Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

"After the heavy losses in military vehicles and the deaths and serious injuries of soldiers from the Armored Brigade, Israel is now using this type of suicide armored vehicle, carrying an automatic machine gun on the front lines, to target everything moving, explode targets, and blow up residential buildings.

Israel is breathing its last to be able to continue fighting, scenes from Rafah."
How can it be the offical story when a hebrew source is quoted without evidence or fact check
That's what I am asking?
Regardless it isn't the first time.. eygptian guards have done this several times over last few years
In the first few weeks of October after the Israeli attack began

The members.of the OIC got together, and some harsh steps were suggested, actions listed and unified response promoted

The Muslim world could have responded early

We must not forget

Saudi Arabia

Blocked any unified action of the OIC

OIC is as useless as the U.N because of its members I'll intentions

I don't know what game these mid east countries are playing, but it's sick and twisted game

I have a feeling they were quite happy to allow Israel to attack and destroy Hamas, only that the IDF are shit and beyond bombs from air and not that great and this has caused the current crises for these mid east countries

They were all willing to recognize Israel, but now it seems like
Hamas won't go
Iran is stronger and more respected then ever alongside it's proxies and supporters
Israel is demonized pariah
And these countries are stuck after tens of thousands of dead Palestinian arabs
Game is simple
Palestine voted for Hamas and Hamas is terrorists in Arab league

Which means Israeli are heroes and Palestinians are terrorists

Removing the shia block(Lebanon, Iraq Yemen Syria) and some African poor countries (Somalia, Libya, Algeria etc..)all Arab countries (except saudis, kuwait-qatar)accept Israel and all of them call Hamas /only elected Palestine group as terrorists
In the first few weeks of October after the Israeli attack began

The members.of the OIC got together, and some harsh steps were suggested, actions listed and unified response promoted

The Muslim world could have responded early

We must not forget

Saudi Arabia

Blocked any unified action of the OIC

OIC is as useless as the U.N because of its members I'll intentions

I don't know what game these mid east countries are playing, but it's sick and twisted game

I have a feeling they were quite happy to allow Israel to attack and destroy Hamas, only that the IDF are shit and beyond bombs from air and not that great and this has caused the current crises for these mid east countries

They were all willing to recognize Israel, but now it seems like
Hamas won't go
Iran is stronger and more respected then ever alongside it's proxies and supporters
Israel is demonized pariah
And these countries are stuck after tens of thousands of dead Palestinian arabs
Forget about OIC
Even the Arab league is now divided in shia and sunni groups
A pro Zionist sunni group Saudi uae Eygpt Jordan and pro shia group Lebanon Iraq and Syria
LOL Everyone has been screaming for months and months. No one has been able to stop the Zionists.
Iran can't do it any quicker due to fallout/ PR drama/ war risk. Yahuda in hillbillon da financial pyo hae ga.....Araam araam naal kaam hona hae........Just need to be patient.
Game is simple
Palestine voted for Hamas and Hamas is terrorists in Arab league

Which means Israeli are heroes and Palestinians are terrorists

Removing the shia block(Lebanon, Iraq Yemen Syria) and some African poor countries (Somalia, Libya, Algeria etc..)all Arab countries (except saudis, kuwait-qatar)accept Israel and all of them call Hamas /only elected Palestine group as terrorists
Paa G tussi Lahore day Christy X-Tian ho?
Canada said it would grant temporary visas to 5,000 Gaza residents...

These Palestinians will be singing
"Oh Canada, our home and native laaaand
True patriot loooove in all of us commaaand
With glowing hearts we see thee rise
The true north strong and freeeee...

lol I've memorized that tune since I've been to countless Hockey games between Bruins/Montreal, Bruins/Toronto, Bruins Edmonton, even Bruins/Winnipeg Jets who've moved to Minnesota a while back to become The Wild. Plus I put my son through from pushing the milkcrate and Bantams all the way up through Juniors and partly college.

Few months ago when I was away on a long trip I was listening to CBC Podcast and they have a couple of terrific hosts and they were probably the most unbiased podcast I've heard since podcasts came about. Canada would be a good place for any Palestinians who would wish to leave. I would say it's much better than the UK or any Eruopean country and even better than the US considering all the zionists here that are more loyal to the demon craphole than the US itself. These creatures are some of the most vile you would ever want to meet. Rabenna Y'wafahum InshaAllah and end this misery they're suffering as soon as possible. Hopefully the best thing will happen instead and they see the end of occupied Palestine which would be the much better alternative I would think.

Approximately two months ago, the Biden Admin said they would allow the migration of Gazans who have family members in the U.S.

Slowly but surely, Gaza will be depopulated. I told this to @RescueRanger via DM before the U.S. version of the news in the old PDF forum.

I told him the plan was coming along. Gaza is not habitable in its condition for the next twenty-some years, and people would flee at the first chance they get. I also mentioned while this pier was being built that it would serve as a Middle East Ellis Island for migration.


I know that's what the zionist demons want to happen, especially now that we're seeing countries offering assylum which will most certainly open the door for their evil plan. I'm sure the demons will push hard for that and even the US will take its huge share of Palestinians who won't even hesitate considering the suffering they're going through. Who can blame then if & when they give up on a free Palestine after a beating like this. But to shake out 2.2 million people is a tall order even the filthy demons with the help of the US and Europe will never be able to pull that off. The Palestinians who will want to stay will significantly outnumber those who would choose to leave including the ones who would be "persuaded."

#Urgent | Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell: Netanyahu's reckless pursuit of Hamas has caused the deaths of hostages, aid workers and innocent Palestinians

Wow, Swalwell doesn't have his hand in the cookie jar? No way! I never would've thought his pockets weren't greased. Good for him! Put him in the with the original OG Bernie anti-zionist gangbangers! 👏 👏 👏

Gaza won't be depopulated. It's strange this comes at a time where Israel takes over the border crossing with Egypt. It hopes to depopulate Gaza, which is why it won't stop the genocidal assault on Gaza and destruction of all it's infrastructure. Anyone that assists Israel in depopulating Gaza is therefore actively assisting their whole war plan and genocide.

There must be a order for Israel to end the genocidal war on Gaza as it has no military purpose left. The ongoing assault is meant to facilitate a long term ethnic cleansing plan.

I agree. Impossible in this day and age to pull off a 2.2 million populace that just went through a 35-40K genocide and ask them to leave their own country no matter how bad it gets. The only fear is not knowing how bad it is going to get and for a long time. By the time the strip is even halfway rebuilt, how many on top of the 40K will succumb from their injuries, disease and homelessness. Even post-ceasefire will be hell for these poor people but much better than what they're going though now. I think we will see a thinning of the population as a result. But we Muslims are good at making babies and big families so InshaAllah humanity will be restored in Gaza.

What the hell ya Hassan? This Lucas guy stole my line, man. No one calls them demons but me! lol. I was calling them that on October 8th 2023 because we all knew they were going to unleash hell worst than Shaytan could possibly dream of. Remember how we were all thinking holy crap look at Hamas the tracksuit Mujahideen and the incredible military plan and attack and prisoners capture and we were all worried about the inevitable that was surely about to come. During the first month of the strictly inhumane bombing by the evil aerial assault were all talking about how is Hamas going to defend themselves once the ground invasion started. And all the talk about if they have enough rockets, RPGs, Yasin grenades, limpet mines and how many tunnels they have, how they'll deal with the trophy system and all that stuff and look at those guys. They're still fighting a tough fight till the last man how could you not give them credit? Really incredible and for those who blame them for the suffering of the people, they're not the ones to blame. We know exactly who's to blame.

Even right now as I'm typing this, I'm watching BBC and their new zionist spokesdemon is talking about how they screwed up big time with this last Rafah bombing and the son of a bitch is still trying to justify it. Imagine that scum-sucking slimeball demon is actually saying "this is it the war that Hamas wanted." Ibn el sharmouta.
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Game is simple
Palestine voted for Hamas and Hamas is terrorists in Arab league

Which means Israeli are heroes and Palestinians are terrorists

Removing the shia block(Lebanon, Iraq Yemen Syria) and some African poor countries (Somalia, Libya, Algeria etc..)all Arab countries (except saudis, kuwait-qatar)accept Israel and all of them call Hamas /only elected Palestine group as terrorists

If the Prophet was here today... These same people will call him a terrorist as well.
Nothing will happen. Not even in a hundred years. We all know the facts. Just wait when Netanyahu has killed as many as he likes. Saudis will accept the Zionists. You quote me on the day it happens. You will see how all these Arab states fall one by one. I will eat my words if I am wrong.

Fully agree. I hope the Zionists then burn down the slave nations of Saudi, Jordan, Egypt. I for one won't give a flying f for their betrayal...

It's coming whether they like it or not...

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