PAF Future Acquisition Plans

First - what is a "stealth" engine? or you are ok to admit it was a pointless shot with no base.
An engine that has a nozzle with IR optimizations and heat distribution system to ensure there are no single hotspots. F-35 has those.
Second, while you are yourself providing the example of AK-47 as the obscure type yet are somehow your "trust" is to be earned versus hundreds of operational Chinese aircraft?
Let me repeat, did any of hundreds of past Chinese fighters exported had any Chinese jet engines?
I agree the Texas’s F404/F414 is the gold standard of engines in its weight class. But that doesn’t mean the Chinese can’t catch up to near its performance parameters in due time; 5-10 years. We will get some hint when the CJ-1000A data becomes public.
Never said never. It is not right now.
The PAF will almost certainly wait till the naval J-35 is fully developed, and then the PLAAF deploys and runs a land based J-31/35 through its paces.

The F-35C has a max g loading of 7.5 Gs (the F-35B hover version has a max of 7 Gs), while the Air Force F-35A has a max of 9Gs.

Something similar will almost certainly apply to the carrier based J-35. (Btw, probably also something that holds for the Indian’s Rafale-M for their carrier, and something to find out when planning how the J-10s can deal with them in the 2020s and the J-31/35s can deal with them in the 2030s).

So the PAF is going to wait for the land based version with the rear opening canopy.
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By the very nature of weapons, their quality is a matter of speculation. Unless.... well... we find out for real.

Americans had been pretty dismissive about even Russian light weapons and then the world witnessed what AK-47 can do. The very design of AK-47 is a testament to its robustness. And it shows.

Let Chinese make an AK-47 of jet engines which many in the world are ready to rely upon and then I will trust their even unproven jet engines.
First complete your Kaveri project with foreign help than taunt others they are quite new to the engine development field but they are catching fast
Let me repeat, did any of hundreds of past Chinese fighters exported had any Chinese jet engines?
The J-7 export planes have always been exported with Chinese made engines.

Chinese engine development went beyond copying, as can be seen with the final variant of the J-7; the JL-9 and its WP-14C engine.

The JL-9 has been exported to Sudan, where they maybe in use in the current civil war.

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INdia is already planning for chinese 5th gen jets so pakistan getting one wont make any major difference to indias future plans but if pakistan got one in this decade then india wilĺ need to fast track the fth gen plans .
Most notably india is going for home made 5th gen jet but that is atleast 12 yrs away from now minimum so most likely india will be behind pakistan if j31 arrives before 2035.
ONly viable solution is buying from a foreign vendor either russia, france , usa or maybe south korea. Russian su57 can be bought if chinese 5th gen arrives as both can have similar technological level.
f35 is not possible as india does not trust Usa for such an important purchase that too against americas old ally pakistan.
Most likely scenario will be more upgraded rafale from france.
And in very rare case india can also move to south korea for assembly of kf31 if the cost is reasonable.
PAkistan getting 5th gen wont give a decisive edge to pakistan but definetely put pressure on iaf to act faster.
And it is given at some point chinese will definetely deliver most of the chinese second tier equipments to pakistan to contain india. And pakistan will accept anything for free.
Irrelevant. Kaveri is a failed project. Has no bearing on Chinese or any other jet engine project.
Chinese are developing their engines alone you're developing it by foreign help it's shame to you that India not complete its engine project with foreign help 😉

And China already has inducted more than 500 WS-10 engines to PLAAF
Who say
INdia is already planning for chinese 5th gen jets so pakistan getting one wont make any major difference to indias future plans but if pakistan got one in this decade then india wilĺ need to fast track the fth gen plans .
Most notably india is going for home made 5th gen jet but that is atleast 12 yrs away from now minimum so most likely india will be behind pakistan if j31 arrives before 2035.
ONly viable solution is buying from a foreign vendor either russia, france , usa or maybe south korea. Russian su57 can be bought if chinese 5th gen arrives as both can have similar technological level.
f35 is not possible as india does not trust Usa for such an important purchase that too against americas old ally pakistan.
Most likely scenario will be more upgraded rafale from france.
And in very rare case india can also move to south korea for assembly of kf31 if the cost is reasonable.
PAkistan getting 5th gen wont give a decisive edge to pakistan but definetely put pressure on iaf to act faster.
And it is given at some point chinese will definetely deliver most of the chinese second tier equipments to pakistan to contain india. And pakistan will accept anything for free.
Who says J-31 and J-10C are second tier ?
An engine that has a nozzle with IR optimizations and heat distribution system to ensure there are no single hotspots. F-35 has those.
Lets break that down into components:
Nozzle - attached to the engine - the first of that type actually flew on a F-100 testbed the F-16 LOAN - does that mean the F-100 is a stealth engine? Such nozzles are also seen on several Chinese J-20 testbeds. So clearly no longer a differentiator thanks to initial "hacks" leaks.

That leaves PTMS - which in essence while a component of the F-35 is also a component of the Engine because as it surrounds the F-135 it also does so for other parts around it. Hence, its part of the overall structure of the F-35. We have no idea on what (if any) thermal management is going into the J-31 but if the J-20 and the J-10CE is some indication there are considerations for it. That doesn't necessarily make the F-135 the "stealth" aspect but the overall consideration of it along with the airframe.

Speaking of which - because that IR spectrum signature is getting even lower - now the hot spot for the F-35 is its skin - which is why you are seeing these out there.
Who say

Who says J-31 and J-10C are second tier ?
Nobody gives their top tier weaponry to anyone let alone pakistan and you wont be getting top of the line quipment for free. And j20 is top tier j10 is 4th gen j31 is less advance export variant 5th gen.
If you were getting j20 then it would have been top tier common sense.
First let PAF buy a plane that is at best a prototype and then India will think what it needs to do or if it needs to do anything.

J-31 with a Chinese RD-93 engine is not impressing anyone.
J-31 latest prototype is flying with WS 10 C engine not RD 93. Secondly soon it would be equipped with WS19 engine which is being made for J-31. Finally, the moment we place order you would run to either Russia or USA to get 5th Generation Jets.

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