Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

Good public statement by Jamaat that will squash the lies and exaggeration of Hinduvta elements in India that say that BD is turning into an Islamist state and hostile to India.

Also it puts paid to any delusions that some BD'shis have that BD will keep India at arms length.

BD needs India and India needs BD. It is as simple as that due to geography.

This is not a question of BJP or Congress. I believe something far more sinister is going on there. But yes, we need a workable relationship with India while keeping our sovereignty intact. I fear even that is going to be a challenge.

It will be a cold day in hell before Modi and Company said they made a mistake. It hasn’t happened before.
If I am not wrong he is on his way to the next mistake.

I believe the problem does not lie with Modi. Or the BJP. Or even Congress. Think of them as mascots presenting the interests of their financial and political backers.
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I have been in Bangladesh for the last 30 years and have seen many political movements but what happened in Bangladesh was well planned and orchestrated but what changed the situation was Hasina's leaving the country.

It was only after it started circulating on social media that people came out and started their march towards Gonobhaban.

There was most certainly an American hand in these events and it was very likely a regime change operation. How am so sure? I was asked for a list of names by an American citizen at around November 2022 but was never told what the list was for.

Another reason I suspect that this was all planned was that since I live in Banani where a good number of Awami League leaders have residences almost a dozen were ransacked, looted and vandalized on August 5. How did the crowd know which houses to hit? No one else's houses were attacked. This was all coordinated ...

It is also true that Asif Nazrul had been visiting the US embassy regularly from 2023 ...

If memory serves. social media and even the Internet was temporarily shut that day.

That being said, it is unlikely that the Americans guided the student movement leading to the "Monsoon Revolution". It was sentiment. And the student movement's approach was very novel and hence alien to the establishment. They had no idea what was coming to them.

I have already explained the reasons here below:

And what were those names if I may ask?

But then, AL homes were raided for many reasons ranging from political to business reasons. See my brother-in-law bought a lot of shares in the then GMG Airlines under Salman F. Rahman. He did not get a single Taka back. And that was way back. Just imagine the amount of money now. On August 5th, he decided to step out of his car and start smashing the tycoon's home.
This is not a question of BJP or Congress. I believe something far more sinister is going on there. But yes, we need a workable relationship with India while keeping our sovereignty intact. I fear even that is going to be a challenge.

I believe the problem does not lie with Modi. Or the BJP. Or even Congress. Think of them as mascots presenting the interests of their financial and political backers.
Indian policy is driven by NE instability ( a product of neglect and excessive force on the local community) so mostly from defense point view. This view requires India has access to and through Bangladesh. To summarize,

1) Indian policy is military driven, irrespective of party in power.

2)Policy not likely to change anytime soon.

3) Requires an access to BD infrastructure and corridor through BD.

4) If India ever militarily invades Bangladesh , the pretext will be to save the minorities and to de-mulla Bangladesh.

5) Anyone not towing support the India line , will be painted as Jamati and what not.

This policy is not too complicated to understand.
Therefore as you can see being nice will get you nothing. This approach has not worked and will never work, but as far as the Indians are concerned, this policy is the next best thing since the invention of sliced bread.
Core policies should be based on what serves BD military, economic, and other domestic interests.
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Indian policy is driven by NE stability, so mostly from defense point view. This view requires India has access to and through Bangladesh. To summarize,

1) Indian policy is military driven, irrespective of party in power.

2)Policy not likely to change anytime soon.

3) Requires an access to BD infrastructure and corridor through BD.

4) If India ever militarily invades Bangladesh , the pretext will be to save the minorities and to de-mulla Bangladesh.

5) Anyone not towing support the India line , will be painted as Jamati and what not.

This policy is not too complicated to understand.
Therefore as you can see being nice will get you nothing. This approach has not worked and will never work, but as far as the Indians are concerned, this policy is the next best thing since the invention of sliced bread.
Core policies should be based on what serves BD military, economic, and other domestic interests.

Correct. It is alien to anyone outside the sub-continent.

I would like to point out that the false narratives their mainstream media are presenting regarding Bangladesh is repetitive and deliberate. This is even after having being debunked. The amount of money flowing in this propagation is huge and they are propagating this narrative globally to a global audience. Luckily, we have Dr. Yunus. But we should not take that for granted.

What I am saying is that there is another elite class outside of the GOI and their agencies who back these various political parties and respective candidates (i.e., BJP and Congress) for their own gains. This is why I call them mascots. Their goal is mainly deregulation to help expand their businesses and deepen their pockets. Media is one way to get their ambitions across the spectrum.

Bangladesh is a big market for Indian conglomerates and multinationals where Indian nationals take advantage of their positions and networks. NE India has plenty of resources and yet their residents do not necessarily reap all the benefits. This where the business and security interests align for the benefit of only a handful of elites while the majority keep picking up the pieces and scraps.

That being said, there were Indian nationals on social media who did a fair and even spectacular coverage of the events in Bangladesh leading to 5th August. I will not name them here. Their mainstream media is a completely different story altogether, and that says something. There is an underlying problem in their own society that is growing and ignored. Weaponizing religion and hijacking an entire nation or region is simply not practical.

Chances are, these elites will screw them over if they do not act fast. Their greed has no limits. This is eerily similar to what the Imperial British did back in the colonial days.

It is not only GOI that we need to worry about. It is those who are backing the political parties we need to watch out for as well. If anything, follow the money.
Correct. It is alien to anyone outside the sub-continent.

I would like to point out that the false narratives their mainstream media are presenting regarding Bangladesh is repetitive and deliberate. This is even after having being debunked. The amount of money flowing in this propagation is huge and they are propagating this narrative globally to a global audience. Luckily, we have Dr. Yunus. But we should not take that for granted.

What I am saying is that there is another elite class outside of the GOI and their agencies who back these various political parties and respective candidates (i.e., BJP and Congress) for their own gains. This is why I call them mascots. Their goal is mainly deregulation to help expand their businesses and deepen their pockets. Media is one way to get their ambitions across the spectrum.

Bangladesh is a big market for Indian conglomerates and multinationals where Indian nationals take advantage of their positions and networks. NE India has plenty of resources and yet their residents do not necessarily reap all the benefits. This where the business and security interests align for the benefit of only a handful of elites while the majority keep picking up the pieces and scraps.

That being said, there were Indian nationals on social media who did a fair and even spectacular coverage of the events in Bangladesh leading to 5th August. I will not name them here. Their mainstream media is a completely different story altogether, and that says something. There is an underlying problem in their own society that is growing and ignored. Weaponizing religion and hijacking an entire nation or region is simply not practical.

Chances are, these elites will screw them over if they do not act fast. Their greed has no limits. This is eerily similar to what the Imperial British did back in the colonial days.

It is not only GOI that we need to worry about. It is those who are backing the political parties we need to watch out for as well. If anything, follow the money.
I am not sure if BD Foreign Ministry understand this point of view.
It will snow in hell before this Indian policy will change. Indians may make minor changes here and there, but core current policy of lying about minority being oppressed will not change anytime soon.
This is not a question of BJP or Congress. I believe something far more sinister is going on there. But yes, we need a workable relationship with India while keeping our sovereignty intact. I fear even that is going to be a challenge.

Look India is by far the largest country in the region and it has a "handicap" in that it is one of the most heteregenous countries in the world, coupled with a NE that should really not have gone to it in 1947.

It faces a virtual superpower China to its NE that lays claim to one of the NE States and a nuclear armed Pakistan that wants Indian held Kashmir.

Of course it will be an insecure state.

Yes Indian conglomerates want to sell as much to BD as possible and so what is wrong with that? That is just natural.

World Bank estimates that with BD-Indian FTA than BD exports will rise from 2 billion US dollars to 8 billion US dollars and Indian exports will rise from 11 billion US dollars to 25 billion US dollars. 8 billion exports with 25 billion imports is much better for BD than 2 billion exports and 11 billion imports.

India is the largest non-developed country export market for BD and has got the most potential growth as well.

It also is the key to cheap and abundant hydroelectric power from Nepal and Bhutan.

India does have that Hinduvta stupidity that runs through its current government and media but BD should just ignore their stupid propaganda and focus on creating a stable government in BD. When you are internally strong then you can rest easy as you cannot be harmed that easily by others anymore.

BD has no choice but to work with India as otherwise it will stay a largely overpopulated and poor country that never rises beyond low standard of living and reliant on others for anything but the most basic technology.
I am not sure if BD Foreign Ministry understand this point of view.
It will snow in hell before this Indian policy will change. Indians may make minor changes here and there, but core current policy of lying about minority being oppressed will not change anytime soon.

It is a bit technical, yes. I believe it is essential for our foreign ministry officials to understand this chain if we are to safeguard our sovereignty.

The Zionists of America are a prime example of these practices. It is no wonder how they sustained such an idiotic ideology for so long and people still believe it as true.

Look India is by far the largest country in the region and it has a "handicap" in that it is one of the most heteregenous countries in the world, coupled with a NE that should really not have gone to it in 1947.

It faces a virtual superpower China to its NE that lays claim to one of the NE States and a nuclear armed Pakistan that wants Indian held Kashmir.

Of course it will be an insecure state.

Yes Indian conglomerates want to sell as much to BD as possible and so what is wrong with that? That is just natural.

World Bank estimates that with BD-Indian FTA than BD exports will rise from 2 billion US dollars to 8 billion US dollars and Indian exports will rise from 11 billion US dollars to 25 billion US dollars. 8 billion exports with 25 billion imports is much better for BD than 2 billion exports and 11 billion imports.

India is the largest non-developed country export market for BD and has got the most potential growth as well.

It also is the key to cheap and abundant hydroelectric power from Nepal and Bhutan.

India does have that Hinduvta stupidity that runs through its current government and media but BD should just ignore their stupid propaganda and focus on creating a stable government in BD. When you are internally strong then you can rest easy as you cannot be harmed that easily by others anymore.

BD has no choice but to work with India as otherwise it will stay a largely overpopulated and poor country that never rises beyond low standard of living and reliant on others for anything but the most basic technology.

I am not sure if I was able to articulate the point. See, it does not matter if it is the BJP or Congress or some Hinduvta lowlife. There is a bigger fish to fry here. My threat assessments are usually accurate.

India supported AL because it was profitable (business) and easy (security) with the latter completely disregarding the needs and aspirations of Bangladeshis in Bangladesh. Not to mention a string of rights violations, brutal suppression and lack of free thought.

I disagree that we are to completely ignore what the Indian mainstream media are articulating about Bangladesh since this can potentially hamper our progress and our security. And I will tell you why.

First, this a deliberate campaign of disinformation that is well organized and well coordinated. This is no coincidence. Think about it: If misinformation about Bangladesh are being articulated by them, would that attract foreign investment in Bangladesh? And the audience will believe it as true because they assume that Indians are generally intelligent, credible, polite and humble when we both know they are in reality aren't. Bangladesh right now needs foreign investment more than ever. And not just Indian investment since that would not be enough for economic growth.

Secondly, the risk here is that this can impact the security of communities around the globe.

Here, let me prove it to you.

Now, this particular specimen here was responsible for the U.K. riots based on some false claim that three children were murdered by a Muslim asylum seeker in Southport. This lead to widespread anti-Muslim riots while this specimen was enjoying the sun in Spain. You should be familiar with it.

This specimen is expected to arrive in India sometime in December this year at some religious forum known as "World Religious Convention". Now just imagine what he can do with the disinformation campaign by Indian mainstream media and this?

If you care about those around you, you would not ignore these. These are clearly underlying threats against Bangladesh and Muslims in general both present and future. We cannot take these for granted.

Now who are these private media organizations in India carrying out these disinformation campaigns? Better question: Who are the owners and financiers? That is where lies the big fish.

In a nutshell, we are allowing someone else to define us which leads to nowhere good.

At present, many folks in Bangladesh are boycotting Indian businesses and their products. Their impact is yet to be seen. They need to understand that our security and wellbeing is intertwined with their profitability. Weaponizing religion and hijacking a nation is not only unacceptable but impractical. If they wish to do business in Bangladesh, they should support us against those false narratives. Tall order, yes, but necessary. Our security and prosperity comes first and foremost.
India does have that Hinduvta stupidity that runs through its current government and media but BD should just ignore their stupid propaganda and focus on creating a stable government in BD. When you are internally strong then you can rest easy as you cannot be harmed that easily by others anymore.

One might be naive and think the hindutva phenomenon over there is a organic thing. I believe its a willed policy by certain powerful elements with connections to the security establishment in India. It looks and feels like a clandstine operation to me.

Yo folks what's are your thoughts on having a new national anthem? Personally I am in favor.

I hate that song since my birth. It should have been discarded immediate after the fall of Mujib.

If Interim government won't then it will be replace by elected government. It should be in their election manifesto.

Bottom line, that song must be replace with one that appropriate for Muslim BD.

Yo folks what's are your thoughts on having a new national anthem? Personally I am in favor.

Me too.

if you think of it, out of Pakistan, Bangladesh and India - we have the most violent history since 1947. Yet, our national anthem is just super melow, just doesn't reflect the violent struggles we had to endure. Even the lyrics reflects nothing about our struggles, given we had to sacrifice so much to gain our independence thrice (47,71 and 24).

On the other hand both Pakistan and India's national anthem's got punch to it in terms of the tune. You actually do get goosebumps. We need something like that.
The current one is just barely about people , but the one by James is about people, and rightfully should be about people.
Frankly speaking the lyric is just outstanding and James has the perfect tone and delivery.
What the heck is happening in Manipur , India ?
Namuna e nishan e ibrat.

Leftover demised resistance of an Awami mujibi kanzeeri leader named Hanif.


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