, 99% have since left. Same story in Australia. Got their Aussie passports under skilled migration. Realized Iran better than Australia......quietly left out da back door. They all wanna go to LA. Live that Hollywood lifestyle.

Nah, fair few in the UK from the old shah times. Although I will agree slight majority not religious as such, but nor are they not Muslim.
New comers who are 'refugees' and nothing, literally don't believe in anything.
He’s not Iranian. Iranians are not religious. He’s a muzlim guy. Most likely a Pakistani. Never met a mazhabi Iranian in my life.

That's not true, or you have limited exposure, the UK Iranians nothing like la ones.
That's not true, or you have limited exposure, the UK Iranians nothing like la ones.
Iranis are very liberal. They freely marry among da hillbilly or EU Europeans and they get accepted into western society. All totally secular. Zoroastrian undercurrent is very strong in their society. The issue is they got a 2,500 year glorious at times legacy to fall back on, as a nation. They got a solid foundation like Italy or Greece (foundations of western civ), likewise Iranis were there wid da two.

We don't got this privilege bro and neither do the Turks.......remainder of muslims, god help them.
@vsdoc will still not unambiguously say whether he supports this polish politician making the same statement about Africans in Poland, on the basis of blood soil religion

LOL, he is just trying to trigger people, protected by the Indian mods.
His posts are deliberately inflammatory and blatantly Islamophobic -- they are not against Muslim extremists but against all Muslims.

I ignore such posts for the most part.

That's not true, or you have limited exposure, the UK Iranians nothing like la ones.

He is an Indian.
He knows ZERO about Iran or Iranians.

Barring a few perfunctory statements against India, he constantly attacks Pakistan and China.
Iranis are very liberal. They freely marry among da hillbilly or EU Europeans and they get accepted into western society. All totally secular. Zoroastrian undercurrent is very strong in their society. The issue is they got a 2,500 year glorious at times legacy to fall back on, as a nation. They got a solid foundation like Italy or Greece (foundations of western civ), likewise Iranis were there wid da two.

We don't got this privilege bro and neither do the Turks.......remainder of muslims, god help them.

Exactly what I mean by "a people" in terms of ancestry and ancestral muscle memory.

Byt the soul is gone. When you forsake your God, who are you really?

Husk on the wind.

Btw, you guys, Pakistanis, have the same ancestral tapestry as any ancient civilization. Greek, Roman, Persian, or Chinese.

Its called Indian.

Cheers, Doc
LOL, he is just trying to trigger people, protected by the Indian mods.
His posts are deliberately inflammatory and blatantly Islamophobic -- they are not against Muslim extremists but against all Muslims.

I ignore such posts for the most part.

He is an Indian.
He knows ZERO about Iran or Iranians.

Barring a few perfunctory statements against India, he constantly attacks Pakistan and China.

If anti-Semitism is a sham, then all the more is Islamophobia a sham narrative. An industry. Backed by big money. Billions of petro dollars. Couched in credible (for hire) "unbiased" white faces.

Imagine 2 billion people needing a crutch of institutionalized hate to prop them up.

At least the Jews are only 25 million. Surrounded on all 4 sides by 500 million of you. With serious existential concerns.

This chooran does not sell to Indians. Never did. And now the US and Europe have woken up too.

So save it.

Cheers, Doc

P.S. Sure you ignore my posts. I believe you.
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Exactly what I mean by "a people" in terms of ancestry and ancestral muscle memory.

Byt the soul is gone. When you forsake your God, who are you really?

Husk on the wind.

Btw, you guys, Pakistanis, have the same ancestral tapestry as any ancient civilization. Greek, Roman, Persian, or Chinese.

Its called Indian.

Cheers, Doc
Alexander sahb came to our Punjab, near Jhelum in present day Bhawalpur. Over there the Punjabi's busted him in de ass under Raja Porous so bad that his soldiers said bhai hamain maaf ker, time to go home to Macedonia. :p....He did beat the Raja, but his losses were such that his soldiers refused to go further east.

Alexander's rule in the former Achaemenid regions lasted a century, and the Parthian (Ashkanians) regained it all back.

The west has glorified Greece, cuz they ain't got jack shit else until the advent of Rome. when all they had was a whimper of a century long Greek hurrah.
Alexander sahb came to our Punjab, near Jhelum in present day Bhawalpur. Over there the Punjabi's busted him in de ass under Raja Porous so bad that his soldiers said bhai hamain maaf ker, time to go home to Macedonia. :p....He did beat the Raja, but his losses were such that his soldiers refused to go further east.

Alexander's rule in the former Achaemenid regions lasted a century, and the Parthian (Ashkanians) regained it all back.

The west has glorified Greece, cuz they ain't got jack shit else until the advent of Rome. when all they had was a whimper of a century long Greek hurrah.

To be fair, Alexander the Gay and his men had marched across Europe and Asia. And Alexander was dying of syphilis. But yes, that's what I mean.

You guys have your own peoplehood and privilege of the same strong foundation you give others credit for.

Iranians by and large respect their past. Even not so secretly envy it. Their pre Islamic glory days versus their 1000 year Islamic existence. That is the only difference between them and most of you.

Cheers, Doc
To be fair, Alexander the Gay and his men had marched across Europe and Asia. And Alexander was dying of syphilis. But yes, that's what I mean.

You guys have your own peoplehood and privilege of the same strong foundation you give others credit for.

Iranians by and large respect their past. Even not so secretly envy it. Their pre Islamic glory days versus their 1000 year Islamic existence. That is the only difference between them and most of you.

Cheers, Doc
Buddy, senile uncle jee, keep in mind you lack the civilizational heritage of both modern day Iranians and Pakistanis. You are a mutt, since your ancestors came to our lands and let our "civilizational spirit" or whatever deranged pajeetism you want to call it, creep into your DNA.

So the irony of this entire conversation is that it's being run by some senile mongrel ranting on about civilizations and heritage with tainted fucken blood. Grow up, you old babyman.
Buddy, senile uncle jee, keep in mind you lack the civilizational heritage of both modern day Iranians and Pakistanis. You are a mutt, since your ancestors came to our lands and let our "civilizational spirit" or whatever deranged pajeetism you want to call it, creep into your DNA.

So the irony of this entire conversation is that it's being run by some senile mongrel ranting on about civilizations and heritage with tainted fucken blood. Grow up, you old babyman.

Yes yes. We should have bent over and kabooled and lost some skin like you and the Iranis did.

Thanks for the early morning laugh.

Cheers, Doc
Yes yes. We should have bent over and kabooled and lost some skin like you and the Iranis did.

Thanks for the early morning laugh.

Cheers, Doc
LMFAO you did bend over, that's why when you check the ancestry of a Parsi, you see a big fat chank of Indic. You guys definitely stood up for Aryan purity.


Ab chal, give another laugh react, uncle. Cope as much as you like. Every Iranian here is closer to their Persian ancestors than you. And serves you right for being a nasty, senile bigot.
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