Taliban bans women’s voices, bare faces in public under new vice laws in Afghanistan

their country their rules. Taliban obviously popular among afghans since they survived the US and NATO.
Those are my views as well. The Afghanistani people want the Afghan Taliban.

Hence, thats why the Afghan Taliban are in power. They were fighting for their identity.

Good. And Good Riddance that USA has left the region and the country.

USA has no business being in Asia anyways.
no they do not
Doesn't matter what people think. Taliban won, they have power to enforce their whims. The people are donkeys anyway.

This is nothing, when the communist won in Viet Nam, they put people into education camps. So winners will do what champions do all the time.
I will say it

The society that can maintain the conservatism of their women and retain traditional values will win the future

Don't take this as a statement against women's education, I am a great believer In education for all


something wrong has happened, things have become screwed

The relationship system has broken down

A minority of men are fine, they get plenty of sex and a pick of all the women and in contrast you have a generation of men who don't measure up and will never marry, never settle down and never have family or children

Women are encouraged to prioritise education and subsequently career, so that's what they do
They then spend their 20s in the pursuit of this yet they continue to have the same biological urges which push them into hook up culture and by the end of their 20's they have had multi partners and sexual experiences, which now we understand creates multiple problems including the ability to maintain long term relationships and marriage

In a world of limited resources and jobs, adding millions of women to the jobs market has destroyed wages and made it impossible for one man to have a salary that can maintain and home and family

Everything is adding to a problem where demographics have collapsed and everyone will suffer

So let me make a counter, I TRUST ISLAM has got this right
And maintaining the conservatism of women, protecting them from free mixing and society creates honourable women and mothers and wives and will maintain the marriage, relationship system to safeguard society

Women deserve education but it needs to be controlled and the islamic value system maintained at all costs, or you will all be regretting it
no they do not
Do you even know what you are talking about?

Afghan people want Afghan Taliban in power. Thats why the Afghan Taliban are in power now. Its their country, the Afghan Taliban deserve to rule Afghanistan.

Stop spreading misinformation on this respected forum.
Do you even know what you are talking about?

Afghan people want Afghan Taliban in power. Thats why the Afghan Taliban are in power now.
what kind of logic is this? did they come to power with an election or did they seize power by force?
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Iran should educate these jahil Afghani, first to stop killing Pakistani's and second to ease down on their own population so they stop trying to escape to other countries. Give education to their illiterate population so they don't get invaded again like for the fukking 10th time in this century alone.

We give up bhai.......We have tried so hard to pull these jahils out of tribalism, but its been a total fail. We can't even be bothered no more. We got Baloch Insurgents, TTP, TLP, Sindhu-desh army, PTM, Kachhay k Daaku.........And ten other extreme jahil tribal outfits to sort out. Afghani jahils way down da priority list.

I just hope we can deport them from our country.
I will say it

The society that can maintain the conservatism of their women and retain traditional values will win the future

Don't take this as a statement against women's education, I am a great believer In education for all


something wrong has happened, things have become screwed

The relationship system has broken down

A minority of men are fine, they get plenty of sex and a pick of all the women and in contrast you have a generation of men who don't measure up and will never marry, never settle down and never have family or children

Women are encouraged to prioritise education and subsequently career, so that's what they do
They then spend their 20s in the pursuit of this yet they continue to have the same biological urges which push them into hook up culture and by the end of their 20's they have had multi partners and sexual experiences, which now we understand creates multiple problems including the ability to maintain long term relationships and marriage

In a world of limited resources and jobs, adding millions of women to the jobs market has destroyed wages and made it impossible for one man to have a salary that can maintain and home and family

Everything is adding to a problem where demographics have collapsed and everyone will suffer

So let me make a counter, I TRUST ISLAM has got this right
And maintaining the conservatism of women, protecting them from free mixing and society creates honourable women and mothers and wives and will maintain the marriage, relationship system to safeguard society

Women deserve education but it needs to be controlled and the islamic value system maintained at all costs, or you will all be regretting it
I agree with you. You are right.
Afghan Taliban are the legitimate rulers of Afghanistan. Nobody should have a problem with that.

Saudi Arabia should go to the Afghan Taliban and teach them the correct understanding of Islam. So the world can recognize the Afghan Taliban.
Tell me, Have you ever been to Afghanistan? Before you talk further on the subject of legitimacy have to spoken to Afghans and how they feel about the Taliban. Please stop embarrassing yourself, you are better than this.
China will mine Afghan natural resources for its needs and pay toll to Taliban, good way forward.

At present, the Chinese government does recognize the Taliban government to a limited extent at the diplomatic level. The Chinese government accepted the ambassador sent by the Taliban government, but did not publicly announce its recognition of the Taliban government.

You need to know. China has a completely different set of regulations on religion than any other country in the world. The Chinese government has always been very cautious of foreign religious groups, especially since the Taliban is still an armed religious group. The Chinese government's limited acknowledgment is that it does not want them to interfere with and affect the security of China's border areas.

Although the Taliban government has always wanted to trade with China and has taken the initiative to build roads in the Wakhan Corridor, the Chinese government has ignored them. At present, China has not made any construction moves along the border with China and Afghanistan, and the Chinese government has not communicated with the Taliban government on the Wakhan corridor.

I don't think the Chinese government will accede to the Taliban government's request until the Taliban carry out some secular reforms.


Some Chinese posted videos of themselves in Afghanistan on the Douyin platform. Judging from these videos, the Taliban government is very friendly to the Chinese, and it looks like they really want to get the Chinese in and invest. From these videos, it is also clear that the Taliban want to build a peaceful Afghanistan. However, it is difficult to gain China's recognition of the issue of extremist religious ideology.

Only a very small number of Chinese are currently engaged in mining in Afghanistan. But this is only the private behavior of a few people, and no large Chinese companies have intervened. Without the support of the Chinese government and large Chinese companies, these mines could not be operated using large machines, and could only use relatively primitive methods, which were very inefficient.
Oh btw, from the look of it my post has been deleted without reason.

So I will say it again, and if you delete it, I will post it again.

Like I said, when the Americans invaded Afghanistan and the Muslim lands, they did so not only to occupy the land, but also impose their value.

Their particular target are women, because women are the backbone of the society. Control the women, control the people.

When they entered Afganistan, they envisioned that in due time, Afghan women will become like this.

View attachment 62369

But because they lose, now ALL Afghan women will have to dress like this.

View attachment 62370

The 20 years Afghan war is not only a war for territory, it's a war between the West and Political Islam.
And because Political Islam won, it's all too necessary to impose will and enforced the value of Islam, even though the West dislikes it.

How do you know the black tent in the second photo houses a biological woman within?

Could be Mulla Omar.

@Lulldapull @Sharma Ji @Mrloveday

Cheers, Doc
How fo you know the black rent in the second photo houses a biological woman within.

Cheers, Doc
That's none of my business.

And none of yours too.

But say a man is behind that veil. Am sure the Sharia punishment of man imitating women are severe.
That's none of my business.

And none of yours too.

But say a man is behind that veil. Am sure the Sharia punishment of man imitating women are severe.

You are posting the photo to depict a demure chaste woman that's why I'm asking.

Do you know its a woman?

Cheers, Doc
You are posting the photo to depict a demure chaste woman that's why I'm asking.

Do you know its a woman?

Cheers, Doc
I don't share your curiosity and rather not waste my time figuring it out.

Also YES! Afghan women will dress that way starting from now on

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