Rafale M Deal: India and France to Fast-Track Negotiations After Elections

South Asian domestic military technology is disappointing we used to be one of the most advanced civilizations now look at buying shit from France

Although I generally agree with your sentiment, The Rafale ain't no shit man!!
It's awesome news
I have no faith in migs as carrier based fighter
Rafale is proven naval air asset currently the best available in the world

This addition will add real teeth to Indian navy and the sky's

As for the j31 purchase by Pakistan amazing when it happens but realistically it's a decade away before operational.service in Pakistan
Fast track has different meaning for different countries. Indian meaning of fast track could be 3-4 years.
We have been hearing about IN finalising Rafale for last two years. From that decision to making it fast track has taken 2 years.
Welcome to the world of Indian defence procurement.
Pappu will Restart the Old Deal
Ie making in India With a Hefty Commission of course

Present government is linking 114 MRFA with Engine technology
Similar to old project when you're intended to buy 126 Rafale but ended in only 36 Rafale, I think same thing will happen again
More Rafales will come
As they are Necessary

Whether off the Shelf or Made in India , We shall know in the next few months
Ok but, but I assume same thing will happen as your last program of mfra, and remember sir IN requirements of Rafale are much less than IAF, or this tender for both IN and IAF? IN requirement for new jets is only 60 or so jets 🤔 🙄
Fast track has different meaning for different countries. Indian meaning of fast track could be 3-4 years.
We have been hearing about IN finalising Rafale for last two years. From that decision to making it fast track has taken 2 years.
Welcome to the world of Indian defence procurement.
100% agree
This thread is full of sour grapes for a lot of posters.

If it were the PAF that was acquiring Rafales or even negotiating for them, they'd automatically become the greatest fighters in the world.

But since they're stuck with J-10CE and the IAF has Rafale, guys here are questioning it's value and capabilities.

Meanwhile, dreaming of J-31 to "dominate" the skies of South Asia. Lol.

Never mind, carry on.
Fast track has different meaning for different countries. Indian meaning of fast track could be 3-4 years.
We have been hearing about IN finalising Rafale for last two years. From that decision to making it fast track has taken 2 years.
Welcome to the world of Indian defence procurement.

Finally one with a reasonable assessment since indeed in India such procurements usually take longer, much longer and manufacturing let alone delivery will only be initiated after the contract is signed, a budget has been granted and THEN we can see, how long India has to wait for its first deliveries.

All these overhyped wet-dreams "we will have the first Rafale-M in 2-3 years" are just nothing but wet-dreams similar to this one!

If contract signed in say 2026 (very possible considering how India drags these things on), first Rafale M will not hit an Indian carrier deck till around 2032 right? That is 8 years from now.

You need to figure out what IN does in the meantime.

Best bet would factor in leasing 6-8 Ms from the French Navy.

The Marine have 3 sqds of 15 aircraft each, asking for a 6 year lease on half an Sqd may be feasible. This way India gets carrier ops and work up time out the way before it's own aircraft arrive and builds up a pool of pilots and develops tactics.

Alternative to this is having two carrier with aging MIG-29s and low servicibility for 8 years. Massive waste of manpower and money
Are they making a dedicated folding-wing variant of the Rafale-M for India? Or are they planning to just, well, wing it and service it exclusively above deck?

Last I checked it doesn’t fit on the elevator of either Vikrant or Vikramaditya
Well, that explains PAF getting the J-31, and not waiting for KAAN.

While the J10C would be able to match the Rafales, only a 5th gen would be able to guarantee victory over a European fighter.
The J-31 will evolve/improve through experience in the field. (Electronics, comms, coatings, maintenance, tactics, etc.)the PAF will squeeze every amount of utility from the aircraft and the eco-system build around it. It’s a great program for Pakistan and China to collaborate on, at the current global standard of air power.

Improvements to the engines will be the real factor to watch for. In the mean time, Pakistan needs to make sure the air frame is capable, from the start, to be able to sustainably pull extreme maneuvers (like the airframe of the F-22, while also preserving its energy (energy management) for more maneuvers after earlier maneuvers), when those engines become available and can be retrofitted. High TWR won’t be a desire, it will be a NEED to make this jet competitive.

Imparting additional energy to missiles while flying at its service ceiling, even when super-cruising the jet could have first sight, first shot, first kill capabilities over 4th gen adversaries. TVC would help the jet maintain an advantage in ACM, should it come to a dogfight. A set of powerful engines would also allow this plane to potentially carry the powerful jamming pods from the J-16D.

We have to remember the synergy of this program and the PLAN’s J-35 program. Considering China will try to make the J-35 at least on par with the F-35 and F/A-18E/F, the J-31 will have an easier chance of being even more capable in a dogfight. Lighter landing gear, no tail hook assembly, no folding wings; lots of weight savings.

Pakistan should make sure its engineers working on the KAAN, give an input on the air frame of the J-31. Make sure it’s all it can be, and if there are any places it can be improved, those improvements should be implemented so they don’t have to be retrofitted later on.

The PAF should also be looking at the upgrades being planned for the F-22, and see how many can be implemented on the J-31.

P.S. I hope the PAF J-31 come with a gun. It may seem trivial until you need it. At the very least, if the enemy knows you have a gun they will avoid getting in close unless they are willing to dogfight; deterrence in an area PAF pilots are well trained in excelling. Hopefully also the software is down the way the Swedes do it, separate the flight critical software from the operational software, so upgrades can be implemented ASAP, such as daily on the Gripen.

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