PAF Future Acquisition Plans

Brilliantly analysed.

Please do tag me if you see posts like this one by @Aamir Hussain .

I will see where this debate is to progress and continue. Inside here or maybe the "munir doctrine" thread.

Maybe Oscar and other mods can steer it to proper thread if its off topic for this one.
Great posts and debate guys.

Sharp thorns cannot be be-all end-all in zero sum fashion. Fruit is what matters first. Thorns must grow around the fruit....only thorns means the plant stagnates and whithers away at great cost and cannot sustain. It is fruit that perpetuates the plant species not the thorns.

North Korea has extreme form of bunker state to protect an extreme cult-regime of concerted power inside it.....but at what cost?

What would the PRC have been if there was similar continuation (to North Korea) of extreme-Maoism after Mao?....and no Deng pragmatism w.r.t "it doesn't matter if the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice".

"Its the economy stupid."

Where does Pakistan ultimately want to lie on the south korea - north korea spectrum? Same Korean people essentially, but subjected to very different routes from a great diverging fork on the road.

@Joe Shearer @VCheng @That_Guy

Funny how I got into trouble in the past by pointing out parallels between NK and Pakistan. I still wonder, as I asked previously, how secure Pakistan really is, despite its nuclear deterrent, given the state of its economy and HDI, and where those are headed.
@Zarvan bahi please don't mind, but you know I respect you and your opinion, so I have to ask - why do you have to derail threads by constantly dragging India into every discussion. It's tiresome.
They are Pakistani guys run a good youtube channel and have broken some good news in the past. My guess is they are also referring to J-31 here. So, J-31 could be way closer than initially thought. But still few questions remain. We by now have only seen 3 prototypes of J-31. Where are the rest? Has J-31 entered mass production or is close to mass production or not? There are some serious questions to which we don't have any answer to.
Our declared enemy is india and no one else---.
Project AZM was a smoke screen created to confuse the enemy---. The primary target was always J-31---.
Air defence has spiralled out of control since the syrian conflict and then thru the ukraine war.
The Ukraine war has shown how a "robotic" battle via micro platforms and ammunition - at air, sea and land - can wreck havoc on an exponentially more endowed superior enemy. Now, the Russians and Indians are fundamentally different nations to have as your foes...

Pak's trusted allies - Turkey and China - are at the forefront in developing robotic armies. I am pretty sure Pak is indigenizing some of them, especially UAVs of all sorts with their peculiar array of ammunition ...
Discuss the aircraft and no geo politics in this thread. Both myself and Oscar have politely asked you all to stick to the topic.

Also the next one to mock Pakistan in this thread is getting thread banned. Take it or leave it.

"PAF Checkmates Pakistan's Enemies" ------ silly and shallow statement.
Did Pakistan singed contract to buy J-31 fighter jets or it is just negotiation ??
What is difference between J-31 and J-35 jet fighters ??
Generally speaking, isn’t current inventory of PAF consisting of F16s, J-10s, JF-17s, Mirages enough to face its adversaries.

Considering Pakistan’s dire economic situation J-31 could be deprioritized and looked into, if need be, after a few years.

On a larger realm, Pakistan’s institutions fail to see the bigger picture ie its the economy stupid. The lost decade of the 90s, followed by spluttering growth, and then the WoT, with corrupts being installed to play musical chairs. There has been lack of focus on following the constitution, creating an enabling environment to attract investment for growth or improving of human development.
Discuss the aircraft and no geo politics in this thread. Both myself and Oscar have politely asked you all to stick to the topic.

Also the next one to mock Pakistan in this thread is getting thread banned. Take it or leave it.


Noted on the off-topic posts, but can you please elaborate on what constitutes “mocking Pakistan”? I think there ought to be clear guidelines without muzzling freedom of expression and members’ inherent right to express their disgust at the army junta.

Perhaps, if possible, move this post to the appropriate thread so members can discuss and clear consensus developed on what acceptable posts look like, especially given the heightened political tensions and polarization, courtesy of GHQ.

Thank you.
Noted on the off-topic posts, but can you please elaborate on what constitutes “mocking Pakistan”? I think there ought to be clear guidelines without muzzling freedom of expression and members’ inherent right to express their disgust at the army junta.

Perhaps, if possible, move this post to the appropriate thread so members can discuss and clear consensus developed on what acceptable posts look like, especially given the heightened political tensions and polarization, courtesy of GHQ.

Thank you.
Apply your common sense.

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