J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

The J31 production line has not even started, it will be a while
before PAF gets them. First orders will be for Plaaf and Plan.
Who says PLAAF and PLAN will be ordering J-31 when they're testing J-35s?

Chinese research and serial production is often very secretive. Just because you've not seen any testing of J-31 publically in recent years, doesn't mean it's not happening. If they want people to find out, they will allow the release of some blurry photos otherwise they will keep it a state secret indefinitely.
Who says PLAAF and PLAN will be ordering J-31 when they're testing J-35s?

Chinese research and serial production is often very secretive. Just because you've not seen any testing of J-31 publically in recent years, doesn't mean it's not happening. If they want people to find out, they will allow the release of some blurry photos otherwise they will keep it a state secret indefinitely.
It's a export oriented stealth jet Mr, not a top secret PLAAF/PLAN strategic project which cannot be exported, you have no logic and common sense dude
Im impressed with this optimistic assessment
Pakistan Inducting two not one fifth generation. Fighters
J31 by 2030
Kaan few years later

Do you guys understand the cost of managing one hour flight of a fifth generation fighter is three times hourly rate of F16

To buy one is double or more cost of j10

Plus these planes are prototypes only and decade away from.export ready

But I guess Pakistan has more resources than they let on and is privy to some accelerated development and production. Programmes making this happen..

I know I will get shot down but most Indian sources are quoting

India inducting 300 to 400 Tejas fighters both blocks one and two and only 120 Amca

Why because the Amca will.cost twice the cost of Tejas to buy and operate...

And the stealth fighters have too onmuch down time in between flights so to have constant air campaign you need majority mid fourth generation. Fighters even In 2040

Good point. We forget the cost of the plane, the maintenance, the cost of flying, even many European nations have the 5th generation in small numbers. We will eventually get 5th generation but 2032 to 2035 timeline, the planes will be mature platforms, the cost will reduce as new 6th generation technologies will be out. And 8 years is not too far away.
Think properly before using debt as standalone data point.
India's external debt is LESS THAN its foregin reserves .

Your external debt is 10-15 times of your foreign reserves. Your condition is worse than Turkey where debt ratio is 6-7 times of reserves.
Typical Indian again.

Indian debt is halal and Pakistani is not, therefore, Pakistan cannot buy J-31s, J-10s, JF-17s, -L-15s, 8 submarines, helicopters, warships, tanks, SAM defences, but India with its $648 billion and more poor people than all of Africa put together can.
I will put this into context

300 /400 Tejas fighters is over time 2024/2040 and is home grown indengious fighters 4th generation and cheap at 40/50 million each ..no body claim by 2032
And India has 80 billion a year defense budget fifth largest gdp on the planet

You guys are claiming to induct in next ten years two different fifth generation fighters costing over 100 million each
Still at prototype stage with a 10 billion defense budget tiny gdp on serious verge of default to IMF

Two completely different scenarios not to mention the fighters are Chinese and Turkey not even your own
You are correct but there is a strong suspicion from many of us on this “side”(technically Im in no side anymore) that the FATF push by India wasn’t just for anti-terror and general laundering purposes but that there is a grey economy in play we don’t know about that is financing military purchases.
I too was convinced of this financial impossibility until some recent grapevine.

Whether we are correct or misreading what looks like an opposite situation on the ground vis a vis military R&D and procurement only time will tell.
Also, something that boggles my mind after having made that statement is also information/first hand peek on this.

Rolls Launches the Spectre Electric this year and Pakistanis have already brought in 10-12 of these into country with their associated duties…
This utter disconnect in terms of elite vs dying failed economy just surprises me.
You are correct but there is a strong suspicion from many of us on this “side”(technically Im in no side anymore) that the FATF push by India wasn’t just for anti-terror and general laundering purposes but that there is a grey economy in play we don’t know about that is financing military purchases.
I too was convinced of this financial impossibility until some recent grapevine.

Whether we are correct or misreading what looks like an opposite situation on the ground vis a vis military R&D and procurement only time will tell.
Can you elaborate more on this, what do you mean by "vis a vis military r and d"? Are there any secret projects or secret funding for known projects?
LoL Pakistan bought 20 odd J10C worth 1.7B$ on 11 years of EMI loan .

And you are dreaming of all those bells and whissles.
Which bells and whistles?

Whether you like it or not, Pakistan currently has 149 JF-17 Thunders and 20 J-10C Indus Dragons in the inventory.

Pakistan is also looking into acquiring L-15s and J-31s from China.

Pakistan-China have been working on the interoperability of their airforce since 2011 with great success.

Next, Pakistan-China need to sign security pacts and turn that interoperability into integration.

I know you Indians only dream of doom and gloom in Pakistan, but please concentrate on all those super poor Indians that easily outnumber the super poor in the African continent. See if you can change their lives with that ever ballooning $648 billion external debt of India.
A little speculation can go on with a time frame
Of 2/4 years here & there, let’s settle down on time frame of Indian 5th generation to roll out of production line & that is AMCA, PAF will be getting their small portion of 5th generation around the same time
I’m not sure how Indians will roll out AMCA without their own engine & if not then who will
Be the supplier for AMCA engine
Anyway PAF history is to churn out Jf17 until Rafale start landing at Indian bases then it’s the right time for J10s
Same will be the case with 5th gen too, by the way little off topic even if IAF order today F35 what’s the delivery timeline, anyone have any info
Thank you
Anyway PAF history is to churn out Jf17 until Rafale start landing at Indian bases then it’s the right time for J10s
Same will be the case with 5th gen too, by the way little off topic even if IAF order today F35 what’s the delivery timeline, anyone have any info
Thank you
Any country with a bonhomie with Russia probably won't get F-35s. Trump has been saying positive stuffs about Russia, and he's been put into a trial in a criminal case....
Who told you that one needs own engine to roll out ?? Did Turkey not rolled out KAAN with US engine.

India has chosen GE414 for first batch of 40-60 AMCA MK1 , it's of same category as J35's engine.

For AMCA MK2 there might be a JV with Safran, in which India will develop a 115-120kN engine.
so technically AMCA is not indigenous project, and what’s the realistic time line for serial production of this aircraft, & please don’t compare it with J35 coz AMCA is no where in picture in terms of even taxing or display
So for the JV section with Safran as per your reply let’s have something flying in category of blk1 & so on
So if you just even speculating try to give us a time line for the first serial production of this jet
Thank you
Any country with a bonhomie with Russia probably won't get F-35s. Trump has been saying positive stuffs about Russia, and he's been put into a trial in a criminal case....
You are right about Russian gadgets with Indian airforce, probably USA might not be offering F35 to Indian airforce, until they have their own designated base looking after their own crew with this F35 saga, as USA is not comfortable with Russian under covers around their lifeline
Probably same is the case with Russians also against S400 around F35 may be
Thank you

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