Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

Drama Bazi

Azam-e Badshah Salamat

Azm-e -LONDON plan

Azm-e-Vigo Riders
Azm-e -election riging

Free the political prisoners in Pakistan
Free the women and elderly political prisoners
Stop Abusing the Judges who are on right side of Justice

Correct the Election to allow winners to Lead nation

Stop expecting us to believe none sense like Azm this or Azm that

Every Pakistani on planet now knows your game !!!

No one is interested in your Azm and Azm that ....

We are FED up

You have f us over by going into Afghan war in 1970's and now you are still clinging on to power

Yes, let TTP roam free and make gains all over Pakistan because Taliban Khan isnt PM ?
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For 20 years Pakistan army and leadership have been supporting usa with supplies during this war, they kidnapped many Pakistani citizens for usa, 1000s of usa agents and blackwater were allowed to come to Pakistan. Where have they all gone? Raymond Davis was still here but our intelligence agencies helped him escape, he was in contact with militant leaders in Pakistan. Afghans militants consider this as betrayal and declare Pakistan as usa client state, that's another reason for increase in terrorism.
The betrayal was from USA, after USA made promises and left from the region in 1989-90.

Till this date, the religious extremism ideology has no sane cure, which means expecting TTP and the likes to be amalgamated into society after re-education, is not conceivable practically. TTP cannot un-learn what they have learnt.

The first priority was to contain USSR, from accessing Balochistan in 1980s. That was done with USA's help through mujahideen. But later on, FATA became the hub, there was no going back. They were sent into Kashmir while many went into Chechniya from Afghanistan.

The porous border on Durand line was kept that way because FATA never wanted Pakistan's writ since 1947, however, it seems too late now even if FATA has to agree to Pakistan's policy as most of the damage has been done.

With Taliban remain unchecked, the region had to go into a turmoil sooner or later. The only problem for west is that Pakistan is not turning into Syria or Libya.
Soon PTI is going to face what MQM faced in past. PTI will be MQM 2.0
Already an paksarzameen type PTI part is in place of Karachi local govt.
My 2 cents on this important matter.

Pakistan has a history of being coerced or "majboor" by international organisations and countries. That is due to various reasons including high volume of debts, poor infrastructure, poverty, lack of investment, and the need for funds to avoid default etc.

We tried our best to allure more investment from China. It seemed foolish to request further investment while owing them over 2,000 billion rupees in dues and admitting our inability to repay. However, given the complex relationship, China could not outright refuse. They cited the well-known excuse that they would invest more if the security of Chinese people could be guaranteed. The security situation is really bad and needs to be resolved before we can proceed with further investments.

This basically means launching another operation against terrorist organisations to protect Chinese nationals. In this context, the PTI can either prioritise the nation and support this national cause or leverage the situation to bolster its party's position. They might compel the Army to negotiate with PTI/Imran Khan if they do not support this new operation as they have a majority in KPK where this operation is likely to be launched. The Army will need to be vary of people's reactions and not turn them into enemies without the support of PTI.

Although It is ethically wrong but PTI has faced so many consequences that are also ethically wrong so it gives them a bit of justification. As a Pakistani, I must prioritise decisions that benefit the country and prevent being further blackmailed by political parties on top of other nations.

I support launching this operation and wish for its success, even if the PTI disagrees with it.
When it was seen that soldiers were giving their lives in this war, then PDF members start screaming in 100's of pages and threads that Generals and top brass are doing NOTHING. When the top brass comes up with a new operational paradigm, then PDF members starts screaming that this is unacceptable.

Such a confused diaspora on PDF. Make up your damn mind.
When it was seen that soldiers were giving their lives in this war, then PDF members start screaming in 100's of pages and threads that Generals and top brass are doing NOTHING. When the top brass comes up with a new operational paradigm, then PDF members starts screaming that this is unacceptable.

Such a confused diaspora on PDF. Make up your damn mind.
It’s not the “operation” per se, but the methods that it is likely to be carried out. You need local support before the op to separate the public from the miscreants, therefore the op would probably best be served as a police matter (backed up by the military only where necessary). Having the local government, whom the people accept and respect, give approval, even with any and all restrictions they put on it, and even if it moves slowly helps keep public sentiment under control.

In this thread (post 253) I cited the example of the Second Malay Emergency and how Malaysia used the VAT69 police force (police commandos) alongside and increase in rural development to “shape the battlefield”, and wear down the communist guerillas, hiding out across the border in Thailand.

Post in thread 'Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام'

We have already gone through the equivalent of the First Malay Emergency and the 8 year lull (a total of about 20 years), so we are up to where Malaysia was in 1969, meaning we have a 20 year path ahead to reach where Malaysia was in 1989 when the insurgent lost.

I don’t think the Malaysian troops had to make raids in to Thailand. The process was slow but eventually even China, the backers of the insurgents threw in the towel and stopped funding the guerillas. The Guerrilla leader lived out the rest of his life in Thailand.

Ideally we should hope for something similar, a low intensity but persistent police action that negates the influence of the TTP till they have no means of regaining a foothold in society. We need a strategy for the next 20 years, regardless of political party. To do that, it needs to be under the threshold of the ops of years past, hence improved police forces. I give the example of how American police, nationwide, took on the gangs from the mid 90s till the mid 2010s (pre-Covid) and slowly reigned in the anarchy, in measurable ways that didn’t show a big armed presence.
The world had this image (pre-Covid) and they were right, that it was a very safe city. But in the 90s, it was rough, I remember, I grew up in it.

Citing this methodology/strategy of doing what was done in Malaysia should actually impress the Chinese we are hoping to assuage with this whole “operation” in the first place. What can be sought from China are means and methods to improve the KPK police and do only do what is agreed upon with the government of KPK. I agree PTI should be allowed to veto any action, but be forced to negotiate the Rules of how police operations can be done, because we know CPEC needs to stay on track; we still have to pay the debts and we better hope the projects get done for all the financial pain the nation is going through. The nation will be damned before it lets a few TTP miscreants try to derail CPEC.

P.s. being pro-PTI doesn’t make one pro-TTP, not by a long shot. Most people are pro-PTI because they just want good governance and a change to the status quo, especially in the “confused diaspora”, but that’s a separate topic for a separate thread.

Second P.S. something the military could, in the meantime, is buy aerostats, that can stay up for weeks, from China and get a wide area surveillance camera suite (thousands of camera stitching live feed together) with a field of view of at least 5 km in diameter. then they can watch for any trouble happening go in areas around the CPEC projects and the routes workers take, and have police investigate anything suspicious.

Check YouTube for mJLr0KMsRAA
Check YouTube for 0p4BQ1XzwDg

Btw, the Wide area surveillance In the previous videos are 10-15 year old tech. It could probably be done with better cameras for a lot less and be able to be miniatured such that it could probably fit on a CH-4 drone, that can be put in orbit over an area, once a day, and swapped out or moved as necessary.
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Enemies have to be created for the justification of capture on resources and power grab.
What is this conspiracy theory rubbish? TTP has killed more Muslims in Pakistan than Israel has in Gaza. Would you say this with a straight face to the mother/father of a girl beheaded by TTP terrorists for pursuing an education?
Operation is Over... It failed before even starting... Lol... Loosers!!!

What is this conspiracy theory rubbish? TTP has killed more Muslims in Pakistan than Israel has in Gaza. Would you say this with a straight face to the mother/father of a girl beheaded by TTP terrorists for pursuing an education?

Lol. That's a load of BS. TTP are much smaller bunch of nutcases than the Zionist global order!... They are peanut. Just as rotten as the Zionists.... But no where near as influencial.... You have to be on crack to think otherwise.
You been killing them for last how many donkey years, rather decades, thousands of us and them have died but it seems those who want this rather lucrative business of terrorism, will always create "terrorists" and "terrorism" out of thin air to carry on this non sense. have you ever wondered why this phenomena of "terrorism" wont go away?
It's because imbeciles like Imran Khan keep spreading Mullahism and Pashtun nationalism.

Remember how Khan tried to invoke anti-America sentiment when he was first given the boot? Now years later he backtracks and says "actually it was not Amreeka, it was Bajwa saar."

Pied Piper Populists who operate off conspiracy theories and hatred, are extremely dangeorus.
Pay heed when I asked you " do you want to go to war with traitors in GHQ at helm"? They dont give monkeys to the will of Pakistanis, why would they care if some random afghan turn up and blow himself up or what not. This whole situation serve their purpose, since they have treacherously bendover India surrendering to the will of uncle sam. Everyone has forgotten Kashmir and India as a enemy nation.

Stop being naïve, look at the bigger picture.
Imran Khan declared whoever fights in Kashmir is an enemy of Pakistan.

This is quite hypocritical coming from the man who declared OBL a martyr, and is always licking the boots of TTP.

Azm-e-video Bazi

Reh gai

I don't support any action like Azam-e-astehkam etc because it is not approved by Pakistan (the people) or KPK

You don't have any authorization to launch any none sense Operation , becasue the people don't follow you
All of these terrorist sympathisers trying to invoke the will of the people, don't realise that TTP and ISIS-K have declared Democracy to be Shirk :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
TTP is a arm of the Afghan Taliban. They are controlled by Kabul.
If you want to defeat TTP you have to defeat Taliban sitting in Kabul.
Afghan Taliban were useful to defeat the NATO installed regime.
Now it's time to change the old strategic depth BS and neutralise the Afghan Taliban and TTP.
Remember the history of Pakistan and Afghanistan - unfriendly neighbours - .
The world recognises the Durand Line as the international border except for Afghanistan. In 1948 the UN recognised Pakistan as a independent country except for Afghanistan. There is a history of animosity between the two countries and it has not changed.

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