JF-17 - Updates, News & Discussion

We need to preserve and upload images of JF-17 flying with RA'AD-1. It was long time coming. Since 2007. Took 15 years to integrate Ra'ad with JF-17

As per my assumption, PL-15 has not been integrated with KLJ-7A. PL-10 has been integrated and tested in china and probable -15E will be integrated in China first as well. Priority is being given to, well what we have seen in Pics so far. PL-15 will come but will take time like rest of the things e.g HMDS, RA'AD integration with JEFF, Dual SD-10's
we haven't even seen blk 3 with PL-10 let alone PL-15 or do we have?

photos soon will come out of blk 3 loaded with those missile since the aircraft is delivered to PAF.

We will have answer to our prying eyes.
Turkey has great aerospace sector with wonderful machines and companies . India acknowledges the power and home grown power of turkey jf17 is a good jet but turkey needs something best which can defeat rafale for that i dont think jf17 is a right choice for turkey.
JF-17 B

May be an image of aircraft and text that says 'Chinese Military Aviation'
JF-17 Thunder – The Road to Self-Reliance.


2011 Thunder
@ Haider Blast from the Past :

Pakistan and China have recently concluded a final agreement for the manufacture of a second batch of JF-17s.


According to well-vetted sources from Pakdef (Eagle Hannan), these 50 jets are the final form of the JF-17s. The aircraft will be manufactured at Kamra, Pakistan, but will be flown to China for additional work. This work is said to relate to a new generation of avionics and sensor suite.


JF-17 Thunder started in 2002, the 4th prototype production was completed in Apr 2006 and the 6th prototype first flew in Sept 2006, sub-assemblies started on 22 Jan 2008 and the final assembly began in June 2009, while General Musharraf was in power

The Block II JF-17 is believed to have AESA radars similar to those observed on the J-10B. The integrated avionics, sensors and EW suite is entirely Chinese and is believed to be at the level of Europe's best planes.

The AESA radar is a slightly smaller version of the one being utilized for the J-10B. The radar is highly sophisticated and its installation is beyond the present capacity at PAC Kamra and will thus require the aircraft to take a trip to Nanjing, China.

The Block II will be the standard version to be used in the PAF with the older Block Is to be retired after the end of production for the first 150 aircraft.

This suggests that the structural changes needed to convert the Block Is to Block II standard are significant, suggesting considerable changes to the revised edition.


The following are believed to be some of the key changes:

1. AESA radar

2. Comprehensive upgrades for low RCS profile including cockpit glass, RAM paint, refined structure, completely new nose structure for AESA, significant increase in the use of composites and retractable refueling probe.

3. Awaited integration of A-Darter missiles from Brazil / South Africa with HOBS capability and Brazilian HMS.

4. The BVR missile is the SD-10B which has been found more than a match for the AMRAAM-120 C5s. An unknown Meteor class missile is in the works beyond the SD-10Bs.

A significant export order has been secured and an entire squadron is being dedicated for training and familiarization of foreign pilots (Source: Eagle Hannan, Pakdef).

Contrary to conflicting reports in the media, this writer believes that the order for the FC-20s were finalized and that this order has increased to 58 planes. Given the recent crisis post-Abbottabad, the PAF is being beefed up in a hurry and the FC-20s will play a critical role in the defence of the Western sector.

Given the nature of the mountainous terrain and the inability to use the F-16s, these platforms along with the JF-17 will prove to be of significant deterrence value. China is believed to be sacrificing its own production requirements to meet PAF's needs in a hurry and unbelievable financial terms appear to have been extended.

These FC-20s are a highly lethal version of the original and incorporate AESA radars, a high degree of composite use, low observability features and an advanced integrated avionics suite.

The wide HUD visible on the J-11s are also believed to have been utilized. In Eagle Hannan's recent update, he notes that the wings have been modified and include over 50% composite use.

He also makes the surprising claim that the canard fore-planes have been modified. Both these factors indicate a significant structural and aerodynamic revamp that would require significant changes even in the FBW.Such a revamp was already suspected given the canted nose and the DSI bump.

The same source also indicates that the plane (FC-20) has been praised by pilots and capable of incredible maneuvers including the Cobra so famously performed by the FLANKERs.

He notes that FC-20 not only performs this maneuver but also performs it better, recovering significantly faster. While this maneuver is not of great military importance, the maneuverability and Fly-By-Wire (FBW) maturity this indicates, suggest that the FC-20 is a well-evolved and lethal machine.

Eagle Hannan also indicates that the Pakistan Navy is interested in the J-11Bs with Russian engines. This appears to be counter-intuitive given the sensitive nature of Russia's copyright relations with China. However, it is possible that Pakistan may attempt to placate this sensitivity by buying Russian engines and paying royalties.

It is also possible that Russia is smarting from India's recent rejection of Russian military gear and move towards Western sources. These all make for a great deal of controversy and are likely to keep arm-chair generals and military analysts busy in the foreseeable future.What is clear is that Pakistan and the PAF will get a significant boost, in fact a major leap in capabilities in the next 12-24 months.
Grande Strategy


The Guizhou WS-13 Power Plant Option

[Azad Paistan]

The People's Republic of China began development of the turbofan in 2000, taking into consideration that Russia may cave into Indian pressure and not allow the Klimov RD-93-powered JF-17 be exported to Pakistan. However, China moved on with the exportation, neglecting Indian protests, allowing the successful induction of the first JF-17 squadron in Pakistan on 18 February 2010.

While initial production of the JF-17 will use RD-93 engines, later batches will be powered by the WS-13, which has 10% greater thrust, digital authority control system and solid titanium alloy fan blades.


The WS-13 Taishan was certified in 2007 and serial production began in 2009. An improved version of the Taishan providing a thrust of approximately 100 kN (22,450 lb) with afterburner is under development.


The 2010 March 18th edition of the HKB report stated that a FC-1 equipped with the WS-13 completed its first successful runway taxi test

OMG block 2 JF17 thunder already under development good stuff


Maximum thrust: 51.2 kN dry; 86.37 kN with afterburner
Turbine inlet temperature: 1650 K
Thrust-to-weight ratio: 7.8

Comparison withe Pratt & Whitny F16 C/D engines

Maximum thrust:

17,800 lbf (79.1 kN) military thrust
29,160 lbf (129.6 kN) with afterburner
Overall pressure ratio: 32:1
Specific fuel consumption:

Military thrust: 0.76 lb/(lbf·h) (77.5 kg/(kN·h))
Full afterburner: 1.94 lb/(lbf·h) (197.8 kg/(kN·h))
Thrust-to-weight ratio: 7.8:1 (76.0 N/kg)

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Media reports Prospects for 08 x JF-17C Export Sale with both Chinese as well as Higher Thrust Russian Power plant options

" ... Keeping in view of the CAC - PAC JF-17 Thunder Networking capabilities, Flexibility to integrate ever growing list of various new Chinese munitions, Dual Seater variant availability, Bang for Buck Induction Price and Operational Cost Effectiveness to fulfill various roles, Over the last 6 years several countries have shown interest in Pakistan’s pride.


After Nigeria & Myanmar , Azerbaijan , Congo & Argentina had studied the combat aircraft. Sources said the Iraqi government has approved a Budgetary outlay of $664 million for the purchase of 12 JF-17 Thunder Block III fighter jets from Pakistan.

Turkiye specific Thunder variant has also hit the headlines recently - without any official confirmation form both sides since Turkiye has
Hurjet & F-16 Ozgur Upograde Projects in works."


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5000 LBF more thrust means from 19000 lbf to 24000lbf which means 107 kn thrust. This cant be true, there is no engine with that kind of thrust. This is a very big statement @Deino
From @Windjammer on the old PDF forum - Possible JF17 with PL15E missile but possible PS image. Waiting for more pictures, etc.

I have looked at both the photos, the length matches Pl-15 perfectly and it doesn't look like ps...
View attachment 2685
5000 LBF more thrust means from 19000 lbf to 24000lbf which means 107 kn thrust. This cant be true, there is no engine with that kind of thrust. This is a very big statement @Deino

"there is no engine with that kind of thrust"

There may have never been an engine with that thrust level before, but that does not not that there can therefore never be an engine with that level of thrust..

This was the last time officially anyone mentioned the RD-93MA : https://en.topwar.ru/172900-novyj-d...ap-stendovyh-ispytanij-v-termobarokamere.html

I am suprised to see the RD-93MA come online, i was expecting a longer testing/qualification cycle before it got installed. The thrust is inline with previous comments on the thrust output from the engine upgrade. The confirmation by AFM itself, who would have verified/gotten official confirmation of the facts - is most most welcome for sure.
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