Iranian Chill Thread

imitation is the best form of flattery

they still hope to keep the deal alive and don't want to kill it entirely. snapback is ultimate card only to be played once and in last resort

when JCPOA was signed, Iran signed deals with Boeing and Airbus

After US left JCPOA, those deals were cancelled

hence, "the sanctions are almost in full force now anyway". de facto impact of US sanctions means UNSC sanctions might as well be in force.

China and Russia are not permanent allies and are willing to sell Iran's sovereignty and you want our future to be dependent on their vetoes for all eternity

Iran is as important to Russia/China as Israel is to USA? next joke please

Even immitating the traits that you yourself can't take when thrown back at you? Interesting.

Well we will have to see how useless these "snapbacks" will be and why they have been stalled. 2 years of no negotiations and no snapback makes me think you're wrong about this issue.

Again you're talking drivel. US sanctions are completely different to UNSC sanctions on Iran's oil and military. Having one does not mean the other "might as well be in force".

Sorry I didn't realise there was an expiration date on our alliance lol. Practically and globally speaking, we have to take what we can.

Did I say they were just as important? No! Again, jumping to conclusions. Just highlighting it's okay to be reliant on allies at the UN.
Cementing Arak nuclear plant kicked us at least 50 years behind. Our nuclear program that was destined to make us independent in chip industry was almost fuked. Years of research, years of investment and try was gone.
can you explain that part
Now that they made Arak a useless garbage and turned Fordow into an underground toilet, we have no way other than at least pursuing the least benefits of that shit called JCPOA.
thanks to china as it was them who supposed to design the new Arak
Yes we know all of this. Which makes me wonder why you think any blame can be put on anyone else other than the west for this situation? Yes Russia and China did vote for sanctions in the past, but have not since the JCPOA and their own alienation with the west since then. Which is why I don't think any sanctions will have teeth going forward.
why china still refuse to hand Iran the redesigned Arak reactor power plant ?
Snapbacks wont work when Russia and China circumvent them due to how dishonestly they were put on Iran and how nobody was complying with the deal.
the snap-back mechanism work as this
one party make complain . they provide their evidence , they made a vote on if the deal continue .
if one permanent member veto it , then there is no deal and article 7
USA could not use the mechanism because it was not a member. other members can invoke it for another one year , that's the reason people say that for one year Iran most not escalate the situation
just look at what Israel have been getting away with on the back of US reliance. I think the issue is being overstated as things have changed since 2011 when Iran would get sanctioned by the world.
when russia and china vice president at election asked by senate members if there is conflict of Interest between Iran and Russia/China which one you support and the correct answer be Iran not Russia/China then your argument have any weight .
the snap-back mechanism work as this
one party make complain . they provide their evidence , they made a vote on if the deal continue .
if one permanent member veto it , then there is no deal and article 7
USA could not use the mechanism because it was not a member. other members can invoke it for another one year , that's the reason people say that for one year Iran most not escalate the situation

So there is a process where voting has to take place, which was the point I made but others didnt think it was part of the process. Thats why snapback may be triggered but there has to be a vote.
when russia and china vice president at election asked by senate members if there is conflict of Interest between Iran and Russia/China which one you support and the correct answer be Iran not Russia/China then your argument have any weight .

Sorry, this made no sense to me.
So there is a process where voting has to take place, which was the point I made but others didnt think it was part of the process. Thats why snapback may be triggered but there has to be a vote.
let's be clear. the 'point' you made was: "There won't be any snapback UNSC sanctions without Russian or Chinese support". this is still categorically wrong.
let's be clear. the 'point' you made was: "There won't be any snapback UNSC sanctions without Russian or Chinese support". this is still categorically wrong.

If there is a voting process as Hack pointed out then their support is paramount. So the only person wrong here is categorically you.
So there is a process where voting has to take place, which was the point I made but others didnt think it was part of the process. Thats why snapback may be triggered but there has to be a vote.
and you don't get it . when it come to vote only a single permanent member including usa can veto it , how hard its to understand it
and you don't get it . when it come to vote only a single permanent member including usa can veto it , how hard its to understand it
apparently very hard 😀
Why is China our biggest customer, circumventing sanctions? China is playing a delicate game, just like everyone else.
by not acting on its duty in jcpoa , removing the heart of arak reactor was iran duty then china was to develop a new one for it and they didn't do that . aka they are like usa and others didn't honor their duty.
Sorry, this made no sense to me.
let make it sensible to you.
in USA senate they asked the vice president hopeful Mike Pence if there is conflict of interest between USA and Israel which side you choose and the correct answer which he gave was Israel.
now if the same situation happen in China or Russia and the correct answer be Iran not china or Russia . then you can make that statement

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