The J-20 Challenge: Can India Bridge the Fighter Jet Gap With China?

Because it says it is anti stealth then it must be so, eh? Type055 has the most powerful chinese made aesa (so they say) antenna and it was jammed when it tried to track and jam Pelosi's plane flying to Taiwan... that was a small taste what the US can do to "high-tech" PLA equipment.
The United States is indeed lagging behind in anti-stealth radar, and it has not yet been deployed in the military.

The US doesn’t seem all that concerned about Chinas Air Force in general. Just from comments from all USAF leadership, the consensus is the US is well ahead of China in aircraft technology and design.
The J-20 avionics are more advanced than the F22, and it is equipped with EODAS, which can detect the F22 in advance.
The J-20 avionics are comparable to the F35, and both are equipped with EODAS, but it is faster than the F35, has a longer range than the F35, and is more maneuverable than the F35.
Relying on land-based and sea-based anti-stealth radars, it can detect the F22 and F35 taking off from Okinawa in advance
It was fake news that the PLA tracked and interfered with Pelosi's plane flying to Taiwan. Pelosi's plane positioning system was working all the time and broadcast her flight route live to the world. The PLA only needed to watch the live news to know where Pelosi was. In order to avoid the PLA Navy, Pelosi deliberately detoured to Taiwan via the Philippines.
View attachment 48762
Lol. No. PLA didn't try to track her to know where her plane was they did it as a deterrence. I can tell you've never been in the cockpit of a military aircraft when it gets painted by hostile radiation the planes RWR goes nuts and so does many of the cockpits systems light up. Also when tracking, depending on radar, you can interfere with the planes communications which is what the Type055 was trying to do and so was the J-16D but both failed.
Lol. No. PLA didn't try to track her to know where her plane was they did it as a deterrence. I can tell you've never been in the cockpit of a military aircraft when it gets painted by hostile radiation the planes RWR goes nuts and so does many of the cockpits systems light up. Also when tracking, depending on radar, you can interfere with the planes communications which is what the Type055 was trying to do and so was the J-16D but both failed.
The PLA 055 destroyer did not go to the eastern waters of Taiwan or the Philippine waters. Its aircraft completely bypassed the South China Sea and flew into Taiwan from the eastern Philippines. The tracking and interference are all your imagination.
Pelosi's flight was live broadcasted. I also watched Pelosi's flight live broadcast that day
It was fake news that the PLA tracked and interfered with Pelosi's plane flying to Taiwan. Pelosi's plane positioning system was working all the time and broadcast her flight route live to the world. The PLA only needed to watch the live news to know where Pelosi was. In order to avoid the PLA Navy, Pelosi deliberately detoured to Taiwan via the Philippines.
View attachment 48762

It is the height of delusion that USA has te ability to jam a radar as powerful and as sophisticared as that on the Type-55 cruiser. This is China's 3rd generation shipborne radar after Type-052C and Type-052D.

The poster simply does not understand the basics of radar and jamming as something that powerful and sophisticated cannot be totally jammed.

That AESA radar on the Type-55 would be generating extremely powerful radar signals at many different frequencies,which means it would be almost invulnerable to total jamming.

"Electronic Counter-Countermeasures (ECCM): AESA radar systems are more resistant to jamming and electronic countermeasures than older radar technologies. The ability to rapidly change frequencies, scan patterns, and power levels across multiple modules makes it difficult for adversaries to effectively jam or deceive the radar system."
It is the height of delusion that USA has te ability to jam a radar as powerful and as sophisticared as that on the Type-55 cruiser. This is China's 3rd generation shipborne radar after Type-052C and Type-052D.

The poster simply does not understand the basics of radar and jamming as something that powerful and sophisticated cannot be totally jammed.

That AESA radar on the Type-55 would be generating extremely powerful radar signals at many different frequencies,which means it would be almost invulnerable to total jamming.

"Electronic Counter-Countermeasures (ECCM): AESA radar systems are more resistant to jamming and electronic countermeasures than older radar technologies. The ability to rapidly change frequencies, scan patterns, and power levels across multiple modules makes it difficult for adversaries to effectively jam or deceive the radar system."
Never said totally jammed the US would never reveal such EM emissions during peace time US just prevented the type055 and J-16D from accomplishing their mission.

I get why a person like you would not understand how an AESA antenna can be jammed, and in a way you would be right if your country is not the US. :)

It happened just deal with it. Maybe this will make it easier for you to accept....

Even the Chinese reported at the time USS Reagan strike group was sailing between Philippine's and Taiwan and a few ISR and ELINT/SIGINT aircraft were in the area.
Here's an interview with General Hostage who ran the F-35 program hinting the capability of the F-35 without disclosing classified info.....

LANGLEY AFB: If you want to stop a conversation about the F-35 with a military officer or industry expert, then just start talking about its cyber or electronic warfare capabilities.

These are the capabilities that most excite the experts I’ve spoken with because they distinguish the F-35 from previous fighters, giving it what may be unprecedented abilities to confuse the enemy, attack him in new ways through electronics (think Stuxnet), and generally add enormous breadth to what we might call the plane’s conventional strike capabilities.

So I asked Air Force Gen. Mike Hostage, head of Air Combat Command here, about the F-35’s cyber capabilities, mentioning comments by former Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz several years ago about the F-35 having the “nascent capability” to attack Integrated Air Defense Systems (known to you and me as surface to air missiles) with cyber weapons.

Hostage deftly shifts the conversation each time I press for insights on the F-35’s cyber and EW. He doesn’t refuse to talk, as that would be impolite and, well, too obvious.

He starts off with what sounds like a shaggy dog story.

“When I was a youngster flying F-16s we would go fly close air support at the National Training Center for the Army,” he tells me. “They would have a large ground force: blue guys, OpFor [opposing forces], they’d go out and have big battles on the ground. And they would bring the [Close Air Support] CAS in to participate. They’d let us come in, we’d fly for 30 minutes and then they’d shoo us away because they wanted to have their force on force and if they allowed the CAS to participate during force on force it fundamentally changed the nature of the ground battle.”

Want To Shoot Someone? Turn Off The Cyber

Then he brings us back to the issue at hand, and mentions the Air Force’s Red Flag exercises, the pinnacle of the service’s force-on-force training: “Fast forward to today. We do Red Flag for the purpose of giving our young wingman those first 10 days of combat, or first 10 combat missions in a controlled environment because what we’ve studied over the years of conflict is the first 10 missions are where you’re most likely to lose your fleet. So if you can replicate that first 10 in a controlled environment with a very high degree of fidelity, you’ve greatly increased the probability that they’re going to survive their actual first 10 combat missions. So Red Flag is the closest we can get to real combat without actually shooting people.”

Allies are a key part of the Red Flag exercises, especially as the F-35 becomes the plane flown by most of our closest allies, from Britain to Israel to Australia and beyond. But the toughest, most realistic exercises at Red Flag occur when it’s only American pilots flying against each other.

During those Red Flag-3 exercises they integrate space and cyber weapons into the fight, including those the F-35 possesses. Those capabilities make are “so effective that we have to be very careful that in a real world scenario we don’t hurt ourselves allowing them to play.”

Then he gets back to the point at hand. “So, to answer your question, it has tremendous capability. We’re in the early stages of exploring how to get the most effectiveness out of cyber and space, but we’re integrating it into the Air Operations Center; we’re integrating it into the combat plan; and it is absolutely the way of the future. And you’re right, the AESA radar has tremendous capacity to play in that game.”

Boil all that down and it comes to this. Gen. Hostage is saying that the F-35’s cyber capabilities are so effective — combined with space assets, which are often difficult to distinguish in effect from cyber capabilities — that the planes have to stop using them so the pilots can shoot at each other.

The obvious question that arises from this is, how can a radar system also be a cyber weapon? We’ve all seen those World War II movies where the radar dish sweeps back and forth. The energy beams out, strikes the enemy plane and comes back as a blip. What makes an AESA radar special is the fact that it beams energy in digital zeroes and ones — and the beam can be focused. This allows the radar to function as both a scanning radar, a cyber weapon and an electronic warfare tool.

Here they go into a scenario how they would face a bunch of J-20's...

AESA Radar, Cyber And IADS

Here’s an excellent explanation for how we go from radio and radar and military systems that are not connected to the Internet yet remain vulnerable to hacking that I’ve cribbed from my deputy, Sydney Freedberg, from a recent piece he wrote in Breaking Defense about cyberwar. An enemy’s radios and radars are run by computers, so you can transmit signals to hack them. If the enemy’s computers are linked together then your virus can spread throughout that network. The enemy does not have to be connected to the Internet. You just need the enemy’s radios and radar to receive incoming signals – which they have to do in order to function.

So, as a former top intelligence official explained to me about two years ago, the AESA radar’s beams can throw out those zeros and ones to ANY sort of receiver. And an enemy’s radar is a receiver. His radios are receivers. Some of his electronic warfare sensors are also receivers.

But neither Hostage nor many others I spoke with were willing to be specific on the record about how effective the AESA radar, working with the aircraft’s sensors like the Distributed Aperture System and its data fusion system, will be. So the following is information culled from conversations over the last three months with a wide range of knowledgeable people inside government and the defense industry, as well as retired military and intelligence officers.

As the F-35 flies toward the Chinese coast and several hundred incoming PLAAF J-20s streak toward them in the scenario outlined in the first piece of this series, spoofing (using the enemy’s own systems to deceive him) will be a major part of our attack.

Enemy radar may well show thousands of F-35s and other aircraft heading their way, with stealth cross-sections that appear to match what the Chinese believe is the F-35’s cross section. Only a few hundred of them are real, but the Chinese can’t be certain which are which, forcing them to waste long-range missiles and forcing them to get closer to the US and allied F-35s so they can tell with greater fidelity which ones are real. The Chinese will try and use Infrared Search and Track (IRST) sensors, which have shorter ranges but provide tremendous fidelity in the right weather conditions. But that, of course, renders them more vulnerable to one sensor on the F-35 that even the plane’s critics rarely criticize, the Distributed Aperture System (DAS).

Sensors, Data And Decisions

The DAS is a remarkably sensitive and discriminating set of six sensors that gives the pilot data not just from in front of his aircraft, but directly below, above and to the sides — in military parlance he’s got 360 degree situational awareness. How sensitive is the system? I’ve been told by two sources that the DAS spotted a missile launch from 1,200 miles away during a Red Flag exercise in Alaska. But DAS, just as with the older Defense Support Satellites used to search the world for missile launches, may not know exactly what it’s looking at right away.

That’s where the F-35’s data fusion library comes in, combing through threat information to decide what the plane has detected. The plane, after combing through thousands of possible signatures, may suggest the pilot use his Eletro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS) or his AESA radar to gather more data, depending on the situation. The F-35 that spots the apparent missile launch will share its data with other F-35s and the Combined Air and Space Operations Center (CAOC), which will be managing all the data from US and allied aircraft and satellites so that bigger computers on the ground can crunch the data from those sensors and make recommendations if any single plane hasn’t gathered enough information with enough fidelity. (Of course, the CAOC can also do that whole command thing and coordinate the F-35s flying with other aircraft, ships and ground troops.)

The loop will be complete once a target is identified. Then the plane’s fusion center will recommend targets, which weapons to use and which targets should be killed first. Given the Chinese government’s vast and persistent espionage enterprise it won’t be surprising if the J-20s boast some of the F-35’s capabilities, but I have yet to speak with anyone in the Pentagon or the intelligence community who says the Chinese appear to have developed software and sensor capabilities as good as those on the F-35.

Spoofing And Electronic Warfare

The other side of the cyber conflict is what is usually called electronic warfare, though separating cyber and electronic warfare becomes awfully difficult in the F-35. The AESA radar plays a prominent role in this arena too, allowing sharply controlled and directed energy attacks against enemy planes, surface to air radar and other targets.

While Growlers, Boeing’s EA-18G, have extremely powerful, broadband jamming capabilities, the F-35’s combination of stealth and highly specific electronic beams is a better combination, Hostage tells me during the interview.

“If you can get in close, you don’t need Growler-type power. If you’re stealthy enough that they can’t do anything about it and you can get in close, it doesn’t take a huge amount of power to have the effect you need to have,” he says.

One of the keys to spoofing is, I’ve heard from several operators, being careful to avoid overwhelming the enemy with high-power jamming. That’s another problem with the Growler approach.

“The high power-jamming is ‘I’ll just overwhelm them with energy since I can’t get in there and do magic things with what they’re sending to me,'” Hostage says.

Much of this electronic warfare, as well as the F-35’s intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance (ISR) capabilities, are made possible by a core processor that can perform more than one trillion operations per second. This allows the highly classified electronic warfare suite made by BAE Systems to identify enemy radar and electronic warfare emissions and, as happens with the EOTS, recommend to the pilot which target to attack and whether he should use either kinetic or electronic means to destroy it.

In our interview, Gen. Hostage points to the plane’s ability to gather enormous amounts of data, comb through it and very rapidly and simply present the pilot with clear choices as a key to its success.

“People think stealth is what defines fifth gen[eration aircraft]. It’s not the only thing. It’s stealth and then the avionics and the fusion of avionics. In my fourth gen airplane, I was the fusion engine, the pilot was the fusion engine. I took the inputs from the RHWG, from the Radar Homing Warning Gear, from the radar, from the com, multiple radios, from my instruments. I fused that into what was happening in the battlespace, all the while I’m trying to do the mechanical things of flying my airplane and dodging missiles and all these sorts of things,” he says.

Combine the fusion engine, the ISR sensors, the designed-in stealth, the advanced helmet, and the eight million lines of software driving what it can do, add weapons to the stealthy weapon bays, add a pilot and that is what allows you to “break the enemy’s kill chain,” as Hostage likes to put it.

“What we’ve done with the fifth generation is the computer takes all those sensory inputs, fuses it into information. The pilot sees a beautiful God’s eye view of what’s going on. And instead of having to fuse three pieces of information and decide if that’s an adversary or not, the airplane is telling him with an extremely high degree of confidence what that adversary is and what they’re doing and what all your wingmen are doing. It’s a stunning amount of information,” Hostage says.

Combine that information with the kinetic, cyber and electronic warfare capabilities of the F-35 and we may know why South Korea, Japan, Israel and Australia have all recently committed to buy substantial numbers of F-35s, in spite of the aircraft being behind schedule, facing significant technical problems and, of course, being really expensive overall. Several sources with direct knowledge of the negotiations — from government and industry — tell me that each country went in to discussions with the Pentagon with a great deal of skepticism. But once country representatives received the most highly classified briefing — which I hear deals mostly with the plane’s cyber, electronic warfare and stealth capabilities — they all decided to buy. That kind of national and fiscal commitment from other countries may say more about the aircraft’s capabilities than anything else. After all, some of those countries are staring right at China, the country that has rolled out two supposedly fifth generation fighters. And Russia, the other country trying hard to build a rival to the F-22 and the F-35, sits not far behind.

So to Yu J-20 fanboys don't ever compare the J-20 to the F-35 or even the F-22 the J-20 is not even in the same league.
Here's an interview with General Hostage who ran the F-35 program hinting the capability of the F-35 without disclosing classified info.....

LANGLEY AFB: If you want to stop a conversation about the F-35 with a military officer or industry expert, then just start talking about its cyber or electronic warfare capabilities.

These are the capabilities that most excite the experts I’ve spoken with because they distinguish the F-35 from previous fighters, giving it what may be unprecedented abilities to confuse the enemy, attack him in new ways through electronics (think Stuxnet), and generally add enormous breadth to what we might call the plane’s conventional strike capabilities.

So I asked Air Force Gen. Mike Hostage, head of Air Combat Command here, about the F-35’s cyber capabilities, mentioning comments by former Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz several years ago about the F-35 having the “nascent capability” to attack Integrated Air Defense Systems (known to you and me as surface to air missiles) with cyber weapons.

Hostage deftly shifts the conversation each time I press for insights on the F-35’s cyber and EW. He doesn’t refuse to talk, as that would be impolite and, well, too obvious.

He starts off with what sounds like a shaggy dog story.

“When I was a youngster flying F-16s we would go fly close air support at the National Training Center for the Army,” he tells me. “They would have a large ground force: blue guys, OpFor [opposing forces], they’d go out and have big battles on the ground. And they would bring the [Close Air Support] CAS in to participate. They’d let us come in, we’d fly for 30 minutes and then they’d shoo us away because they wanted to have their force on force and if they allowed the CAS to participate during force on force it fundamentally changed the nature of the ground battle.”

Want To Shoot Someone? Turn Off The Cyber

Then he brings us back to the issue at hand, and mentions the Air Force’s Red Flag exercises, the pinnacle of the service’s force-on-force training: “Fast forward to today. We do Red Flag for the purpose of giving our young wingman those first 10 days of combat, or first 10 combat missions in a controlled environment because what we’ve studied over the years of conflict is the first 10 missions are where you’re most likely to lose your fleet. So if you can replicate that first 10 in a controlled environment with a very high degree of fidelity, you’ve greatly increased the probability that they’re going to survive their actual first 10 combat missions. So Red Flag is the closest we can get to real combat without actually shooting people.”

Allies are a key part of the Red Flag exercises, especially as the F-35 becomes the plane flown by most of our closest allies, from Britain to Israel to Australia and beyond. But the toughest, most realistic exercises at Red Flag occur when it’s only American pilots flying against each other.

During those Red Flag-3 exercises they integrate space and cyber weapons into the fight, including those the F-35 possesses. Those capabilities make are “so effective that we have to be very careful that in a real world scenario we don’t hurt ourselves allowing them to play.”

Then he gets back to the point at hand. “So, to answer your question, it has tremendous capability. We’re in the early stages of exploring how to get the most effectiveness out of cyber and space, but we’re integrating it into the Air Operations Center; we’re integrating it into the combat plan; and it is absolutely the way of the future. And you’re right, the AESA radar has tremendous capacity to play in that game.”

Boil all that down and it comes to this. Gen. Hostage is saying that the F-35’s cyber capabilities are so effective — combined with space assets, which are often difficult to distinguish in effect from cyber capabilities — that the planes have to stop using them so the pilots can shoot at each other.

The obvious question that arises from this is, how can a radar system also be a cyber weapon? We’ve all seen those World War II movies where the radar dish sweeps back and forth. The energy beams out, strikes the enemy plane and comes back as a blip. What makes an AESA radar special is the fact that it beams energy in digital zeroes and ones — and the beam can be focused. This allows the radar to function as both a scanning radar, a cyber weapon and an electronic warfare tool.

Here they go into a scenario how they would face a bunch of J-20's...

AESA Radar, Cyber And IADS

Here’s an excellent explanation for how we go from radio and radar and military systems that are not connected to the Internet yet remain vulnerable to hacking that I’ve cribbed from my deputy, Sydney Freedberg, from a recent piece he wrote in Breaking Defense about cyberwar. An enemy’s radios and radars are run by computers, so you can transmit signals to hack them. If the enemy’s computers are linked together then your virus can spread throughout that network. The enemy does not have to be connected to the Internet. You just need the enemy’s radios and radar to receive incoming signals – which they have to do in order to function.

So, as a former top intelligence official explained to me about two years ago, the AESA radar’s beams can throw out those zeros and ones to ANY sort of receiver. And an enemy’s radar is a receiver. His radios are receivers. Some of his electronic warfare sensors are also receivers.

But neither Hostage nor many others I spoke with were willing to be specific on the record about how effective the AESA radar, working with the aircraft’s sensors like the Distributed Aperture System and its data fusion system, will be. So the following is information culled from conversations over the last three months with a wide range of knowledgeable people inside government and the defense industry, as well as retired military and intelligence officers.

As the F-35 flies toward the Chinese coast and several hundred incoming PLAAF J-20s streak toward them in the scenario outlined in the first piece of this series, spoofing (using the enemy’s own systems to deceive him) will be a major part of our attack.

Enemy radar may well show thousands of F-35s and other aircraft heading their way, with stealth cross-sections that appear to match what the Chinese believe is the F-35’s cross section. Only a few hundred of them are real, but the Chinese can’t be certain which are which, forcing them to waste long-range missiles and forcing them to get closer to the US and allied F-35s so they can tell with greater fidelity which ones are real. The Chinese will try and use Infrared Search and Track (IRST) sensors, which have shorter ranges but provide tremendous fidelity in the right weather conditions. But that, of course, renders them more vulnerable to one sensor on the F-35 that even the plane’s critics rarely criticize, the Distributed Aperture System (DAS).

Sensors, Data And Decisions

The DAS is a remarkably sensitive and discriminating set of six sensors that gives the pilot data not just from in front of his aircraft, but directly below, above and to the sides — in military parlance he’s got 360 degree situational awareness. How sensitive is the system? I’ve been told by two sources that the DAS spotted a missile launch from 1,200 miles away during a Red Flag exercise in Alaska. But DAS, just as with the older Defense Support Satellites used to search the world for missile launches, may not know exactly what it’s looking at right away.

That’s where the F-35’s data fusion library comes in, combing through threat information to decide what the plane has detected. The plane, after combing through thousands of possible signatures, may suggest the pilot use his Eletro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS) or his AESA radar to gather more data, depending on the situation. The F-35 that spots the apparent missile launch will share its data with other F-35s and the Combined Air and Space Operations Center (CAOC), which will be managing all the data from US and allied aircraft and satellites so that bigger computers on the ground can crunch the data from those sensors and make recommendations if any single plane hasn’t gathered enough information with enough fidelity. (Of course, the CAOC can also do that whole command thing and coordinate the F-35s flying with other aircraft, ships and ground troops.)

The loop will be complete once a target is identified. Then the plane’s fusion center will recommend targets, which weapons to use and which targets should be killed first. Given the Chinese government’s vast and persistent espionage enterprise it won’t be surprising if the J-20s boast some of the F-35’s capabilities, but I have yet to speak with anyone in the Pentagon or the intelligence community who says the Chinese appear to have developed software and sensor capabilities as good as those on the F-35.

Spoofing And Electronic Warfare

The other side of the cyber conflict is what is usually called electronic warfare, though separating cyber and electronic warfare becomes awfully difficult in the F-35. The AESA radar plays a prominent role in this arena too, allowing sharply controlled and directed energy attacks against enemy planes, surface to air radar and other targets.

While Growlers, Boeing’s EA-18G, have extremely powerful, broadband jamming capabilities, the F-35’s combination of stealth and highly specific electronic beams is a better combination, Hostage tells me during the interview.

“If you can get in close, you don’t need Growler-type power. If you’re stealthy enough that they can’t do anything about it and you can get in close, it doesn’t take a huge amount of power to have the effect you need to have,” he says.

One of the keys to spoofing is, I’ve heard from several operators, being careful to avoid overwhelming the enemy with high-power jamming. That’s another problem with the Growler approach.

“The high power-jamming is ‘I’ll just overwhelm them with energy since I can’t get in there and do magic things with what they’re sending to me,'” Hostage says.

Much of this electronic warfare, as well as the F-35’s intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance (ISR) capabilities, are made possible by a core processor that can perform more than one trillion operations per second. This allows the highly classified electronic warfare suite made by BAE Systems to identify enemy radar and electronic warfare emissions and, as happens with the EOTS, recommend to the pilot which target to attack and whether he should use either kinetic or electronic means to destroy it.

In our interview, Gen. Hostage points to the plane’s ability to gather enormous amounts of data, comb through it and very rapidly and simply present the pilot with clear choices as a key to its success.

“People think stealth is what defines fifth gen[eration aircraft]. It’s not the only thing. It’s stealth and then the avionics and the fusion of avionics. In my fourth gen airplane, I was the fusion engine, the pilot was the fusion engine. I took the inputs from the RHWG, from the Radar Homing Warning Gear, from the radar, from the com, multiple radios, from my instruments. I fused that into what was happening in the battlespace, all the while I’m trying to do the mechanical things of flying my airplane and dodging missiles and all these sorts of things,” he says.

Combine the fusion engine, the ISR sensors, the designed-in stealth, the advanced helmet, and the eight million lines of software driving what it can do, add weapons to the stealthy weapon bays, add a pilot and that is what allows you to “break the enemy’s kill chain,” as Hostage likes to put it.

“What we’ve done with the fifth generation is the computer takes all those sensory inputs, fuses it into information. The pilot sees a beautiful God’s eye view of what’s going on. And instead of having to fuse three pieces of information and decide if that’s an adversary or not, the airplane is telling him with an extremely high degree of confidence what that adversary is and what they’re doing and what all your wingmen are doing. It’s a stunning amount of information,” Hostage says.

Combine that information with the kinetic, cyber and electronic warfare capabilities of the F-35 and we may know why South Korea, Japan, Israel and Australia have all recently committed to buy substantial numbers of F-35s, in spite of the aircraft being behind schedule, facing significant technical problems and, of course, being really expensive overall. Several sources with direct knowledge of the negotiations — from government and industry — tell me that each country went in to discussions with the Pentagon with a great deal of skepticism. But once country representatives received the most highly classified briefing — which I hear deals mostly with the plane’s cyber, electronic warfare and stealth capabilities — they all decided to buy. That kind of national and fiscal commitment from other countries may say more about the aircraft’s capabilities than anything else. After all, some of those countries are staring right at China, the country that has rolled out two supposedly fifth generation fighters. And Russia, the other country trying hard to build a rival to the F-22 and the F-35, sits not far behind.

So to Yu J-20 fanboys don't ever compare the J-20 to the F-35 or even the F-22 the J-20 is not even in the same league.
Loads of bravado statements when in reality the american general knows sweet f all of the real capabilities of the J20. To claim otherwise means they have a J20 at hand which they have studied and found out all of its strengths and weaknesses. That is just wishful thinking.
Quantity itself has a qualitetive edge. China is playing a "mind game" with the Bharati strategists. They are slowly and steadily breaking the will of the Bharati commanders to resist for they believe in "numbers", and China is giving them freaking numbers. This weight of numbers would confuse and confound them to a state of mental paralysis, and the rest will be history.....

The Pak Deep State needs to be extremely cautious for Bharat would flush out her frustration on Pakistan. After a utter defeat to China in 1962 she attacked Pakistan with a full might in 1965 leveraging all the advances she made in defence and all the military aid she received from the West. The PAF needs to build her FGF fleet ASAP....
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Loads of bravado statements when in reality the american general knows sweet f all of the real capabilities of the J20. To claim otherwise means they have a J20 at hand which they have studied and found out all of its strengths and weaknesses. That is just wishful thinking.
Lol. That's rich coming from Yu fanboys. The crap that gets posted in here by chinese fanboys critiquing F-35 and other US weapon systems is thicker than Beijing smog.
Quantity itself has a qualitetive edge. China is playing a "mind game" with the Bharati strategists. They are slowly and steadily breaking the will of the Bharati commanders to resist for they believe in "numbers", and China is giving them freaking numbers. This weight of numbers would confuse and confound them to a state of mental paralysis, and the rest will be history.....

The Pak Deep State needs to be extremely cautious for Bharat would flush out her frustration on Pakistan. After a utter defeat to China in 1962 she attacked Pakistan with a full might in 1965 leveraging all the advances she made in defence and all the military aid she received from the West. The PAF needs to build her FGF fleet ASAP....
Indian Air Force is clearly not focused on numbers, which is why they opted for the ultra-expensive Rafales. For the cost of one India specific Rafale, they could have bought three F-35s.
Lol. That's rich coming from Yu fanboys. The crap that gets posted in here by chinese fanboys critiquing F-35 and other US weapon systems is thicker than Beijing smog.

In fact it is funny to read this from you: on the one side you rate anything positive regarding the J-20 (or 055) as crap, downrate it as a flying brick even if we simply haven't seen it in true action, bravoo the F-22 & F-35 and refer to reports, high-ranking US military officers would not worry about the H-20. Isn't this just fan-boyish on your side?

In fact if you read properly, only few Chinese fan-boys are here (which should be ignored), in most cases simply barely anything is known, which makes any real assessment most difficult while in return US systems are hailed as unbeatable.

Again, no-one denies the US-superiority, but the gap is closing and while you out-rightly dismisses any mentioned Chinese capabilities and belittle everything, you claim the US know already that the H-20 is crap - in fact how they know this, when not even a prototype is being finished is a mystery to me (or do you believe they have an insider within XAC?). I would rate exactly such claims fan-boy posts for the own crowd and how much certain circles within the US are interested in facts or better to say prefer alternative facts is well known.

At least I do not belittle US capabilities, I only warn, not to underestimate a future opponent's capabilities and in fact this is a dangerous trend I notice since years.
What many of the Pakistani members are not getting is the focus and orientation of either the Chinese or Indian governments on economic growth. China has seen a tremendous growth phase in its economy over the last 30 years; however, it is losing its momentum. On the other hand, India has started to gain significant economic momentum, and it is expected to continue for some time. Hence, neither of these countries will probably get into a direct conflict which may move towards a war. Moreover, although significantly smaller and weaker compared to China, still, India is much more than capable of punishing China in a real war, with all the weapons available to hit China back. So, any war will be very bloody for both sides, and hence both sides will do their best to avoid it.
Lol. That's rich coming from Yu fanboys. The crap that gets posted in here by chinese fanboys critiquing F-35 and other US weapon systems is thicker than Beijing smog.
Speak for yourself I never criticised either the F22 or F35.
IAF's primary concern is acquiring the Tejas MK1A and MK2 in large numbers, and more importantly, developing an indigenous turbofan engine for these fighter jets. Having a domestically produced turbofan engine to power the Tejas and other upcoming jets is far more crucial than possessing F-22 Raptors or F-35s.

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