The Munir Doctrine

don’t take it personal but this is the typical mindset which Pakistanis need to abolish. Something was tried but it bit the dust and that’s the end of it.

Change the mindset.
There are two issues. First, precedence is set then people may not invest or try to challenge the already authority/monopoly.

Then there is the age. Like IT boom of Bangalore of 90s (call centers/remote help) is gone now and now if Pak needs to set up an IT industry, it should be freelancing, AI, programming, etc based IT sectors.

So, yes we can repeat the experiment (green revolution thing) with a different approach but we need a good supervisor besides the necessary resources. In the end, it is the leader's success or failure. Nonetheless, that supervisor should be an expert or at least a leader.

A leader has one primary essential skill. He infuses a spark and motivation. Project management or good aim and objectives or execution plan or methodology etc come way way later.
Then there is the age. Like IT boom of Bangalore of 90s (call centers/remote help) is gone now and now if Pak needs to set up an IT industry, it should be freelancing, AI, programming, etc based IT sectors.

What makes you think the Bangalore of 1990s was based on call centers/remote help ? Just curious
What makes you think the Bangalore of 1990s was based on call centers/remote help ? Just curious
My whole point was there are new aspects/parameters of the same industry whether it is agriculture, automotive, tourism, IT, etc So, let's say food self-sufficiency now requires personal terrace gardens as compared to co-operative farming of the 70s. or small-scale preservation techniques of tomatoes, onions or other perishable items.

As far as IT is concerned I just stated a trend that Banglore IT's sector was more tilted towards those services than software/app development etc. Now, it can't be due to AI apps and online solutions.
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My whole point was there are new aspects/parameters of the same industry whether it is agriculture, automotive, tourism, IT, etc So, let's self-sufficiency now requires personal terrace gardens as compared to co-operative farming of the 70s. or small-scale preservation techniques of tomatoes, onions or other perishable items.

As far as IT is concerned I just stated a trend that Banglore IT's sector was more tilted towards those services than software/app development etc. Now, it can't be due to AI apps and online solutions.
My understanding from 1st hand experience was that first set of projects that went to India was software maintenance followed by software testing. Call centers and remote help come in early 2000's when the telecom infrastructure in India improved. I could be wrong here. I have a limited set of knowledge.
I don't
Same land with a border between them , but twice the yield .
Pakistan has plenty of scope to grow the yield, it can easily feed 40 crore population.

If military wants to intervene then why not intervene in property market instead of venturing into a new domain.

View attachment 9334

34 Mound is 1200 ~kg.
View attachment 9333
I don't think you've done your research. Pakistan is an extremely water-stressed nation. Water would keep reducing every year, making it impossible to match even current outputs. Pakistan cannot sustain a population over 18-20 crores, maximum 22 crores. It is already having to import WHEAT, the most crucial food article every year.

My whole point was there are new aspects/parameters of the same industry whether it is agriculture, automotive, tourism, IT, etc So, let's say food self-sufficiency now requires personal terrace gardens as compared to co-operative farming of the 70s. or small-scale preservation techniques of tomatoes, onions or other perishable items.

As far as IT is concerned I just stated a trend that Banglore IT's sector was more tilted towards those services than software/app development etc. Now, it can't be due to AI apps and online solutions.
terrace or farm, without solving the water crisis, agriculture cannot take place anywhere.
I don't

I don't think you've done your research. Pakistan is an extremely water-stressed nation. Water would keep reducing every year, making it impossible to match even current outputs. Pakistan cannot sustain a population over 18-20 crores, maximum 22 crores. It is already having to import WHEAT, the most crucial food article every year.

Pakistan can easily sustain upto 35 crore, Modernised farming with Drip irrigation exists, But capital expenditure to implement does not
MHO, Pakistan needs a stance like an Azad Kashmir (akin to West Germany) that can be built up over the next few decades, waiting in the wings until a peaceful possibility of freedom presents itself,
Azad Kashmir is already perceived as West Germany by majority of Kashmiris.

IOK is like East Germany. Outside of Srinagar, Kashmir valley is littered with anti-India slogans, graffitti, misery, and anger. Raising a Pakistani flag is as much of a coming of age event as one's first kiss is.

LoC is like the Berlin wall. Indians want to dig into defensive positions, fence it, and permanently solidify it. Kashmiris want it to collapse and free themselves of Indian military occupation.

There is no shortage of IO-Kashmiris fleeing the draconian Indian military presence at the LoC to escape to AJK. The phenonmenon is so common that there is a streamlined process for integrating them into Azad Kashmir or Pakistani society.
nstead of one man's doctrine who'll be here for 2-4 years max

Make a long term national doctrine that'll be followed by all parties on a long term basis
Parties will never do that - they and their predominantly jaahil voter base only care about plot, petty politics, paisa and chutyapa. Military is the only institution which can implement consistent policies for 3+ years.
There are two issues. First, precedence is set then people may not invest or try to challenge the already authority/monopoly.

Then there is the age. Like IT boom of Bangalore of 90s (call centers/remote help) is gone now and now if Pak needs to set up an IT industry, it should be freelancing, AI, programming, etc based IT sectors.

So, yes we can repeat the experiment (green revolution thing) with a different approach but we need a good supervisor besides the necessary resources. In the end, it is the leader's success or failure. Nonetheless, that supervisor should be an expert or at least a leader.

A leader has one primary essential skill. He infuses a spark and motivation. Project management or good aim and objectives or execution plan or methodology etc come way way later.
Supervisor ? Leader ?

Options - CEO, Minister, businessman, any other civil govt institution head….. who ?

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