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USA: The Decaying Empire


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Nov 26, 2008
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As far as the rest goes, I was never fond of Ayn Rand and her philosophy of selfishness, and ultimately, meritocracy heads in that direction. There are various other motifs crowded into socio-political packages that head in that general direction, so I'd like to say, it's fine for people to believe that and practise that, but it is to be hoped that those of a contrary point of view will be left alone to contemplate, perhaps even promote that point of view.
As always with human affairs, moderation probably does the best for the largest number of people. That is, meritocracy tempered wth a healthy counterbalance of communitarianism. That is at the heart of the tradeoff in the US Constitution between "democratic" power in the form of majorities making laws to benefit a particular majority or plurality of the moment, offset by individual rights as protected by the first 10 Amendments. Of course, since I was born in Virginia and attended 1 thru 12 years Virginia public schools, I am thoroughly marinated in the "glory" of the Jefferson-Madison construction of a legal system to nurture both the common good and individual freedom. I went to an elementary school named after Patrik "give me liberty or give me death" Henry and to a high school named for James Madison, the primary wordsmith of the USA Constitution.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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The Foundation series is one of my favorites also. I first read it when I was in late high school in the early '60's. I recently re-read the series for "fun". The "rotten" tree analogy is appropriate, methinks. I believe that the USA became a great nation because individual talent, effort and "luck" could be rewarded and convey economic "freedom", and fulfillment in other ways, to anyone and their family, in a near-egalitarian fashion. This was the strong heartwood of our American tree. Our meritocratic system wasn't, and is not now, perfect, but is still the best we humans have yet achieved. Our new "woke" panoply of anti-meritocratic values threatens that past successful structure with unknown weaknesses. Time will tell whether our newly woke tree can withstand a new existential storm. Probably, we in the USA will be just fine. However, those around the world hoping we are their saviors may be on their own. Perhaps that is how it should be. God helps those who help themselves...

In the US, even second tier institutions are so good that those who are denied meritocracy into the top tier can still make their way ahead. At the end of the day, talent and hard work can still bring success. When the day comes that this is no longer true, it will be the beginning of the end.

That's from Asimov's Foundation, that took the idea of Big Data analysis of human actions and their impact on future eventuality to a pronounced degree. This discipline, in that series of books, is shown to have advanced to the point where the scientists who had mastered this discipline were able to ensure specific future outcomes by undertaking very minor present actions. Sort of butterfly wings effects on weather, but executed to ensure a specific weather condition, rather than working out in some randomised manner.

To be fair, Asimov wrote the initial Foundation stories in the 1950s when he was in his early 20s. The concept of Big Data probably didn't exist and even electronic computing was in its infancy. Asimov defined psychohistory as a combination of psychology, sociology and mathematics, using history as a feedback mechanism, to predict broad trends in human societies.


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2017
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There’s never been a continental sized hyperpower in history.

The US government projects US GDP to grow to $80T in 30 years with salary disbursement over $34T to the US working population, over 3X today.

The world has never seen a hyper power like this. The US will remain preeminent until the galaxy implodes.

During Roman times, no one thought their strong empire would collapse, and eventually it did. It's a natural cycle, there is always rise and fall of all empires.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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What would you like the charge against him to be? If the other "perp" is not an employee of the Senate, what jurisdiction would you like to apply to his behavior? However, I do agree with you that DC is a cesspool.

The incident you mention did indeed happen in my country. So, what is your point here?

While stopping short of explicitly admitting he's the one behind the video, Maese-Czeropski took to LinkedIn on Friday evening to say he was going through "a difficult time" as he is "attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda."

Who does he love and what political agenda is he pursuing?

Hundreds have recently been found guilty of various federal crimes for just walking through the Capital on January 6, 2021 to pursue their political agenda (J6).

Americans are sick and tired of the Federal Government.

Anyone who is paying attention knows the problem is Washington D.C. The quicker the "empire" destroys itself the better. The Federal Government Clown Show no longer represents me, no longer has my consent. Most people in my region will have this opinion in general.

Joe Shearer

Apr 19, 2009
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In the US, even second tier institutions are so good that those who are denied meritocracy into the top tier can still make their way ahead. At the end of the day, talent and hard work can still bring success. When the day comes that this is no longer true, it will be the beginning of the end.

To be fair, Asimov wrote the initial Foundation stories in the 1950s when he was in his early 20s. The concept of Big Data probably didn't exist and even electronic computing was in its infancy. Asimov defined psychohistory as a combination of psychology, sociology and mathematics, using history as a feedback mechanism, to predict broad trends in human societies.
Let me hasten to add that naming Big Data was just my effort to bring the concept up to date. What Asimov created, considering the circumstances and his own scientific discipline (chemistry) was awesome.


Sep 19, 2010
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That's from Asimov's Foundation, that took the idea of Big Data analysis of human actions and their impact on future eventuality to a pronounced degree. This discipline, in that series of books, is shown to have advanced to the point where the scientists who had mastered this discipline were able to ensure specific future outcomes by undertaking very minor present actions. Sort of butterfly wings effects on weather, but executed to ensure a specific weather condition, rather than working out in some randomised manner.

Worth a read if you are a teenager or in your 20s.

Yessir, I know. As I said, fiction. :D


Sep 19, 2010
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While stopping short of explicitly admitting he's the one behind the video, Maese-Czeropski took to LinkedIn on Friday evening to say he was going through "a difficult time" as he is "attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda."

Who does he love and what political agenda is he pursuing?

Hundreds have recently been found guilty of various federal crimes for just walking through the Capital on January 6, 2021 to pursue their political agenda (J6).

Americans are sick and tired of the Federal Government.

Anyone who is paying attention knows the problem is Washington D.C. The quicker the "empire" destroys itself the better. The Federal Government Clown Show no longer represents me, no longer has my consent. Most people in my region will have this opinion in general.

Interestingly (and predictably) you did not answer any of the questions I asked.

You are entitled to your opinions, of course, but if most people in your region, or anywhere else, for that matter, actually do share your views, then the results would be evident by measurable changes. Thus far, most of what is claimed, and the doom and gloom, is much smoke and a spark or three, but no fire, much less the blazing inferno that is claimed so hysterically.

In the US, even second tier institutions are so good that those who are denied meritocracy into the top tier can still make their way ahead. At the end of the day, talent and hard work can still bring success. When the day comes that this is no longer true, it will be the beginning of the end.

And that is precisely why all the claims of doom and gloom are simply not true.


Elite Member
Jun 3, 2011
Of course. Just like all those before it, USA's dominance will pass. It is only a matter of time. How long that takes remains to be seen, but I take it that you are saying that it has already happened?

The question now is, what lesson does this hold for the current hegemonic power? Is the United States any more immune to decline than previous ones? Or is 'the end of history', so confidently forecast by Francis Fukuyama, able to halt the direction of change and continue 'the American century' far into the new millennium? Despite the lightning success in Afghanistan, the inability of the United States to impose its will on such insignificant powers as Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Serbia, North Korea or East Timor - or to guarantee its citizens at home or abroad immunity from suicidal Al-Qaida terrorists - suggests that the empire is not invincible. It cannot bring itself, it seems, to rein in the multi-national corporations that now manipulate the global economy for their own profit and force genetically modified crops, polluting industries, and monopolistic services on other countries. Global warming, disproportionately caused by the US, is already backfiring on America with disasters like Midwest and Texan floods, Californian forest fires, Atlantic coast hurricanes, and encephalitis-carrying mosquitos in New York.

interesting read https://www.theguardian.com/education/higher/humanities/partner/story/0,9885,678228,00.html

Interestingly (and predictably) you did not answer any of the questions I asked.

You are entitled to your opinions, of course, but if most people in your region, or anywhere else, for that matter, actually do share your views, then the results would be evident by measurable changes. Thus far, most of what is claimed, and the doom and gloom, is much smoke and a spark or three, but no fire, much less the blazing inferno that is claimed so hysterically.

And that is precisely why all the claims of doom and gloom are simply not true.
I think much can be learned about America's health when the choice of next leader is between two octogenarians in hoc to AIPAC


Sep 19, 2010
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Is the United States any more immune to decline than previous ones?

Not more and not any less. Just the same as all that were before.

I think much can be learned about America's health when the choice of next leader is between two octogenarians in hoc to AIPAC

Could you please tell us what can be learned here?

Proud Thamizhan

Full Member
Dec 12, 2023
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total nonsensical thread. Thread title has no relevance to the OP posted.
what happened, have mods given up relevancy criteria?

Davey Crockett

Full Member
Dec 17, 2023
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Interestingly (and predictably) you did not answer any of the questions I asked.

You are entitled to your opinions, of course, but if most people in your region, or anywhere else, for that matter, actually do share your views, then the results would be evident by measurable changes. Thus far, most of what is claimed, and the doom and gloom, is much smoke and a spark or three, but no fire, much less the blazing inferno that is claimed so hysterically.

And that is precisely why all the claims of doom and gloom are simply not true.
Was waiting for more information.

The other guy is a German



Sep 19, 2010
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Was waiting for more information.

The other guy is a German

Of course it is better for due process to complete. Let us what charges either or both face and proceed from there.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2008
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total nonsensical thread. Thread title has no relevance to the OP posted.
what happened, have mods given up relevancy criteria?
See moderator VCheng's post #3 at the thread beginning. He is allowing an "evil, decaying USA" thread so that all the USA/West haters here at the PDF have a comfy, homey sticky thread place here in the Americas Forum to post their venom. As always, the USA is so open armed that we can accept hearing (reading) all the hate speech directed at us by less fortunate world citizens, without losing our cool, or our confidence in our imperfect-but-still-trying-to-improve country.
Last edited:


Sep 19, 2010
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See moderator VCheng's post #3 at the thread beginning. He is allowing an "evil, declining USA" thread so that all the USA/West haters here at the PDF have a comfy, homey sticky thread place here in the Americas Forum to post their venom. As always, the USA is so open armed that we can accept hearing (reading) all the hate speech directed at us by less fortunate world citizens, without losing our cool, or our confidence in our imperfect-but-still-trying-to-improve country.

Not only that, this new PDF is committed to open and fair exchange of ideas, and we all must do our part in being able to discuss topics and points of view both for and against our own personal beliefs and opinions, in a polite manner.

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