Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

honestly every single Hezbollah commander is a marked man

Hezbollah does not have comms without comms you cannot coordinate a war

there has been a big security breach and since 2006 Israel could not really get to the Hezbollah leaders

now they have taken out the top 300 commanders even more

either there is informants or Israel simply is just way too good and intel or both

some have suggested that infiltrators wanting to extract revenge against Hezbollah for its support for Asad in Syria might be at play

but we simply dont know

It would not be just the infiltration by Israel, part of what is going on it seems, is some of the lebanese factions collaborating with israel ...
Hezbollah base is getting frustrated like Hamas base was/is. Not saying Iran can or should do anything or is capable. Just showing some of my earlier sentiments are being echoed because this is a brutal slaughter of civilians and it's hits differently when it's your people and home.

Lebanon is a highly divided nation. Hizbollah is the armed group of Lebanese Shia Muslims, who makes up around 31% of Lebanon population. Christians nake up 32-35%, Sunnis makes up 28-30% and Rest are Druze.

Lebanese army do not control the Shia areas of Lebanon & Israel is attacking Shia majority areas (south Lebanon, Southern suburbs of Beirut &Beqaa Valley), which is under Hizbollah control.

It is not the official policy if the Lebanese government to fight Israel for Gaza/Hamas. It was Hizbollah without the permission of Lebanese government who started the attacks on behalf of "axis of resistance" 11 months ago. So Lebanese army is just sitting this one out and watching.

I do not think Lebanese army will get involved ( in whatever limited way they can) unless Israel start attacking Sunni, Christian or Druze neighborhoods.

I see. Even so the sovereignty being violated is of Lebanon. Beirut is the capital attacks there should not be ignored even if it's Hizbullah majority it will not be good for the state in the future if the zionists start eying that land.
Hezbollah base is getting frustrated like Hamas base was/is. Not saying Iran can or should do anything or is capable. Just showing some of my earlier sentiments are being echoed because this is a brutal slaughter of civilians and it's hits differently when it's your people and home.

Time to wake up was months ago. Iran is a cowardly state that attacks its neighbors without warning and no reason yet it coordinates attacks on its enemy with the enemy's handler. Iran has been defeated without throwing a punch at least the Arabs tried to fight back in the past.
Honestly, this comes down to education. Educated people tend to focus more on the present situation and prioritize finding practical solutions. They approach problems with a logical mindset, aiming to resolve issues through thoughtful and constructive methods rather than getting caught up in emotions or past grievances.... and bring religious and other things.

The situation with Israel is quite different from that of other countries. Israel perceives itself as being in a highly vulnerable position, and as a result, prioritizes its security above all else. Their national policy is focused on proactively eliminating threats. When someone causes trouble for them, Israel often responds decisively, sending a clear message that they will not just talk or negotiate—they will act.

For Israel, offense is often seen as the best defense. They believe that by taking strong, immediate actions, they deter future threats and ensure their protection. This approach stands in contrast to other countries, which may prefer more diplomatic or restrained methods of handling conflict.
Israel is not any different then any other client states of the west. Not only it recognized as such by the region but also by rest of countries in the global south. Especially after oct 7/24. Same as Ukraine and Taiwan is. No one except Israel and US wants war in the region. But As that prevents OBOR project as well as regional cooperation btw sunni and Shia world.
I was merely saying what they parrot,I do not say that is true

That's a matter of will and resolve, their position is clear on that front

They are attempting to mirror the west, socially and culturally

That's why they are importing wwe, music concerts, clubs, sports events etc populist western gunk, minus the sport

They are doing an ok job tbh, football league is going, boxing too, .... Money can buy competence to a good extent

Which brings me back to my original point, they chose not to become competent because that was never the script

You are telling me after 40 plus years of oil money they have what indigenous strengths?

They were richer before china was rich, yet they switched their brains off for future planning... Sure ok.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Hanlon's razor.

They were content with their oil money, thinking they'll never run out, and the world would always need them.

Why develop industry when you can buy the product off the shelf? Give money to the citizens, and cheap oil, that way they'll never complain.

That was the logic.

It was stupidity.
Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza

We mourn the martyred leader Hassan Nasrallah and his brothers, and we offer our condolences and congratulations to ourselves, Hezbollah, the Lebanese and Palestinian people, the Arab and Islamic nation, and all the free people of the world.

- Nasrallah passed away to his Lord as a martyr, and his blood was mixed with the blood of the martyrs of the resistance in Palestine and on all the battle and support fronts on the road to Jerusalem in the most honorable and purest battle witnessed by the modern era. He is a man who led the resistance for decades and confirmed at every stage that he is with Palestine and Jerusalem.

The nation has lost an exceptional, stubborn, and steadfast resistance man, but his assassination will not weaken the resolve of the Lebanese resistance and the support fronts. Rather, we are certain that his blood will be a curse and a burden on the occupation and its supporters, and a light that illuminates the path for the resistance fighters towards Jerusalem and Palestine, just like all the previous martyr leaders who died and did not change anything in the battles to defend Palestine.

We affirm that the occupation will pay the price for its terrorist crimes, its war of genocide, and its aggression against Palestine, Lebanon, and all Arab and Islamic lands.

Hezbullah's main leadership is destroyed (though I have no doubt they'll get new leadership soon)
the rest of what you said is valid but this is not true

the majority of the Shura Council and the majority of the Jihad Council are alive. these are the highest bodies within Hezbollah
I think people in Lebanon are in shock. Also some people scared and maybe some people ran from their role. This happened in Gaza in 2008/2009 some fighters ran from battlefield using excuses. The real ones stayed and fought.

I would be shocked if Hezbollah is in shock from magnitude of Israeli war on Lebanon and willingness to carry it out. Because you should never trust any foreign diplomats or their chatter. When it comes to Hamas and Hezbollah, they are actively working to destroy them at all times. And after Hamas's operation, you should be in position to assume the worst. A surprise attack by Israel.
people are in shock but to have this kind of non-response would require total exodus of Hezbollah fighters. I really doubt that's the case. I am in contact with dozens of Shia Lebanese and they are grieving but not considering abandoning the battle or anything like that, their will to fight until the last of them is resolute
Who really gives a sh1t who you stand with? Your ilk are treated like toilet cleaners in the western world. You really think by appeasing the white man you will be accepted in the western world. Israeli don’t want you to stand next to them.
Indians like you ain’t fit to post on this thread
Hezbollah base is getting frustrated like Hamas base was/is. Not saying Iran can or should do anything or is capable. Just showing some of my earlier sentiments are being echoed because this is a brutal slaughter of civilians and it's hits differently when it's your people and home.

I am witnessing this too. some Lebanese Shia are even blaming Iran. but they are mostly young and emotional.

In my view, Hezbollah did not seek Iran's consent to enter the war on October 8th and is not reliant on Iran.

The Iranian view is split. The more religious IRI base wants a hard response to support Hezbollah. But the nationalist/liberal factions do not want Iran to go to war to rescue Hezbollah (some of them say we invested billions in Hezbollah precisely so we do not need to enter a direct war, and now they need us to rescue them?)

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