PAF Future Acquisition Plans


I might be going off topic on this, so apologies to mod team (please warn if i over step). The economy in Pakistan has two sides. Military economy and civilian economy. The military leads in its R&D, procurement, diversification and modernization. You can see the influx of weapons in past 5 years or so even with a dwindling economy. So, Pakistan's economy doesnt really affect weapon procurement for Pakistani military, be it 6th gen fighter or 8th gen fighter.

On the other hand, you are comparing Indian economy to Pakistan's (civil Govt) economy. Two aspects here:
1. How much procurement in terms of modernization and technological leaps have civil areas progressed be it industry, infrastructure, machinery etc.

2. How much R&D has civil side progressed through public universities in all sectors where economy can be flourished.
that's not how economies work ffs 😭🤦‍♂️
Nowhere in the world do they have a military economy and civil economy
That's a recipe for disaster
Good news for India.

Before PAF ordered J-31, US would have never given India F-35 citing it will impact regional balance of power.

Now with Pakistan getting J-31, US will cite the same excuse i.e to "maintain regional balance of power" to offer India F-35.

Guess US knew well in advance PAF was going for J-31, which is why it sent F-35A to Aero India 2023.

sometimes bait comes from another angle which a fish catches taking it as an additional bounty to her efforts.

India fall for F-35 and it will be a political tool for US, they are waiting for this opportunity for long and we will see how they exploit it to their interests and as long as they want.

but what a contest it will be and worth watching in a skirmish contesting with FGFA on each side.
And that's hurting the national economy.

Also, it's main source of income is the national budget, and makes up the largest chunk.

Most of the money that the army makes through corporations and investments goes to paying pensions and upkeep of the large standing army, with the air force and navy having nowhere near the revenue generation that the army has.

If the country goes bankrupt, what do you think will happen?

Also, keep in mind that Pakistan's procurements for past 2 decades+ has been funded through either grants from the US coalition support fund, or low interest loans from Chinese banks. If what you said hold any water, Pakistan army wouldn't need foreign funding for procurement.
Bottom line - military can afford.
@Nilgiri @Faceless @suryakiran interesting - what would be a pivot by India(if any) if this turns out to be true?

F 35 is definitely coming.

For over 20 years we committed about 50 Billion to the Russians for the Su 57. Combination was supposed to be Su 50 for 'heavy' stealth jet and AMCA for 'medium' stealth jets. Su 57 has under-delivered so heavily that there is no option for us but to turn to F 35.

The above is a major problem because we were planning to organically upgrade Su 30 facilities for Su 50. But that project has bombed for the russians. No way we can ignore it and no point in waiting further. Now we have to face the painful reality we have shell out more than 100 Billion in F 35, facility setups and so on. That's why the americans aren;t even pushing the F 35 too hard- they know we have no choice but to go to them.

In parallel the mid level AMCA jets have to be developed. So future IAF will be
a) F 35 for heavy Jets / Supported by Su 30
b) AMCA for mid jets/ Supported by Rafale, Rafale M
c) LCA Mk1/ Mk1A / MK2, TEDBF and so on for Light jets.
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The point is standardization of a weapons platform, like the JF-17. A mainstay platform of PAF in the furture, which could possibly be J-31.

So the questions are raised:
1. How much freedom will PAF get to modify it as it modifies every aircraft to suit its own needs.

2. This is where the weaponry package comes in. Chinese weaponry obviously but will the computer architecture be open to adopt turkish or western or even local weaponry ? PAF now makes local weapons.

3. Upgrades in blocks or versions as per Chinese allowable limits or as PAF usually sets its own milestones like that of JFT and maybe in future for J-10.

this will be PAF first fifth gen induction, with this announcement, it is over a decade they are looking at it and it says a lot.

PAF cannot go into an entirely new technology without all things addressed to their need. they must have all the options open to them including those you said and keeping in consideration of the future fifth gen procurement by India with primary option F-35.

on the other hand, China is not only selling this aircraft to Pakistan, they are introducing it to the World through PAF. take an example of J-10, it was PAF air exercises with PLAAF which bring the news out and we heard of its performance. every PAF exercise including J-10 with air forces will add to it.

because both are export aircrafts these J-10 and J-31/35, they need marketing tactics and they got it through PAF.

i would say China found a better marketing lead than us while we are struggling with JF-17 in the air shows. so, i expect much liberty for PAF to have far better access to it with open architecture.
Is your claim.

I say they can't.
Move past petty thinking.

There were other two points i mentioned:

1. How much procurement in terms of modernization and technological leaps have civil areas progressed be it industry, infrastructure, machinery etc.

2. How much R&D has civil side progressed through public universities in all sectors where economy can be flourished.
@mdmm55 why started another thread when there is already one.

@mods kindly merge both threads ....
Don't worry.
Our "purchased" and "non-indigenous" weapons will be enough to teach good lesson to our mischievous neighbours.
I have always felt Pakistan would get j31 very quickly once it is in plaan services
I think it will be 2030...
No's will be limited I'm sure but it cutting edge .

India will answer with money because their defense budget is approaching ten times Pakistan's

China is not going to give free lunches it's loans with interests payments

Ultimate India will have to go to USA for f35 or await the new European fighters ie tempest or Fcas

Amca will not arrive for decade after J31 fly's in paf

It's big headache for India

I Suspect the USA and India will start taking over f35 very soon if the j31 is legite news
Although I am hoping China can come up with ws19 quickly and at least the last prototype they make of this plane is with ws19 engine. That engine is being made specifically for this aircraft.
The initial aircraft was powered by RD-93, now with WS-19, does it mean we can JF-17 with the same engine ? it will make sense as for logistics too aside from more power.

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