PA Options against Indian Armour - ATGMs on MANPADS & Attack Gunship Helicopter - News & Discussions

Were we not going to purchase Umtas with a tot option to build at home
Personally Gaza War has proved that even an RPG if we'll made and specially if we work on some new warhead which is far more destructive even an RPG can really take on a Tank plus we need something similar to USA javelin. Turkey and China are our way forward.
The Turkish military industrial complex is especially geared toward winning the assymetric warfare via robotic means. It's playing from both ends with the equal impunity and affinity. For example, to beat the close range AD against the attack choppers, it is fielding Javeline-type ATGMs with a 20km range. And, to beat the attack choppers they're building AD of all sorts....
Personally Gaza War has proved that even an RPG if we'll made and specially if we work on some new warhead which is far more destructive even an RPG can really take on a Tank plus we need something similar to USA javelin. Turkey and China are our way forward.
Most of the rgp hits in Gaza are within a radius of 50-200 meters. Thats urban warefare for u. N IDF inspite of having the best of everything has fared miserably in urban warefare.

Now in a conventional battlefield if the enemy has can get with 2 hundred meters of ur tank then ur dead any ways. But as we can see in the Ukraine conflict most atgm hits happen at ranges of 1-3 km n even some as far as 5 km.
An rpg can't do that
Most of the rgp hits in Gaza are within a radius of 50-200 meters. Thats urban warefare for u. N IDF inspite of having the best of everything has fared miserably in urban warefare.

Now in a conventional battlefield if the enemy has can get with 2 hundred meters of ur tank then ur dead any ways. But as we can see in the Ukraine conflict most atgm hits happen at ranges of 1-3 km n even some as far as 5 km.
An rpg can't do that
RPG should also be worked upon. I said we need both. RPG plus an Anti Tank weapon like Javelin. For that Turkish Karok and China's HJ 12 are best options
RPG should also be worked upon. I said we need both. RPG plus an Anti Tank weapon like Javelin. For that Turkish Karok and China's HJ 12 are best options
RPG with diff warheads are in active service in PA for many decades now
The scope of the discussion seems defensive and tactical in nature; waiting for Indian tanks to amassed in one area and have crossed into Pakistan. We need to look at the operational and even strategic level; options need to be considered for striking Indian armor (and its logistical footprint) when it has not fully coalesced and still on the Indian side, after the Indians have indicated they are about to or in the process of attacking, in a full war context, across the international border.

With this focus, much more of Indian armor can be neutralized in a concentrated area and will force Indians to change war plans, potentially stalling their operations for long enough to end the war through other means.

On option is sensor fuzed weapon strikes via rocket artillery on tank parking lots (remember the goal is to kill tanks not crews) and another option is cyber warfare.

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The scope of the discussion seems defensive and tactical in nature; waiting for Indian tanks to amassed in one area and have crossed into Pakistan. We need to look at the operational and even strategic level; options need to be considered for striking Indian armor (and its logistical footprint) when it has not fully coalesced and still on the Indian side, after the Indians have indicated they are about to or in the process of attacking, in a full war context, across the international border.

With this focus, much more of Indian armor can be neutralized in a concentrated area and will force Indians to change war plans, potentially stalling their operations for long enough to end the war through other means.

On option is sensor fuzed weapon strikes via rocket artillery on tank parking lots (remember the goal is to kill tanks not crews) and another option is cyber warfare.

When we were rehearsing for Bad Blood, we took lessons from a previous iteration (within the old PDF, so seen by all) that showed that not only concentrations of mobile forces, consisting of armour, mechanised infantry and self-propelled artillery needed to be secured by tight air defence, but also concentrations of soft-skinned transport vehicles. In order to secure our plans in that hypothetical instance, we had budgetted for adequate concentrations of trucks and lorries to maintain forward movement of food, water and ammunition (and reinforcements, to an extent) and rearward movement of casualties. These concentrations were found, in the less-than-24 hours-of-play that ensued, to be highly vulnerable to Pakistani MBRL secured from the Chinese, that outranged the Pinaka, and devastated the truck parks.

No further comment; what implications this has to your note is easy to judge for yourselves.
This is a conversion kit from a private Chinese company. It can use up to 155mm projectile, but of course other projectile can be used.
It can be used with a powered drone mode or an unpowered glider mode. It can be delivered using many airborne modes or carried by a single soldier.
Best of all, it's super cheap. This conversion kit is cheaper than a 155 projectile ...............




This is a conversion kit from a private Chinese company. It can use up to 155mm projectile, but of course other projectile can be used.
It can be used with a powered drone mode or an unpowered glider mode. It can be delivered using many airborne modes or carried by a single soldier.
Best of all, it's super cheap. This conversion kit is cheaper than a 155 projectile ...............
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We already have REK Family which covers MK series line (almost 4 different size variants).
Unless this 155mm kit can be ground launched from a cost effective platform, it is useless.
We already have REK Family which covers MK series line (almost 4 different size variants).
Unless this 155mm kit can be ground launched from a cost effective platform, it is useless.
It can be dropped using a Quadcopter or it can be dropped using a transport plane/helicopter. It can glide/fly relatively long distances on its own.
At close range, it can be dropped using any simple method. For example: large slingshot, improvised launcher with propulsion. You can even drop it straight down from a tall building.

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