Taliban bans women’s voices, bare faces in public under new vice laws in Afghanistan

Why ban voice? When has voice been awrah?
I really don't think the endemic people of France will agree.

France took control of Algeria ffor 132 years, but we had to leave. So the contrary may happend, and far before 132 years.

France will either lose by demographic shift or the classical societal decline that will eventually comes to you.

At some point the Western civilization will collapse and the Islamic civilization will rebound, and once that happens, we'll likely be seeing Islamic army back in France. Once that happens I'll expect women in all of Europe dresses in Islamic dress code
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Taliban chief tells Afghan officials to enforce new morality law

September 2, 2024

Afghan girls from a madrassa walk along a road in Balkh province’s Sholgara district on Sunday. — AFP

Afghan girls from a madrassa walk along a road in Balkh province’s Sholgara district on Sunday. — AFP
Taliban supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada has ordered Afghan officials to enact a sweeping new morality law curtailing women’s rights and enshrining an austere vision of Islamic society.

Taliban authorities last month announced the law, which includes rules that women’s faces, bodies and voices should be “covered” outside the home, among 35 articles dictating behaviour and lifestyle.

While many of the measures have been informally enforced since the Taliban’s takeover in 2021, their formal codification sparked an outcry from the international community and rights groups.

Akhundzada told civil and military officials “they should implement … the law of promoting virtue in society”, a statement by the Information and Culture Department of Faryab province said.

The reclusive Akhundzada rules by decree from a hideout in southern Kandahar province but made the order in a rare trip to northern Faryab last week, according to the statement released on Sunday.

The new law prohibits women from raising their voices in public and requires them to cover their entire body and face if they need to leave their homes, which they should only do “out of necessity”.

Men’s behaviour and dress are also strictly regulated under the edict, which instructs them not to wear shorts above the knee or to trim their beards closely.

Other parts of the law dictate prayer attendance as well as bans on keeping photos of living beings, homosexuality, animal fighting, playing music in public and non-Muslim holidays.

The law sets out graduated punishments that morality police are empowered to dole out, from verbal warnings to threats, fines and detentions of varying lengths.

The head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, Roza Otunbayeva, called the law a “distressing vision for Afghanistan’s future”.

Akhundzada was in Faryab on Friday after visiting Badghis province in his first official visit to northern Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover, Faryab’s Department of Information and Culture head Shamsullah Mohammadi told AFP
1.The new law prohibits women from raising their voices in public and requires them to cover their entire body and face if they need to leave their homes, which they should only do “out of necessity”. [So basically this is a ban on women from leaving homes].
2. There is a ban on photographs 🙄

Taliban are savages.
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Some of the symptoms of decline of past empires seems to have something to do with woman wanting to prove themselves as capable as men

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This is also noted in today's declining America where women are increasingly dominant. The Taliban should not see this woman issue 'lightly' and should take measures to limit their role, to maintain balance and the societal healthiness.

The Taliban is an Islamic government, there are conflicting opinion if they actually follows the correct one, but Islam does orders woman to be accompanied by a companion. Saudi Arabia used to have the same laws applied, but Westernized liberals are now ruling the country. The Taliban is not a Western liberal movement instead it is a political-religious movement. So they will impose their will, simply because they won the Afghan war, simple as that.

Then there's the issue of women's education. I do not oppose it, but I also do not support it blindly. Education is a must, but over education seems to be another reason why past societies fell.

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The Taliban is a political religious group that seeks its version of an ideal Islamic society am I not correct ? You cannot have it both ways. The traditional Islamic society relies on balance between women as supporting role in the rear, and men at the front. That is how it is.

Then there's the issue of women's voice...err, women's voice here seems to be acts like...singing.
And let's be real, these songs tends to use obscene language (as most songs are). Again another symtomps of past empires in decline seems have to do with this

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In fact, the IEA is saving their country and no once understand it better than prolly John Glubb.
France will either lose by demographic shift or the classical societal decline that will eventually comes to you.

At some point the Western civilization will collapse and the Islamic civilization will rebound, and once that happens, we'll likely be seeing Islamic army back in France. Once that happens I'll expect women in all of Europe dresses in Islamic dress code
Dreamer, you know you are a dreamer?
In France, Germany, easy Europe, the full right wing party are growing fastly. Just for this reason : we don't want to become muslims. It's as simple as that.
Dreamer, you know you are a dreamer?
In France, Germany, easy Europe, the full right wing party are growing fastly. Just for this reason : we don't want to become muslims. It's as simple as that.

I understand, totally. People in France doesn't want their culture to be replaced...but so is people in the Middle East, Africa and so on.

Look, if this is all about people's 'opinion' on things, then I wouldn't bother commenting. But from the look of it (and eventually just like all previous civilization) the West will eventually decline (if it had not already) to the point of irrelevance, and when that time comes, the only civilization that is ready and close enough to Europe to impose its will is Islam.

So I'm not joking nor am I dreaming whatsoever when I said that eventually Islamic armies will again land its feet in Europe. This has been the norm for centuries.

And when islam armies do finally enters Europe, you'd bet your money that we will impose our values the same way you try to impose Western values in Afghanistan

simple as that.
I understand, totally. People in France doesn't want their culture to be replaced...but so is people in the Middle East, Africa and so on.

Look, if this is all about people's 'opinion' on things, then I wouldn't bother commenting. But from the look of it (and eventually just like all previous civilization) the West will eventually decline (if it had not already) to the point of irrelevance, and when that time comes, the only civilization that is ready and close enough to Europe to impose its will is Islam.

So I'm not joking nor am I dreaming whatsoever when I said that eventually Islamic armies will again land its feet in Europe. This has been the norm for centuries.

And when islam armies do finally enters Europe, you'd bet your money that we will impose our values the same way you try to impose Western values in Afghanistan

simple as that.
I congrat you for the arguments.
I globally agree except that in Europe the end will be the same than in afghanistan : a total reject, eventually arms in hand, from the european endemic people against an islamisation of our lands.

As a french, I can confirm you than in no more than 5 years the point of view of a majority is more and more radical against islam (not as a religion, but as a politic program because it is also that).

We didn't try to impose the western values in africa or afghanistan. We try to impose democracy. It's not the same. We failed.
Islam will failed the same way to impose its views to western people.
Good arguments overall by both members on this thread. Last three/four posts were a good read. Thank you for taking the time to share your opinions..
Taliban is not following the tradition of The Prophet and his contemporaries. Muslim women were participating in public discourse and some were scholars and leaders, some even warriors.

I dont know enough about Afghan culture but maybe traditional tribal afghan culture has been mixed up with Islam?
Taliban is not following the tradition of The Prophet and his contemporaries. Muslim women were participating in public discourse and some were scholars and leaders, some even warriors.

I dont know enough about Afghan culture but maybe traditional tribal afghan culture has been mixed up with Islam?
Afghan culture was never regressive or oppressive historically. The burqa was an "import" into Afghanistan. I have worked in Afghanistan so have a little more insight into this than the average observer/commentator on Afghanistan.
Afghan culture was never regressive or oppressive historically. The burqa was an "import" into Afghanistan. I have worked in Afghanistan so have a little more insight into this than the average observer/commentator on Afghanistan.


From what i read, black burka didnt exist in Arabia during The Prophets' time.
Presumabley its a later phenomenon that orginially sprung up during Abbasid period and originated in Persia.


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