PAF Future Acquisition Plans

Move past petty thinking.

There were other two points i mentioned:

1. How much procurement in terms of modernization and technological leaps have civil areas progressed be it industry, infrastructure, machinery etc.

2. How much R&D has civil side progressed through public universities in all sectors where economy can be flourished.
You literally didn't address the main point of the argument.

You do this every single time.
Bottom line - military can afford.
Money Pak Army makes through it's businesses and corporations damage the economy more than direct budgeting.

Presence of a conglomerate as powerful as the army in many economic sectors ensures no corporate house(domestic or international) would dare invest in those sectors.Lack of competition leads to lack of innovation, lack of efficiency and poor quality. This hurts down-stream businesses. This results in Pakistan making lesser exports and very high imports. Pak army has done more damage through it's business activities than through it's direct dictatorships.

I might be going off topic on this, so apologies to mod team (please warn if i over step). The economy in Pakistan has two sides. Military economy and civilian economy. The military leads in its R&D, procurement, diversification and modernization. You can see the influx of weapons in past 5 years or so even with a dwindling economy. So, Pakistan's economy doesnt really affect weapon procurement for Pakistani military, be it 6th gen fighter or 8th gen fighter.

On the other hand, you are comparing Indian economy to Pakistan's (civil Govt) economy. Two aspects here:
1. How much procurement in terms of modernization and technological leaps have civil areas progressed be it industry, infrastructure, machinery etc.

2. How much R&D has civil side progressed through public universities in all sectors where economy can be flourished.
Their are two sides to our economy..
One which is documented...which constitutes not more then 30-35 % of our total eco. The one which contributes the majority of taxes.

Second which is the under ground eco. Our dark eco. Which is the norm in almost all our markets n trading hubs, industries, hotels is a cash based system with transactions in 100s of billions taking place every day.
The size of this eco. Sys none have been able to fathom n has dumb founded most.

N thats the thing that is keeping Pakistan going.

I remember the chief of imf saying that once Pak external debt hits 100 billion $ the country would become "financially insolvent".
Would have loved to see her face when Pak external debt crossed 120 mark n still going strong
Money Pak Army makes through it's businesses and corporations damage the economy more than direct budgeting.

Presence of a conglomerate as powerful as the army in many economic sectors ensures no corporate house(domestic or international) would dare invest in those sectors.Lack of competition leads to lack of innovation, lack of efficiency and poor quality. This hurts down-stream businesses. This results in Pakistan making lesser exports and very high imports. Pak army has done more damage through it's business activities than through it's direct dictatorships.
Army run concerns are the largest tax payers in Pakistan.
Plus they are run by retired army personal not active private professionals.
They are all basically non profit organization, who use the profits for the welfare of retired army personal.
They do more good them most....don't believe in the bs that some half as$ idiots spew about the good work being done.
Army run concerns are the largest tax payers in Pakistan.
Plus they are run by retired army personal not active private professionals.
They are all basically non profit organization, who use the profits for the welfare of retired army personal.
They do more good them most....don't believe in the bs that some half as$ idiots spew about the good work being done.

No need to reply to him he has been thread banned for good.
God is Omnipotent, Almighty.
Who gave money to Pakistan for JF-17, F-16 and J-10 c , all missiles, nuclear arms and latest warships/ frigates etc etc.
And will give money to Pakistan for J-31 jet fighters too.
So looks like a new PAF in 10 years looking like JF-17C, J-10C, F-16, J-35 and KAAN? Feels like far too many types. Maybe J-10C purchase was. a mistake or interim buy with limited numbers?
PAF is fielding J31/J35 variant by 2027. accelerated acquisition due to rapidly changing global situation... There will be perpetual war in next decade... and global economic meltdown will happen by 2035 - 2040...
I have a similar feeling. J31/35 by 2026-28 and Kaan by 2035-38 depends upon F35 in Indian hands.

What happened to project Azm?
Actually, Not much happened.
What happened to project Azm
I have a similar feeling. J31/35 by 2026-28 and Kaan by 2035-38 depends upon F35 in Indian hands.

Actually, Not much happened.
Why would you close that? Taking a step backwards
Indians are not getting F-35 unless they want to give up their dreams of becoming an independent major power. Their mindset since independence in 1947 is "We don't join anyone's camp, we are a camp of our own." And you have to admit, they have made good progress in asserting their independence unlike Pakistan who unconditionally offers friendship to America, China, Arabs, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, etc. only to be stabbed in the back.

F-35 is reserved for America's closest allies, and even NATO member Turkey was barred from operating it because of a single S-400 purchase. India's Russia-centric military has no chance of being allowed anywhere near the F-35.

And there is a third reason which is arguably just as big. But that's for another time.
Pakistan Air Force, as per its Vision 2030 roadmap aims to become a 5th Gen Force by that time.

PAF maintaining its mix of Western and Eastern Fighters will induct both Chinese J-31 and Turkish KAAN . PAF is already a technology contributor in KAAN project through NASTP.
Indians are not getting F-35 unless they want to give up their dreams of becoming an independent major power. Their mindset since independence in 1947 is "We don't join anyone's camp, we are a camp of our own." And you have to admit, they have made good progress in asserting their independence unlike Pakistan who unconditionally offers friendship to America, China, Arabs, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, etc. only to be stabbed in the back.

F-35 is reserved for America's closest allies, and even NATO member Turkey was barred from operating it because of a single S-400 purchase. India's Russia-centric military has no chance of being allowed anywhere near the F-35.

And there is a third reason which is arguably just as big. But that's for another time.
Infact F-35 for india are very much possible and it would be foolish to think otherwise. Of course only future will tell whether it happens or not, but chances are definitely there.

And I wouldn't count on that 3rd reason as being too big a factor either, infact it's no hinderance at all in my opinion. (if i understood it correctly that is).
Infact F-35 for india are very much possible and it would be foolish to think otherwise. Of course only future will tell whether it happens or not, but chances are definitely there.

And I wouldn't count on that 3rd reason as being too big a factor either, infact it's no hinderance at all in my opinion. (if i understood it correctly that is).

Indians aren't going to get the F-35, the F-35 is reserved for treaty allies firmly in the US camp. India also operates a lot of Russian radars, sensors and other platforms, including the S-400. Plus Russia has significant links with the Indian Armed forces in addition to corruption, there is no guarantee that F-35 details would not be leaked. No to mentioned India has refused to sign several defense arrangements with the US and refuses to even host a US base, and you think they are going to get F-35s?

The only possible counter in the short term India would have is likely either Buying the Korean KF-21 or the Su-57, both of which have significant limitations regarding stealth, among other things.
Indians aren't going to get the F-35, the F-35 is reserved for treaty allies firmly in the US camp. India also operates a lot of Russian radars, sensors and other platforms, including the S-400. Plus Russia has significant links with the Indian Armed forces in addition to corruption, there is no guarantee that F-35 details would not be leaked. No to mentioned India has refused to sign several defense arrangements with the US and refuses to even host a US base, and you think they are going to get F-35s?

The only possible counter in the short term India would have is likely either Buying the Korean KF-21 or the Su-57, both of which have significant limitations regarding stealth, among other things.

US has already offered F 35. They also flew it to Aero India for display flights to build public support.

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