PA Options against Indian Armour - ATGMs on MANPADS & Attack Gunship Helicopter - News & Discussions

The US military AH-64 "Apache" (top) and the Russian military Mi-28 (bottom) compare China's new Wuzhi (middle)

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With the Ukraine - Russia experience as latest -
Do you think gunships can still play an important role in Indo Pak Theater ?

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" UK Ministry of Defense data was cited to suggest that as many as 39 Ka-52s might have been lost in the early part of the Russian invasion—amounting to a quarter of the Russian fleet of Alligators.
the new effectiveness of these Russian attack helicopters can be attributed to the development of “appropriate tactics.” Initially, the Alligators were simply “too exposed to fire from the Ukrainian armed forces' battlefield air defense network…”
Pakistan cannot sustain war against larger India for more than a few weeks. If the economic disparity grows it reduces to a few days. Ukraine holds off Russia only because of massive economic and military aid from USA and Europe
Indian doctrine calls for a short war, because in a long war Pakistan would resort to TNWs.
MAAZ Anti Armour Tracked.jpg
I do not know about Pakistan. But for India wouldn't it be advantageous to put artillery guns in light/heavy armored vehicles instead of investing in tanks ? That way it can be deployed both against China and Pakistan

@Joe Shearer
You wont be able to do offensive missions without tanks, and to win a war at some point or achieving stalemate you cant be just on defensive. And you cant see Air-Land battle from a single prism, you need all things in a joint soup.

Furthur, you cant be like just invest in SPH, and voila all problems going to be solved, just check the terrein we are in

You wont be able to deploy SPH in such terrein (might be possible after Sela tunnel), you going to need lightweight towed guns like Bharat Forge's ULH-Titanium or MArG-T, that cleared for being carried by Mi-17/Chinook and in future with IMRH.

Furthur, the decision of buying Light tank of 25 ton was quite bad one, what they needed was NAMICA carrying IR NAG with Tandem warhead for tanks and Laser guided HE missile for destroying bunkers.

For Pakistan, you going to need tanks and attack helicopters in large numbers for launching offensive missions especially for capturing Mangla Dam, and with greater 360 degree situational awareness (which is already developed by Tonbo) and implementation of BMS with IFF. But as we know Indian army is the slowest one in adopting new technologies, it took them 14 years after IACCS to adopt Akash-Teer network.
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won't infantry troops with some heavy artillery and unlimited supply of anti-tank missiles stop an armored division ? Isn't that the playback Ukraine is employing versus Russia ?
Indeed its possible, but you need 3rd Gen ATGMs, like of MPATGM in mass production for that, at the level of Milan.
Indeed its possible, but you need 3rd Gen ATGMs, like of MPATGM in mass production for that, at the level of Milan.
3rd gen as in Javelin class missiles ??
IMO loitering munitions are future of anti-tank ops. imagine a multi launch system launching a swarm of xpears. i honestly think ATGMs on APCs & helis will become obsolete. save money & increase survivability

You wont be able to do offensive missions without tanks, and to win a war at some point or achieving stalemate you cant be just on defensive. And you cant see Air-Land battle from a single prism, you need all things in a joint soup.

Furthur, you cant be like just invest in SPH, and voila all problems going to be solved, just check the terrein we are in

You wont be able to deploy SPH in such terrein (might be possible after Sela tunnel), you going to need lightweight towed guns like Bharat Forge's ULH-Titanium or MArG-T, that cleared for being carried by Mi-17/Chinook and in future with IMRH.
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Furthur, the decision of buying Light tank of 25 ton was quite bad one, what they needed was NAMICA carrying IR NAG with Tandem warhead for tanks and Laser guided HE missile for destroying bunkers.

For Pakistan, you going to need tanks and attack helicopters in large numbers for launching offensive missions especially for capturing Mangla Dam, and with greater 360 degree situational awareness (which is already developed by Tonbo) and implementation of BMS with IFF. But as we know Indian army is the slowest one in adopting new technologies, it took them 14 years after IACCS to adopt Akash-Teer network.
Idk which delusion you are living in but you seemto forget the fact that a whole PA Corps is based right next to Mangla dam. Even IAF+IA were to use the entire helo fleet to attack they would still fail for the sole reason that PA has a load of units there and the terrain there doesn't favor the Indian side, even if helo drops are made they would be wiped out as reinforcements wouldn't be possible due to the hilly nature surrounding mangla.
Idk which delusion you are living in but you seemto forget the fact that a whole PA Corps is based right next to Mangla dam. Even IAF+IA were to use the entire helo fleet to attack they would still fail for the sole reason that PA has a load of units there and the terrain there doesn't favor the Indian side, even if helo drops are made they would be wiped out as reinforcements wouldn't be possible due to the hilly nature surrounding mangla.
If you think its a delusion, so be it. Your enemy should always be deluded. Why you trying to correct it?

Baktar Shikan SalvoBaktar Shikan Salvo is an advanced Anti-tank Missile Weapon System. Modern MBTS are equipped with Active Protection Systems. These systems enhance the protection of tanks by destroying the incoming single missile before it reaches the target.BS Salvo fires two missiles consecutively in common Line of Sight - The first missile neutralizes the protection and the second missile defeats the target.






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