Pakistan General Elections 2024

Why not? The Mr. 10% label was given by Nawaz Sharif and so I assume you put faith in Nawaz Sharif indirectly?
Look: Imran does NOT have the vote bank to form the govt in the Center at this moment. Not even ZAB had crossed 40% polled votes. Pakistan has multiple vote blocks and they manifest themselves in polls.
So work with Zardari--throw him some bones--like bones were thrown to MQM after the 2018 elections. Form a govt. Perform well. Come 2019, dump them if you performed well. Happens all over the world. That's politics.

IK has won the elections with 2/3 majority despite all the crackdown on his
party by the Army/ISI. The moment he joins hands with either Nawaz or Zardari
he will lose most of his support.

Both Nawaz and Zardari are corrupt criminals and IK should not join them.
The problem is not these 2 family mafias but the Generals in GHQ who are
openly trying to change votes.
I don't think Zardari likes the Sharifs much and Imran still has a chance.

They will form PDM, Zardari and NS are rivals but know exactly how to stay in power, they dont hate each other more than love power and the hot seat.

Yes, he wouldn't mind if EVERY standing institution in Pakistan is destroyed for his quest for power--power which should be delivered now and unpolluted--absolute power. He showed such traits as a cricket captain and, unless the prison time has changed him, I assume he is still the same.
I support his supporters but not him personally, if one can understand what I am trying to say.

I respect your opinions but why only IK is blamed for being power hungry, look at what Pmln has done for power, recieved help from agencies to steal the people mandate, the level of false propaganda, lies, deception, corruption is number 1 threat to Pakistan.
And till date in pakistans history it is the only success it has had (winning World Cup under him)… army has nothing to show for the billions spent on it other than DHA and Fauji enterprises.. duffers lost every war and hoodwinked the nation.. busy drinking whisky while the country got destroyed.. and now again drinking whisky and destroying the country as long as they keep their DHAs and plots…

Yeah, Patwari league have proven their entrenched vote bank where their supreme leader lost both his seats and faujeets have to come to rescue. People like you are living in own lala land. If these crooks along with their duffer dads had that much entrenched support then they would have gone to elections 2 years ago, wouldn't have to be afraid of women.

Not a surprising reading your comments because Imran has convinced you that he is the only truly popular leader in Pakistan and the rest are garbage. And before Imran convinced you to hate the Pakistani military you and many others were singing praise for the same Establishment in the old PDF--the same Establishment which brought Imran to power in the first place.

And let me make a prediction: If Imran comes back to power, which he still does have the chance, you'd see his tone change against the Establishment to where it was in April 2022. Would I blame him for that? No. He would be playing politics. And he needs to play politics to rise to power again. If he claims to be a politician then do politics like politicians do the world over. Beat the Zardaris and the Sharifs using their own tools!!
Why not? The Mr. 10% label was given by Nawaz Sharif and so I assume you put faith in Nawaz Sharif indirectly?
Look: Imran does NOT have the vote bank to form the govt in the Center at this moment. Not even ZAB had crossed 40% polled votes. Pakistan has multiple vote blocks and they manifest themselves in polls.
So work with Zardari--throw him some bones--like bones were thrown to MQM after the 2018 elections. Form a govt. Perform well. Come 2019, dump them if you performed well. Happens all over the world. That's politics.
Living in La La land.. PTI landslide has been turned around by army and pmln crooks and terrorists…

No honest person would work with a thieving abomination like Zardari.. maybe your standards allow you to, but some people have higher standards..
Why not? The Mr. 10% label was given by Nawaz Sharif and so I assume you put faith in Nawaz Sharif indirectly?
Look: Imran does NOT have the vote bank to form the govt in the Center at this moment. Not even ZAB had crossed 40% polled votes. Pakistan has multiple vote blocks and they manifest themselves in polls.
So work with Zardari--throw him some bones--like bones were thrown to MQM after the 2018 elections. Form a govt. Perform well. Come 2019, dump them if you performed well. Happens all over the world. That's politics.
If Nawaz had any self respect he would’ve humbly eaten the loss and flew right back to London.
Living in La La land.. PTI landslide has been turned around by army and pmln crooks and terrorists…

No honest person would work with a thieving abomination like Zardari.. maybe your standards allow you to, but some people have higher standards..
The guy doesn’t know about form 45, form 47. He is just making empty rhetorics.
PTI supporters were (and still have) called kidnappings and deaths of Baloch and Pashtun in order to install PTI in 2018 as "FAKE."

I think this election has atleast proved once and for all that which party comes to power using Army support and which party comes to power with people's vote. PMLN since 1985 was Army's lap dog. While PTI always won with vote. Total nonsense narrative was built by PMLN paid touts that PTI had army support in 2018. In reality, army did it best to stop PTI in both 2013 & 2018. Atleast this election 2024 has sealed the verdict on this debate. PTI independent candidates fought against full power of Army, ECP, judiciary, police and still managed to win in the name of Imran khan by clear majority.

Good thing is Army's & ECP blatant rigging to favor PMLN is in front of everyone (the whole world). They have gone completely naked. All narratives are settled and whole world has seen who is the true voice of the nation !
Not a surprising reading your comments because Imran has convinced you that he is the only truly popular leader in Pakistan and the rest are garbage. And before Imran convinced you to hate the Pakistani military you and many others were singing praise for the same Establishment in the old PDF--the same Establishment which brought Imran to power in the first place.

And let me make a prediction: If Imran comes back to power, which he still does have the chance, you'd see his tone change against the Establishment to where it was in April 2022. Would I blame him for that? No. He would be playing politics. And he needs to play politics to rise to power again. If he claims to be a politician then do politics like politicians do the world over. Beat the Zardaris and the Sharifs using their own tools!!

I knew your kind will at end resort to bury your head in to IK's behind. This is one of strongest seat your patwari league lost to a not much known youngster. No wonder duffer faujeets still can't realize the change which country have gone through, neither their intellectual stenographers over media or elsewhere. Even IK can't make people to respect so called "Institute" with his sermon of "Fauj hamari hai"

Army wants to control Khan - Generals will make Nawaz and Zardari give invitation to Khan to form a coalition government to “save” Pakistan. If Khan accepts he hands Army the power back and if Khan and his voters stay strong - everything will come down crashing.

Time to stay strong and resist the coalition bs. To save Pakistan we must respect people mandate . People of Pakistan have a habit of Mukh makah- na Teri na meri- and that is a recipe for disaster. Must stay strong on the principles and resist the temptation.

The trap Asim Munir is trying to lay down for Khan and people of Pakistan will fail if people just wait .
When Bhuttos were the leaders, Nawaz Sharif was brought in by the fauj as the saviour.

When Sharif got popular, Imran was brught as the saviour.

Imran is Nawaz Sharif ki pirated copy. He is a decent cricketer, horrible human being, horrible Muslim and extremely disgusting human being(A man who refused to acknolwedge his daughter for political gain.)
Army lensed view of history. I dislike Nawaz but he became a politician because Bhutto nationalized his businesses, the army only boosted his party once he started gaining traction.

Imran became a politician in the 90s? His party was completely irrelevant for a decade and he built it up from the grassroots. Again army only piggybacked off of his own popularity when PTI started making traction.

The only thing that is the same between nawaz and imran is that the army has piggybacked both of them.
Total nonsense narrative was built by PMLN paid touts that PTI had army support in 2018

Absolute non-sense! I remember the journalist Haroon Rashid--a long time supporter of Imran Khan--saying shortly after the 2018 elections that the agencies made the MQM MNAs sit on 'Thandey Farash' (Cold Floor) for hours/all night until they agreed to support Imran Khan's govt in the Center.
The 'Project Imran' was launched in early 2010s and was folded in late 2021 partly due to foreign reasons (Americans, Saudis, Chinese) and partly due the quest for power between General Bajwa and Imran Khan. Having said that, Imran is now a genuinely no. 1 popular leader in Pakistan.
Absolute non-sense! I remember the journalist Haroon Rashid--a long time supporter of Imran Khan--saying shortly after the 2018 elections that the agencies made the MQM MNAs sit on 'Thandey Farash' (Cold Floor) for hours/all night until they agreed to support Imran Khan's govt in the Center.
The 'Project Imran' was launched in early 2010s and was folded in late 2021 partly due to foreign reasons (Americans, Saudis, Chinese) and partly due the quest for power between General Bajwa and Imran Khan. Having said that, Imran is now a genuinely no. 1 popular leader in Pakistan.
but you don’t remember army taking away seats from PTI? Once the generals saw PTI was winning a majority in 2018 election they intervened to reduce the seat count.
Sharif became a politician when he was "economically" oppressed.

Imran Khan became a politican when he was done with the word of cricket and had nothing else to do. He could become a TROPHY WIFE but because of his gender he ended up being a TROPHY HUSBAND to Jemima Goldsmith!!! Once she got bored of him she dumped him and took her sons with her to England and they've never looked back towards Pakistan.

This man should be a reality sow, Pakistani version of the Kardashians!!!
Lmao, now you are just trolling.

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