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USA: The Decaying Empire


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Countries are always formed along the ethnic lines, this is not racism. When first Europeans arrived in Americas, all conflicts were also follow this pattern. If an ethnicity based "American people" concept couldn't arise soon enough, the country eventually will break up following smaller but more defined racial or ethnicty lines.

If the country were to break up it wouldn’t be along racial or ethnic lines. The only time the country actually broke up it wasn’t along racial or ethnic lines, but political lines.

Americans aren’t as divided as it seems, and beyond words, most people are not mentally prepared or desperate enough to do violence to each other. Those that are have already done it to whomever they are aggrieved with; which is probably a neighbor or someone they already know well.

The largest portion of white Americans are of German ancestry, and at one time even Ben Franklin didn’t consider them “white”. So as for the founding population and the current population, we have come a long way into see people of diverse ancestry as our fellow Americans. Grandchildren of the “brown” people immigrating today will be seen as just as American in due time.

The only thing that slows this process down is the inequality and the associated disenfranchising effect this creates in young people today.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Where there is diversity, there will be racism

Many countries condemn the US, but the truth is that if their country had similar demographics and immigration rates, that country would probably be more chaotic and racist than US.

America is a noisy country but that is because talking about our problems is what we do. Eventually, on many of these problems, we have a breakthrough and that is why we are actually less racist then would be otherwise.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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If the country were to break up it wouldn’t be along racial or ethnic lines. The only time the country actually broke up it wasn’t along racial or ethnic lines, but political lines.
Politics is the extension of ethnic struggle, it's based on ethnic strife originally. You can look at the human history, countries always come into being more or less following ethnic lines, it's an inherent human trait which is hard to resist.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Politics is the extension of ethnic struggle, it's based on ethnic strife originally. You can look at the human history, countries always come into being more or less following ethnic lines, it's an inherent human trait which is hard to resist.
Politics is an extension of many things. In the US, disparity is the biggest wedge issue, because it just keeps building up and not adequately addressed. It’s why Trump was elected the first time and will probably get elected again this year.

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Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Politics is an extension of many things. In the US, disparity is the biggest wedge issue, because it just keeps building up and not adequately addressed. It’s why Trump was elected the first time and will probably get elected again this year.

All "countries" were nation states in the very beginning, I mean the very origin. it's an essential human trait that humans just can't resisit, it's like the natural love for your parents or kids.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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All "countries" were nation states in the very beginning, I mean the very origin. it's an essential human trait that humans just can't resisit, it's like the natural love for your parents or kids.
The US is a unique nation. It was a merger of many colonies originally founded by different sub-cultures from many Western European countries (English, Scottish, Dutch, and Swedish if I’m not mistaken), then along came many other nationalities, such as the various German states (pre-German unification).

The US also was founded as multiple business enterprises, so the origin is not as much ethnic as financial.

New York, originally founded by the Dutch, and when one of the original governors wants to exclude Jews, he was overridden.

So the US has been founded and run for over 400 years as a massive commercial enterprise with land in a way.

Very much different from the ethnic homelands of a people. Americans can to one degree or another trace their lineage to before they came to the US. So there is this common mindset that we are all the children of immigrants.

Now many people whose families have laid down roots in a place for a long enough time, hate to see new people come in and tell them what to do and how to live. This could be rural part of the US, which are very much White majority, or it could be large non-white parts of the Urban America. That is where the conflicts arise.

We even saw that here in New York with the gentrification of neighborhoods from people that have lived for decades and generations in a neighborhood.

Imagine Latinos that have lived in places like Austin, TX area or Los Angeles, CA (for centuries?) get displaced would feel when they get priced out or told to live a new way because a new population has come in to the area.
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Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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The US is a unique nation. It was a merger of many colonies originally founded by different sub-cultures from many Western European countries (English, Scottish, Dutch, and Swedish if I’m not mistaken), then along came many other nationalities, such as the various German states (pre-German unification).
True, it's a political union formed in fear of UK, but people need a reason to stay together , blood is the natural cohesion, other interests like political and enoomic gains can also serve as an glue to hold countries and peoples together, but very often only for a limited time, when those interests are no longer that strong and appealing, the states just fall apart, like Austria-Hungary empire, Yugoslavia...


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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China also used to have hundreds of ethnic groups but later on a dominant ethnicity Han emerged from the chaos and started to merge other similar groups one by one, it's a natural process happened again and again in the human history, and not only in China, but all around the world. We untill now could see clearly which ethnic group will emerge in US to do this merging job.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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True, it's a political union formed in fear of UK, but people need a reason to stay together , blood is the natural cohesion, other interests like political and enoomic gains can also serve as an glue to hold countries and peoples together, but very often only for a limited time, when those interests are no longer that strong and appealing, the states just fall apart, like Austria-Hungary empire, Yugoslavia...
It holds people together until the situation gets really dire. This is why people compare the Us, not to those unions but the Roman Empire. (Although as the following video will show the Austrian-Hungarian empire does play a part in the evolution of the idea of a multi-ethnic country for western civilization)

If the country breaks down it would lead the cities into new city states.

Studying how the Qing empire broke down would show that even in a mostly single ethnic state, the ways a nation can collapse are not primarily because of ethnic conflict but other issue, especially money related.



Full Member
Nov 21, 2018
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Even before USA decayed, USA is nothing to be afraid of militarily.

Watch the interview made recently, and you can decide on the military mindset of America.

There was this saying
Or it shows that who to fight is not a decision to be made by the USN and they follow orders. You know, like a chain of command or something.

He, or she, or it, or whatever the fcck it want the pronoun that you got to use on it for the moment, will decided.

And the rest to follow the orders of him, or her, or it, or whatever the fcck pronoun it wanted for that moment.

comments made are not my comments, but in the thread itself


‼ US army prepares to confront Russia, China and Iran!

Yeah … it’s not a serious organization anymore.

@MyLordBebo | Boost us! G G:
Yeah, the russians are afraid of the mighty LGBT Army

I dont know whether to laugh or vomit

Harry PUFAN:
Do not laugh! The Russians will fill their holes!

Cavewight, [1/1/2024 7:23 pm]
By the way, the thing in skirts is quite repulsive. Perhaps that is their secret weapon, to make the enemy vomit.

Edin, [1/1/2024 7:44 pm]
pretty sure this pronoun freak will say pause during battle 😂😂

Faiz, [1/1/2024 9:08 pm]
America. They destroyed the world...

Vladimir, [1/1/2024 9:51 pm]
The more of a clown show US military becomes - the more chances the rest of the world has to live in peace

Sly O'Lucky Hungary:
Good luck with that, morons...

He sounds like Nikki Haley
The way he talks

{[The Kobolt}]
Brain power comes from the brain which this creature lacks but the bad news is their future is secured. Jellyfish have survived millennia without a brain.
You are not taking them serious until you wake up in a dark room, strapped naked to a metal table and that thing comes in carrying "tools" to interrogate you.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Studying how the Qing empire broke down would show that even in a mostly single ethnic state, the ways a nation can collapse are not primarily because of ethnic conflict but other issue, especially money related.

Dynasties rise and all in China, Qing's rise and fall just followed the pattern of all other Chinese dynasties, there's nothing special about Qing dynasty.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Dynasties rise and all in China, Qing's rise and fall just followed the pattern of all other Chinese dynasties, there's nothing special about Qing dynasty.
The point is, it’s not ethnic conflict but economics and political fights between cultural elites that lead to civil wars.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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It holds people together until the situation gets really dire. This is why people compare the Us, not to those unions
For now, yes, but for the country's long existence, US needs a predomiant ethnic based entity to emerge, political and economic bonds are short termed and subject to change.

Hamartia Antidote

Elite Member
Nov 17, 2013
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We even saw that here in New York with the gentrification of neighborhoods from people that have lived for decades and generations in a neighborhood.

Well it works both ways. Those same NY neighborhoods up until maybe the late 1950s were likely predominantly white.

However suburbanization that happened after WW2 led to people moving out and giving an opportunity for others to move in. They basically gave up their old neighborhoods.

The population of New York City was over 90% Non-Hispanic White until the post-World War II era.[1] Large numbers of Blacks, Hispanics, or Asians began settling in Manhattan in the 1920s and in the rest of NYC after World War II

Visiting the old Italian-American neighborhood in NYC.

Note Tony's somber last few words from the clip.

But the above is due to this...can't have it both ways...decisions were made...out with the old and in with the new.

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