China ‘Soon to Be World’s Largest Air Force’


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Dec 25, 2023
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Insh'Allah, and we hope so as well.
It might still take some time. The PLAAF will be able to match or exceed the USAF in the number of combat aircraft by 2030.

Now, the PLAAF is slightly larger in terms of personnel, however, the USAF has almost a thousand more aircraft, at the rate that the Chinese are building, the models they are putting into operation, by 2030 they will have made up to 2,000 aircraft and will be at least as big if not bigger than the USAF.


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2014
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For now, yes, but for the future, US is losing its industrial capability fast. China's overtaking is just a matter of time.


These are all US ships under construction, and are buying new ships every year.


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2014
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The Kriegsmarine thought the same way. It is no coincidence that the US is considering its battle fleet more diluted and distributed, with various concepts of unmanned warfare, between ships and submarines.

Chinas naval production is being offset by the US massive expansion of land based fires. That includes PRSM, Typhon, NMESIS etc.


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Apr 16, 2024
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First, everyone can have their own opinion, second, the OP talks about numbers. with China's unrivaled industrial juggernaut, overtaking US air force and Navy in number is just a matter of time.
That was not some random opinion he is in the know. Yu celestials have no concept how far US is ahead in aircraft technology your fanboyism gets in the way of logic but luckily for Yu fanboys PLA is not dumb and knows how outclassed they are when compared to US military tech.

Years ago US sent a message to Russia and Chyna by flying aircraft, never seen before and never seen after, over a populated area in broad daylight at con altitude to make sure they were seen.

Not B21, B2 or UAVs but a whole new type of aircraft of any known program. NGAD and B21 program were known programs these are not.

Yu chinese are still wet behind the ears when it comes to stealth fighter capability and will never catch up. Yu are still children and think like children you hear J-20 is stealth and has AESA and automatically conclude it is equal or almost equal to F-35 and yu think that way because logic is not your strong suit when it comes to this topic. F-35 is not just stealth fighter but a flying super computer with the capability to take over and control the battle space picture in a conflict under high-tech conditions. I bet you didn't know the F-35 has E-virus capability, huh?

Yu chinese got a very small taste of what the US is capable of when it comes to EM realm when Pelosi flew to Taiwan and your J-16D and Type055 warship tried to track and jam her plane but failed because the J-16D and Type055 huge AESA antenna was jammed itself by US. Yu celestials are not in the same league and yu need to accept that.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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US fighters are superior to any Chinese fighter they can produce. The US aerospace industry is significantly ahead in areas like stealth and engine technology and has much more experience in real world operations.
So just the fighters and the bombers:


Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 23-06-43 List of active People's Liberation Army aircraft - Wikipedia.png

Naval Aviation

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 23-07-32 List of active People's Liberation Army aircraft - Wikipedia.jpg

US Air Force

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 23-09-37 List of active United States Air Force aircraft - Wikipedia.png

US Naval Air Force

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 23-11-05 List of active United States naval aircraft - Wikipedia.png

There's a huge amount of fighters used as trainers as well. I didn't include trainers for PLAAF and USAF,but I thought the US Navy's inventory is worth mentioning

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 23-11-26 List of active United States naval aircraft - Wikipedia.png

US Marine Corps

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 23-13-48 List of active United States military aircraft - Wikipedia.png

No idea if the Marines actually use all that or if they are stored,but anyway.
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Elite Member
Jun 18, 2014
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So just the fighters and the bombers:


View attachment 47345

Naval Aviation

View attachment 47347

US Air Force

View attachment 47348

US Naval Air Force

View attachment 47349

There's a huge amount of fighters used as trainers as well. I didn't include trainers for PLAAF and USAF,but I thought the US Navy's inventory is worth mentioning

View attachment 47350

US Marine Corps

View attachment 47351

No idea if the Marines actually use all that or if they are stored,but anyway.

The F-35A count is way off, as the Air Force has more than 400 active fighters


Oct 24, 2012
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So just the fighters and the bombers:


View attachment 47345

Naval Aviation

View attachment 47347

US Air Force

View attachment 47348

US Naval Air Force

View attachment 47349

There's a huge amount of fighters used as trainers as well. I didn't include trainers for PLAAF and USAF,but I thought the US Navy's inventory is worth mentioning

View attachment 47350

US Marine Corps

View attachment 47351

No idea if the Marines actually use all that or if they are stored,but anyway.
It's also worth notice that these are the aircraft that are in active service.

Congress have made funding available for 309th group to maintain at least 20% of their stock in Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, which mean at least 20% of those aircraft (mostly F-16, F-15 and A-10) and engine can be brought back to service when needed, and that number IIRC can be up to 50-55% if needed to be and funding was approved. Bear in mind there are currently over 4000 airframes with 309th group.

Read it somewhere that US can reactivate roughly 200 F-16 from that base (with IRR pilot to go with) in 3 months to boost the number.


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2023
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Dude,you're in Canada 😂
And Canada is not USA. You should know that by now. Every nation looks after their own INTERESTS FIRST. Even USA's allies. You think USA's allies love USA more than their own selves.


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Dec 24, 2023
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hegemonic buckets effect: An empire should have hegemony in six areas: industry, economy, science and technology, finance, military and culture. Once it loses one of these areas, it will continue to lose hegemony in the others:


In 1894, Britain was second in the world in industrial output, and Britain lost its industrial hegemony.
in 2010, the United States was second in the world in industrial output, and the United States lost its industrial hegemony.

In 1900, the UK had the second highest PPP in the world and the UK lost its economic hegemony;
in 2014, the US had the second highest PPP in the world and the US lost its economic hegemony.

In 1922, Britain was forced to sign the Washington Naval Treaty. Britain lost its military hegemony.

In 1939, a large number of European scientists left Europe. Britain lost its scientific and technological hegemony.

In 1944, the British pound lost its world currency status. Britain lost its financial hegemony.

In 1967, Hollywood became the global movie and television hegemony. Britain lost its cultural hegemony.
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Elite Member
Jun 18, 2014
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One can not even make a list of how many Chinese ships are being built, China is massively outbuilding US in ships is a known fact that even US easily admits.

The US builds with higher quality and more advanced capability. Who is the nation that can project naval power anywhere on the globe again?

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